Domestic Affairs

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**Tony just moved the rest of the team into the Tower and they're surprised to find it incredibly "lived in". I love the troupe of "rogue Avengers discover Tony's secret son", but I didn't want to do another rogue story, so this takes place when the team first moves into the Tower post-SHIELD dissolving. It's short and sweet, I just wanted to give y'all an 'aw' moment. Enjoy!!**

Tony raced around the living room, stuffing toys and books under his arms as he frantically tried to clean everything up. He only had 10 minutes before they'd be here, and he wanted the penthouse to be presentable.

The play pen, the billionaire thought suddenly, turning to the play pen in the corner. It'd take too long to take it apart, and it was too wide to go down the hall, so he threw a blanket over it, hiding it from view.

A teddy bear slipped from under the man's arm, and with it went to set of blocks and the Pokey Little Puppy book. The toys and books clattered to the floor.

Tony was trying to pick them back up, his body half-bent over while still balancing the other toys in his arms, when the elevator dinged and the team of superheroes came into the living room.


The man looked up, letting his son's things fall out of his arms and standing up. "Hey. You guys are early."

"Surprised you're not late," Steve quipped, but it wasn't mean. It was just a little jab, friendly and joking.

"Heh," Tony chuckled, a smile on his lips. "I'm just picking up real quick, sorry."

The Avengers watched their friend gather things back into his arms and took off down the hall, the sound of a door opening and closing again giving the team time to talk to one another.

"Were those kids books?" Clint asked.

"Judging by the stuffed animals and toys," Natasha said, picking up a little froggy toy Tony had missed with 2 fingers and moving it to the coffee table. "I'd say there was a kid living here."

Steve furrowed his brow. "A kid? Tony's kid?"

"Wonder who the mother is," Bruce mused. He wasn't judging, he was just genuinely curious. It had been a while since the team had seen Tony, and the last time they saw him, he was just settling down with Pepper. Just starting to get things together.

"A baby!" Thor boomed, his face lighting up. "It has been a long time since I saw a small human!"

"Probably Pep," Steve said, ignoring the God's outburst. "Tony may have been wild as a kid, but he'd never cheat. He isn't that kind of person."

Everyone nodded softly, each one thinking about things. This was different. This changed things, this wasn't just the home base. This was home.

"Boy or girl?" Bruce said suddenly.


"Do you think its a boy or a girl?"

Natasha smiled "A boy."

Clint crinkled his nose. "It has to be a girl. Tony was raised with that whole 'Stark men are made of Iron' bull, there's no way he's spoil a son this much. It has to be a little princess."

Bruce smiled over at the red headed assassin. "I think it's a boy, too."

Just then, there was the sound of several things falling and a soft grunt of frustration from the room Tony had disappeared into. Everyone looked up and down the hall.

Steve sighed. "Why would he invite us here if there was a baby? We're not exactly kid-safe people, and this Tower basically has a target on the top of it now."

"It'll be fine," Clint said, waving his hand lazily. "Back on the farm we just make sure to lock up every night, and my weapons are kept in a massive gun safe. You just keep the kids away from the sharp stuff and install a panic room."

"Not that easy, Clint," Bruce said. "Huge difference between your super secret farm and the Tower in the middle of New York where we are all very publicly staying."

"I will not let anything harm the small Stark," Thor assured, his hand tightening on his hammer. "I would die for them first."

Tony wandered back into the room just then and spoke up, startling everyone. "If you think for a second I haven't been thinking about safety measures already, you're insane." After a minute, he added " I appreciate your dedication, Thor, it means a lot to me."

The short man padded over to the kitchen, calling over his shoulder as he pulled open the fridge to get the milk. "The Tower was redesigned before I even offered this place as a headquarters, we have state of the art security, and the penthouse is fitted to completely shut down if a threat is identified. Steel windows and doors, the whole thing."

The team watched as he prepared some formula, splitting it into two bottles. He checked it on the inside of his arm, making sure it was the right temperature.

"Be right back." The billionaire set both bottles down and headed back down the hall.

"Two?" Steve whispered.

Clint shrugged. "Maybe the kid is fussy and will only take half at a time?"

Before anyone else could say anything, Tony was back, two little bundles in his arms.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my boys. This here is Peter, and this one's Harley."

The team gathered around excitedly, each one excited to meet not 1, but 2 of Tony's sons.

Peter looked up at them, wide doe eyes like Tony's. He had a small tuft of brown hair, a little curl falling over his forehead. He was the spitting image of his father.

And then there was Harley, who sported lighter brown hair, and blue eyes like Pepper's. He had less hair than his brother, and lacked any curl at all.

"Hi," Bruce whispered, careful to not scare them.

"You're a beautiful pair of boys," Natasha cooed, surprising everyone. Tony moved one of his arms, gesturing to the woman that she could hold one of them if she wanted. Natasha reached out and gently cradled Peter to her shoulder, cooing and bouncing lightly as he started to fuss.

"Hand me a bottle," she said to Clint, who was closest to the kitchen counter.

Steve watched her feed the baby gently while Tony fed the other, Bruce and Clint looking over his shoulder in excitement. Maybe this would be just fine. These boys made this Tower a home. It gave Tony a reason to fight to get back home. It made the reality of the team's purpose so much more real.

"Hi, boys," Steve whispered, when both of the boys were fed and burped and laying on the couch. "I'm your Uncle Steve."

**A/N: I just wanted to let you know that I love reading comments from you all, and it honest to goodness makes me smile when I see your kind words pop up. Y'all brighten my day, lol. Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book (and the others) and I'm so thankful! Hope you enjoyed some soft, kind, sweet Avengers!**

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