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**The Rogue Avengers are back and in for a shocking surprise. I had a good time with this one! Takes place after Civil War, but Morgan is already here. Enjoy!**

Natasha Romanoff looked up at the Tower. It was shining in that cold, winter sun, reflecting light into the superhero's eyes. She'd been a lot of different people in her life, but her favorite people to be had always been part of the Tower.

It was hard going back, especially after what happened. It was made only harder by the people standing next to her.

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers looked up at the Tower, squinting.

"Better go in, then," Clint said from Natasha's other side. "No reason to mull around out here in the cold."

The little band of superheroes- well, ex-superheroes, headed into the lobby of the Tower, each one silently praying that alarms would start blaring as soon as they stepped through the doors. They didn't, of course, and they all knew that they had a right to be at the Tower now, but it was still nerve wracking.

"Mr. Rogers and party, welcome. You will be meeting Boss on the 77th floor conference room. Please proceed to the elevator." FRIDAY's voice rang through the lobby, startling the group. It'd been a while since they had heard FRIDAY address them.

"Thank you," Steve said after a second.

The team made their way to the elevator, taking in the Tower's appearance. It had been remodeled in the last year. Smooth, stainless steel and glass was everywhere, from the doors and windows, to the sleek coffee tables and the desk where the receptionist was. The walls were a pale grey, and the chairs around the waiting area matched. Clearly, this was all Pepper. Tony would have made them bright red or something.

Heading up to the 77th floor, everyone was starting to get a little nervous. I mean, this would be the first time they saw Tony in a year. After they'd run from him, fought him, nearly killed him. It wasn't going to be easy to make things right.

The doors slid open with a ding and the small band of ex-supers headed down the hall. The conference room was pretty large, large enough to fit everyone, but it was so cold. So professional.

"I thought we'd be up in the penthouse," Sam mumbled. Natasha smacked his arm.

"Be grateful for what Tony has already done for us."

Steve scoffed. "Yeah, but Clint has a point. We'll be staying here for a while, so I just assumed we'd be in our old rooms."

"That doesn't mean Tony  has to let us up there right now. We gotta give him time." Surprisingly, it was Bucky who spoke up for the billionaire. "He's doing a lot for us."

Everyone sat in silence, waiting for their old friend to show up. He was already a few minutes late.

"FRIDAY, will Bruce or Rhodey be joining us today?" Natasha asked.

"No, I'm afraid Bruce is lecturing at NYU this afternoon, and Rhodey accompanied Pepper out of the house for groceries and errands."

Everyone grumbled about that. It was like no one even cared they were coming home. It was like they had a whole separate life now. After another 10 minutes, and still no sign of Tony, Steve got impatient.

"FRIDAY, where is Tony?"

"Tony is currently in the penthouse."

"That's it!" The super-soldier slammed his hands onto the table. "I''m not just going to sit here and wait forever." Everyone looked over at him. "To the penthouse, then. We'll take the meeting to him."

Natasha opened her mouth to argue, but one look from Steve shut her up. She wasn't into arguing pointlessly, and there was no way Steve was backing down right now.

The group of 5 marched back to the elevator, each one thinking about what was waiting for them upstairs.

"What's the betting he's got a beer in his hands?" Clint joked.

"Absolutely zero," Natasha smirked. She knew Pepper and Tony had been trying again, before the whole thing with Steve and Bucky.

The elevator doors slid open with a ding, and Steve stepped out, the others following him. It was a cramped space, and Natasha found herself stuck behind her Clint.

The penthouse was, for lack of a better word, a mess. Shoes were haphazardly piled up by the doors, a backpack leaning against the wall. A stack of books, some textbooks, were stacked on the table at the end of the hall. A small teddy bear lay slumped on the floor.

"Peter, can you please get the bottle?" Tony's voice came tumbling out of the kitchen.

"Sure!" A bubbly voice, definitely a teen's, replied. There was the sound of a fridge opening and closing, and then, the rogues heard something they never would have expected, not in a million years.

"Fai la ninna, fai la nanna
con'sto fialio non c'è più pace
Fai la ninna, fai la nanna
pupo bello della mamma
Ninna oh, ninna oh
Lo daremo alla Befana
Che lo tenghi una settimana
Lo daremo all'omo nero
Che lo tenghi l'anno intero" It was so clearly Tony, from the way the voice shook at the low, long notes, to the way the Italian l's and n's rolled off his tongue. 

"Why can't we just sing her the one about the sun's kiss?"

"You don't know that one," Tony chuckled. "Besides, I think she likes La ninna, La nanna better. You liked it when you were a kid."

There was no response from the kid, instead, there was another verse of the lullaby, this time sung by both Tony, and the teen.

"Ninna oh, ninna oh
Fai la ninna, fai la nanna
pupo bello della mamma
Lo daremo alla Befana
Che pazienzia che ci vo
Ninna oh, ninna oh
Fai la ninna, fai la nanna."

The kid's Italian needed a little work, but it was so beautiful and sweet, like Tony's. After a few seconds, there was a hushed whisper. "Alright, I think she's done. Can you put her down? I was supposed to be in a meeting about 20 minutes ago."

Tony came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. "Why'd you all come up here?"

"You were late." Steve said simply.

Tony nodded. "I was putting my daughter down for a nap, Peter just got home from school."

"How is he?" Natasha asked, poking out from behind Clint.

"Good, just won a science fair and his Decathalon competition. He'll be excited to see you." The others looked between Natasha and the billionaire.

"You have a son? And you never told us."

Tony nodded and opened his mouth, but Natasha cut him off. "He's Tony's spitting image, and just as smart, too. Very sweet, learned how to braid hair just for me."

Tony chuckled. "Yeah, he was super excited when we found out about Morgan so he'd have little girl hair to do."

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

"You named your daughter Morgan?" Clint asked.

"Morgan Natalia, actually."

Natasha pretended there wasn't tears in her eyes, but there were.

"You've got a whole little family now, don't you?"

Tony smiled softly. "I do."

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