Protocol: Protect Peter Parker

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**Request for _Reading_Dragon_ where FRIDAY and Karen help Peter out while he's on a field trip. I love the AI's getting together to fight for Peter, I've not explored this idea a ton, but I'm thinking about writing a book where- STOP GIVING ME BOOK IDEAS GUYS IT'S TAKING OVER MY LIFE... In any case, enjoy!!**

Peter's head made contact with the table with a harsh thud. Clint and Sam had cleared the dishes just a few minutes ago, and it was a good thing, too. Peter's head would have landed right in the mashed potatoes if they hadn't.


"Why what?" Tony asked from his place at the head of the table. "Why is the food gone? I thought we were all done eating."

"Why me?" Peter says, shooting Tony a half-glare from where his cheek is pressed into the wood of the table. "Why do I always have these stupid things happen to me?"

Pepper offered the teen a sympathetic smile and Peter finally lifted his head. "I know it seems unfair, hun, but I really think you'll be okay. It's not like you'll see any of us, field trips usually just tour lower offices!"

"Exactly," Tony added. "Plus, the team has a mission, and I have-"

"We do?" Steve cut Tony off. "Since when?"

"Since I said you and the others have a mission." Tony didn't leave any room for argument, a clear message to Steve that this was less about an actually mission and more about keeping Clint away from Peter when he would be most tempted to tease the poor kid. "And I have a budget meeting. Pepper is out of town on business that weekend, and... And that's it. You're fine, Peter. It's not like anyone else is going to recognize you besides the receptionist downstairs!"

Peter just moaned and let his head fall back to the tabletop.


The dreaded day of the field trip came far too quickly for Peter, but the poor teen was so sleep deprived, he hardly noticed when he boarded the bus. It wasn't until Peter had finished his own travel mug of coffee and half of MJ's pre-packaged Starbucks Frappuccino that he started to perk up and realize they were almost at the Tower.

"We're almost at the Tower," he said stupidly, his voice almost sounding surprised.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you drive in this direction for 10 minutes," MJ snarked from behind Peter and Ned's seat on the bus. "That coffee really got you up and running, eh?"

Peter nodded a little, still stunned that they were this close to his ultimate doom.

The bus lurched to a stop outside the main doors of the Tower, and Peter took a deep, steadying breath before lining up behind Ned and in front of MJ to head into the Tower. Getting through the rotating doors took a little more than 10 minutes (they could only go through one at a time), but as soon as they were all inside, the teachers gathered everyone back up and counted to make sure no one had run off. Peter found himself getting pushed to the back of the class.

"Heh, ready for your stupid lie to be exposed, Puny Parker?" Flash sneered as they started to make their way through the lobby. Peter winced a little, but then-

Lights flashed and the alarms rang out through the entire lobby, making everyone startle. Peter could see Happy running towards the front doors, vaulting over the desks and security checkpoints in his way.

"FRIDAY, what's going on?" Happy asked, looking through the class until his eyes fell on Peter.

"I detected a threat to the Tower security." The AI's voice was devoid of the emotion she often used with Peter and the others, but Peter knew her better than that. There was something under her words, something almost like- "I believe there is a thief in our midst."

Anger. Peter hadn't heard Friday get mad in a long time, but he recognized the sound of her angry tone anywhere. Peter balked for a second. A thief? Who would-

Happy had spotted Flash in the group and recognized him from the few times he picked up Peter and seen Flash get in one more jab. "That's the one?" he asked amused.

"Indeed," FRIDAY said.

"I didn't steal anything!" Flash was panicking, his hands held over his head like he was surrendering. "I swear."

"Perhaps we could search him?" That was Karen, which was odd for a number of reasons.

Happy shot Peter a look, but didn't say anything. "Karen, I didn't know you were wired into the building."

"I may have forced a link between my program and the Tower's when FRIDAY alerted me to the thief in our midst."

"I didn't steal anything!" Flash said again, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

Happy looked sympathetic for a half-second before he cleared his throat pointedly. "I don't think he took anything, girls."

"I think he tried to hack out programs," Karen retorted.

"He has an unauthorized weapon on his person," FRIDAY said.

"He's wanted in three countries," Karen added.

"What?" Flash was staring up at the ceiling in panic. "I'm not- I didn't do anything! I haven't hacked anything! I'm not wanted!"

"You are now," Karen said, and Flash went even more pale.

Peter decided it was time to step in. "Karen, rescind whatever it is you just put out on him. You can't make things up, even if it is sweet."

Karen made a huff, and Happy scoffed a little. "Have you been working on the learning and personality codes?"

"Yeah, I updated both of them this weekend," Peter explained. "Wait, is this what you two learned today? To lie?"

"No," FRIDAY drawled, her voice giving way to the more friendly and personable voice Peter knew so well. "We learned how to protect the people we love today. He's not welcome here, and we needed to find something serious enough to get Boss to come down and-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Peter said, holding up his hands. "You called Tony out of a budget meeting over some made up thief?"

As if on cue, the elevators at the far end of the lobby opened and there was Tony Stark in all his glory. He strode through the lobby easily, his hands in his pockets as if he wasn't wearing a suit worth more than every kid's phone in the lobby combined.

"What's going on, baby girl?"

"Sir, I may have overstated the nature of this teen's crimes."

Tony scanned the class, spotting Flash in tears, and Peter next to him. He'd heard plenty from FRIDAY and Karen, and even Happy, about this Flash kid.

"You lied?"

"Peter updated our codes, Sir."

Tony laughed. "You taught the AI's to lie, Pete? I'm impressed. They certainly take after me more than you, though, I've never heard you tell a lie."

"Please don't be mad," Peter said quietly. "I didn't know they would call you out of a meeting, and they were just upset because he's a bully. I'm so sorry, Tony."

Tony just laughed. "It got me out of the worst meeting, Pete, you shouldn't be apologizing to me. Pepper will be pissed when she gets back though."

Peter paled at the thought, then seemed to brighten a little. "Wait, if you're out of that meeting now, can you come on the tour with me?"

Tony groaned. "Is this because I couldn't tell you where the staff vending machines were last week?"


"Fine," Tony said, rolling his eyes. "Oh, and Karen? Since you're here now, too, why don't you update the passes for the tour and we can show off Peter's lab upstairs."

The billionaire ignored Peter's grumbling and waved at the intern who was going to be the tour guide for today. "Let's get on with it, then."

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