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**It came to me while streaming old Disney movies. This one was definitely a favorite of mine to write! This one's a little shorter than my others, but I think its cute. Enjoy, and please vote and comment!!**

When Morgan Stark was 18 months old, she went missing. It wasn't for long, just 3 days, but Tony and the rest of the team were out of their minds with worry the entire time. Tony thought it was for ransom, of course, but Rhodey's first thought had been HYDRA. Everyone scoured and hacked government sites, security cameras, and traffic lights. There was no trace of her, though, and it was practically killing Tony, Pepper, and Peter.

Peter was as upset as his parents. He loved Morgan and all of her antics. He loved when she babbled incoherently, and he loved playing hide and seek with her, and he loved how she giggled when Clint of Sam got hurt.

As soon as Peter heard that Morgan was missing, he called Ned and MJ, and they rushed over to help, working along side the rest of the team to try and track the girl down.

And then, one day, she was back. Just like that, she was back in her room. Peter heard something, or someone, thump out of bed one night and rushed to the room down the hall from him. Pushing open the door, a little ball went rolling across the wooden floors and stopped at the pink and white rug under the bed.

"Morgan?" Peter called, softly, so as not to wake anyone else if it was just a false alarm.

There, standing in the doorway of her closet, was Morgan, still clad in her over-sized pink tee-shirt (a hand-me-down from Wanda) and little grey shorts.

"Kitty?" The little girl cocked her head to the side, staring into the dark closet with interest and confusion.

"Morgan!" Peter couldn't help but run the his sister and scoop her up in a hug. She was safe, she was home!

There was a clatter in the hall. Peter's yell had woken the others, and in a second, Tony and Pepper were at the door. Pepper's hair, which had been swept into a bun at the top of her head, was messy and stuck out in every which way. Tony was wearing yesterday's clothes, wrinkled and stained with motor oil.


The two parents rushed to their son, pulling their daughter into their own arms. The rest of the team was there soon enough, each one pulling Morgan into their arms and checking her over for any signs of injury.

"Where were you?" Tony asked, forgetting for a moment that his 18 month old daughter couldn't exactly explain it well.

"I wa da clos! Ta-ta eeno Kitty!" Morgan pointed a small finger at the closet and jumped a couple times.

"The closet?" Pepper got up to look inside the small space. Nothing but toys and some clothes.

The family wrote it off as Morgan being confused. She was still a baby, after all. It was doubtful she knew what had really happened.

But Peter knew. Peter knew something had happened, and Morgan knew what, even if it was buried in her baby brain. So he did the one thing he knew might work. He gave her some paper and crayons the next morning.

Morgan grabbed at them excitedly, her chubby fist clenched around the purple crayon as she scribbled on the paper.

"Morgan," Peter whispered. "What happened?"

The little girl looked up at her brother, cocking her head to the side. "A mmbad-aba!"

She held up her half done drawing. It was a purple... snake? A snake with big eyes, and 8 legs.

"Who's that?"

"A mmbad-aba!"

The little girl dropped the crayon, then got a big blue one. She scribbled again, then showed to Peter, shoving it in his face. "Kitty!"

Peter furrowed his brow at the picture of what appeared to be a blue bear with horns. "Morgan is that what took you? Is that who you were with?"

The little girl nodded excitedly. "Kitty!" She got up and toddled excitedly to her room, Peter following close behind. When they got to her room, the little girl pulled open her closet door with both hands, and jumped into the closet. "Kitty!"

Peter starred at the closet in sudden realization. "Were those pictures the monsters in your closet?"

Morgan nodded excitedly.

The teen sighed. She was clearly confused, the team was right. She had no idea what happened.

That didn't mean Morgan didn't get up every morning and every night before bed to check the closet and call for her 'kitty'. Tony and Pepper, who were just as confused by the behavior as Peter was, even thought about getting a cat to make her happy. It was heartbreaking watching her work herself up every night to look for her kitty, only to have her face fall and she would cry and Tony or Pepper would hold her until she calmed down.

After a while, though, she stopped. Her search for the kitty eventually stopped, and Morgan was able to go to bed without double and triple checking her closet. After a few months, she even stopped drawing pictures of the strange looking snake and the big, blue bear.

And then, about a year after she had gone missing, when she has learned her words and spoke more clearly, there was a thump.

Peter woke with a start, his eyes darting around his room. It was dark, but he could make out general shapes. Something had woken him up.

The teen strained his senses, trying to pick up on something that would have woken him up.

Creak. Patter.

That was Morgan's room! The closet door creaked, and Morgan's little feet always made that soft pattering noise.

What is she doing up at this hour? Peter thought to himself, shaking the blankets off his legs and getting up.

Making his way down the hall, the brunet was careful not to wake anyone else up. He didn't want them knowing Morgan was back to the closet thing. He pushed the door open gently and poked his head through.


The little girl was over by the closet again, but this time, the door was open, and a large, furry, blue, horned bear was looking back at Peter.

The teen couldn't help but startle backwards. "Holy shit!"

Morgan giggled at her brother, who was sitting on the ground, rubbing his rump. "Kitty!"

The blue bear thing came through the door and into the dim light that came through Morgan's window. "James P. Sullivan," he said in a deep voice, holding his hand out for Peter to shake. "My friends call me Sully."

"Peter," the teen said numbly. "I'm Morgan's brother."

"Morgan? Oh, you mean Boo."

Peter chose not to comment on that. "You took her a year ago, then? Why?"

Sully's face was drawn up in confusion. "Took her? Oh, no that was Randall! I helped her get back, but it wasn't easy. Everyone was looking for her, and not to help her."

Peter nodded. "Then I owe you thanks. Morgan means a lot to all of us."

"She meant a lot to me, too."

"Hey," Peter interjected suddenly, a thought crossing his mind. "Is this Randall guy purple? Looks like a snake with 8 legs and huge eyes?"

"Yeah, that's him," the monster chuckled. "She draws pictures of him."

Peter nodded.

"Well, I just wanted to see her one more time. I missed her."

Peter smiled. "You're welcome any time you want to check on her," he said. "Kitty."

Morgan giggled from where she stood, then rushed into Sully's leg and hugged him tightly. "Kitty, go night night now!"

With that, she climbed back into bed, and Peter tucked her into the thick, plush covers. Turning back around, Peter looked over to Sully. "Thank you," he mouthed.

Sully nodded, and backed out of the door, but not before he heard one more thing from Boo.


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