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**Request for pll_rvd_lm_fan_ where Peter is the biological son of Pepper and Tony and attends a family reunion with Pepper. While there, there's an attack and Peter and Tony have to step up and save the day. Enjoy!**

"Do I have to wear this thing?" Peter tugged on his tie a little, but he didn't loosen it or tug it off. He knew it was important to his mom to go to the reunion and make a good impression. "I know you said it was formal dress, but this is seriously reminding me of some terrible meetings."

Tony gave a dry laugh. "He's got you there, Pep."

The red head just glowered at the two men. "Just a few more hours, hun, then you can take off the whole suit and run around in your Captain America boxers."

"Mom!" Peter's face was blushing hard. Tony just laughed.


The Potts family reunions were huge, and more than that, they were lavish. It was no secret that Pepper's parents were some of the richest doctors in the country, and that's exactly why they were so disappointed with Pepper's lifestyle.

As soon as Peter spotted the chocolate fountain, he was gone.

"I kind of expected that," Pepper admitted, but her voice had a tell-tale waiver to it. Tony slipped an arm around Pepper's waist and turned her to look at him.

"Where did you get this dress?"

"Oh- it was a birthday present. From you, actually."

"I have great taste."

"Are we doing sentimental now?" Pepper asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Just making sure you know how much I love you." Tony kissed her chastely, pulling away as they heard Peter calling for them. The teen had chocolate all over his mouth, and in his hand, a skewer with a marshmallow on the end. "We should probably join him. We both know he'll eat your parents out of house and home."

Pepper let her husband lead her over to the food. As people started to thin out, she caught a glimpse at who was at the table with Peter - her sister.

"Pepper!" Pepper's sister was a successful surgeon like their parents, and on this particular night, she was wearing a white coat over her dress. "I just came from the hospital, I feel so out of place."

"It's good to see you, Carolynn," Pepper said, straining a little. The last time they'd been in the same room together, Carolynn had stormed out of the room screaming about how marrying Tony was Pepper's worst mistake. "Peter, baby, wipe the chocolate off your face. Your father is going insane watching you."

Peter sheepishly wiped the chocolate from his face and looked up at his father. It was no secret Tony was on a diet now - something about getting old and having to fit in the Iron Suit.

"Oh! Is this your son? I didn't know he'd be here," Carolynn has smiling, but the expression didn't quite meet her eyes. Pepper had purposely kept Peter away from her family as much as possible - this was the first time he was seeing them since a Thanksgiving dinner nearly 7 years before.

"Yes, Peter's here with us," Pepper said.

Carolynn shot Peter a look, watching as Peter and Tony joked together for a bit, then leaned in towards Pepper. "Does he ever ask?"

"Ask what?"

"Ask why you had him before marrying Tony. I mean, don't tell her I told you, but Mom was convinced he wasn't Tony's when you told us. Only way to know for sure would be a paternity test," Carolynn's face betrayed a flicker of sick delight before she added "or if he started drinking like his father. But that's why you did it, right? You had Peter so Tony couldn't leave, so you could get up the corporate ladder?"

Pepper didn't even recognize her nails digging into her palms until her phone rang, pulling her away from her sister will a tight lipped smile and flared nostrils. "Hello?" It was the VP for the board of directors. "Selina, hi. Yes. Yes. No just move the Beijing trip back two days and have Cassidy come here. I don't care what he says, we aren't cancelling the summit for his kid's graduation. We can meet in the middle, if he wants, but- Yes, I know. You're doing great. Yep... yep. We'll be home in a few days. Bye."

Pepper snapped her phone shut and turned back to her sister. "Sorry about that, business never stops. We've got a multi-billion dollar deal in negotiations right now."

"Ah, yes. I forget sometimes that you went into the business world. It's so hard to imagine spending so much time on something without the payoff of holding a life in your hands."

Pepper opened her mouth again, but there was a harsh beeping to her left, and Pepper turned. It was Tony's watch. Tony looked up at her with a panicked smile. Before she could say anything, Peter lunged over the table and pulled Pepper down. Not a second later, the windows blew open and shattered glass rained down on the party.

"Dad, we've got to get them away from the building!" Peter was already flying towards the window, tapping his chest as his spidersuit unfolded and surrounded him. Pepper ignored the gasps of her family - no one knew Peter was Spiderman. Tony wasn't far behind, his own Ironsuit encasing his body from the chest plate he kept on his at all times.

"Can you get down to the ground and do some good intel mapping?" Tony was taking off to the skies, Peter swinging down to the ground floor.

"I'm on it."

Pepper pushed herself off the ground, dusting off her dress as best she could. The rest of her family were all rushing to the windows, curious as to what was going on. They watched in awe as Peter and Tony flew through the air. It became apparent soon enough that this was nothing more than a grudge match - some distraught man who'd lost his wife and child in a car accident and blamed the doctor on call - Pepper's father.

The fight lasted barely 10 minutes, and then Peter was flinging himself through the window to check on Pepper while Tony finished rounding up the last of the gang involved.

"Are you okay?"

Before Pepper could answer, her parents were there, pulling Peter away by the arm and shouting. "You ruined the party! You good for nothing-"

Pepper grabbed Peter back, and the teen shrunk into her arms. She was red-faced and livid, her eyes wild and aflame. "I cannot believe you people. We are nothing but nice to you, all of us, and you treat us- No! You are cruel to Peter, who has never done anything but- but- but- You are ungrateful, selfish, horrible people. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea."

Pepper hardly ever stuttered before, but this was pure rage, and in that moment, she didn't care about anything. "I never want to see any of you ever again."

Pepper was pulling Peter away then, towards the entrance of the building and out to where Tony was debriefing the police who had shown up mere minutes ago.

"We're leaving," the red head said fiercely, pulling Tony away. The older man made eye contact with Peter, who was still being pulled by Pepper's other hand, and they shared a look of fear and amazement as Pepper wove her way through police officers and her own family members who had been outside when the fight started, not sparing a single glance for any of them. It was honestly terrifying.

There's one rule in the Stark house: Never mess with Pepper Potts.

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