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**Request for seven-silence where Peter gets taken by some pretty nasty bad guys. When Tony finds out, he realizes just how much his "intern" means to him. Sorry for the delay, I had family and holiday stuff, I'm sure you all can relate. Enjoy!**

TW: Slightly more gory than some of my other one-shots, but not worse than my other books if you've read those. I wanted to put in a little warning for people since my other stuff was pretty tame.

Limp hair, damp from sweat and blood, hung over the teen's forehead. He was slumped forward, the chains holding his wrists holding him up. The boy's wrists were bloodied and bruised from where the metal cuffs had cut into his skin harshly.

It'd been days. It'd been weeks. It was hard to keep up hope when there wasn't much to begin with. After all, no one knew where Peter was, and he doubted Ned or May would think to call Tony. It was far more likely that Ned was spending time hacking security footage and traffic cameras and May was pacing the front room in panicked worry.

Long story short, Peter was on his own with this one. Odds weren't in his favor in the slightest, especially not after the torture he'd been under. The teen's body was weak and cold and being malnourished meant his metabolism wasn't healing as quickly as it should have been. By now, Peter was too weak and too banged up to fight back.

Speaking of...

The door slid open with a hiss and Peter's eyes flitted open.

These was a man in a uniform at the door, holding a tray of what Peter could only guess were instruments. Heavy, metal instruments.

It wasn't a moment later that another man, this time in a white coat, strolled into the room. He stopped to look over the tray as if he were looking over a menagerie of breakfast pastries or bagels. He moved his hand slowly over the cold metal, pursing his lips slightly.

The man in the lab coat smiled as his eyes wandered over a particular tool. It was a long piece of steel, curved and pointed at one end. It almost looked like something a dentist would use. Oh, God. Peter hated the dentist.

"Wakey, wakey, little Spider," the man in the lab coat cooed. Peter rolled his eyes, but found that even that was too tiring. His eyes were sore and dry.

"Little Spider, we've done just about all of the experiments, yeah? We did the blood tests and the biopsies. We did the limitations tests. How are you feeling, little Spider?"

Peter ran his tongue over his teeth, hoping for any moisture at all. He was dehydrated.

The insides of the teen's elbows were sore from near constant needles, and his chest, arms, and legs were raw and sore from the slices of flesh the man had collected over the course of his "tests". His left leg was badly broken, too, from the doctor's most recent strength tests, where he had put Peter under more and more weight until his leg had snapped. A bone was protruding from his thigh, dried blood trailing down his pale leg.

His left eye was swollen and bruised, the result from not cooperating properly, and his nose had been broken and reset multiple times, to test his healing.

His hands... There were 2 fingers missing, one for each time the boy had woken up from the anesthetic the doctor used on the second day.

The man came closer to the superhero, the metal tool glinting in the dusty light. Peter subconsciously shied away.

The man tsked. "Now, now, we've looked at just about everything else! It's time to get a look at those choppers!" The sickeningly sweet voice, the kiddish language, and the way the doctor cocked his head to the side made Peter cringe. This man wasn't nice. He wasn't good. He was evil.

"I'm just going to take a quick look," the man said. "Will you open your mouth nicely, or should I get the head guard?"

Peter shook his head faintly, pulling away from the man and against the cold wall.

The doctor scoffed, the sweetness from before gone. He turned on his heel and grabbed something from the tray. It was a sharp metal clamp, attached at the sides to leather straps. The man forced the metal into Peter's mouth, and the teen groaned at the taste of dried and old blood that came from the clamp. He was sure there would be more blood later, when the doctor was done.

Turning a key on the side of the clamp, the doctor forced Peter's jaws open despite the struggle the teen put up.

"Little Spider, which tooth should I start with?" The doctor tapped his tool against each tooth, watching Peter squirm.

"Let's start here."

Pulling the metal rod downwards, the doctor split the gums at the bottom of the teen's lower left molar. Blood filled the boys mouth, the only wetness he had felt in days. The doctor reached over to the tray and brought out a screwdriver-looking tool. He placed it at the base of the tooth.

With a single hop, the doctor placed all of his weight on the tool and a sickening snap rang out through the room. Peter screamed in pain as his tooth went flying.


Tony was in his workshop when he got the call. It was strange that Ned would be calling him, especially when the boy had finals. That was why Peter hadn't been over recently, right?


"Tony! I need your help. Right now."

Tony was in the suit and out of the Tower in seconds. The trip to Aunt May's apartment was quick when flying. Ned was waiting on the fire escape, his sweats rumpled and stained.

"What the hell are you wearing?"

The teen looked down at his outfit. "I've been busy, okay?"

Tony rolled his eyes with a smile. "Why'd you-"

"Peter went missing 9 days ago. I hacked most of the city's traffic lights and security cams, but I didn't have any luck. A tooth with Peter's DNA markers just popped up on the Black Market, and the seller was traced back to an abandoned medical office."

Tony wasted no time in getting there.


Peter heard the familiar sound of footsteps outside the door and shuddered. His mouth, which hung open, dripping with blood, was dry again, and he snapped it shut.

He didn't have the energy to fight anymore, so he didn't. He hung there, blood and sweat caking his hair to his forehead.

The doors slid open, but rather than the horrible, haunting, harsh voice of the doctor, Peter felt the chains on his wrists loosen and he fell forward into waiting arms.

"Peter, my, God."

Tony. Tony.

"Tony?" the teen asked, his words slurred and heavy with the blood and exhaustion.

"It's me. I'm going to get you out of here," Tony promised, holding the teen closer. Tony hated every drop of blood that fell into his lap. He hated the soft sobs he felt from Peter's body. He hated that he hadn't done more, sooner, faster.

The billionaire moved to get up, but Peter clung to him tighter.

"Hey, Underoos. I'm not going anywhere."

Peter didn't loosen his grip, though, so Tony sunk back to the floor and held the teen just as tightly as he was holding Tony.

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you again, bambi. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again."

And Tony meant it. Peter wasn't ever going to be just and intern again. He was Tony's kid. And he loved him, even if he didn't say it.

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