Goodbyes and Greetings

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**Request for galaxy_404 where Morgan and Peter are fighting the baddies, but things don't go as planned. this one is kind of a sequel to the "Takes One To Know One" one-shot I did a while back, but Tony's... well, Tony isn't with us anymore. I promise it'll make sense, but it is so sad :( In any case, enjoy!**

"I told you... Not... To follow me," Morgan grunted between blows.

"And I... Told you... I don't miss the... action," Peter grunted back, webbing a gun away from one of the gang members. He leaped backwards, dodging a couple hits and flinging his wrists out to web another gang member against the far wall.

"Well... I think... I can handle... myself," Morgan retorted. She lifted a hand and shot a blast of lasers.

Peter didn't have time to respond, so he just focused on his work. The young man had been tracking his gang base for months after seeing them take out a whole group of school kids in a drive by. They had been aiming for the laundry mat front for a rival gang, but got the kids instead. Nothing made that okay to Peter.

He webbed another gun away from a tall, bulky man and yanked backwards. Catching it in his free hand, the Spiderling whipped around and pistol whipped another baddie.

"Karen," he huffed out. "Where are the police?"

Normally Peter and Morgan didn't rely on the police to be their back up, but this was a special case. This was a massive bust. This was going to put a real dent in New York's crime and, more than that, this was too big for even the superhero duo.

"Can you call..." Peter paused, thinking. Who could he call? "Can anyone you can."

The AI gave a word of agreement, and Peter got back to focusing.

Morgan dodged some bullets and a few punches, then shot a wide spray of lasers at the crowd of gang members surrounding her.

Her sudden gasp of pain made Peter whip around, and he dove over the crowd between himself and his sister. She was on the ground, her leg bent at a funny angle even through the metal armor.

"Isn't that stuff supposed to be bullet proof?" Peter asked, picking the girl up bridal style and dodging bullets.

"I did my chest plate, I just haven't gotten to the rest yet."

Peter scoffed and webbed his way up the side of a building and began to swing away. "Hold on," he told the teen before he catapulted into the air and began to swing away.

Morgan didn't say much as they swung around the city, finally landing in a little ally.

Peter tapped his watch and let his suit retract from around him. Morgan did the same and quickly applied pressure to her leg. Peter tore off part of his shirt and tied it tightly around the girl's thigh, ignoring her wince of pain. He just had to stop the bleeding.

"You didn't have to stop fighting all together," Morgan whispered. "You could have kept going and I would have flown away."

Peter didn't say anything.

"I mean it, Pete. You don't have to keep swinging in to save me all the time."

"I do, though," Peter said quietly. He was trying to stay calm, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. He'd had this conversation with Morgan so many times.

"You don't! I know how to tie a tourniquet, I know how to get out of scrapes, I know how to-"

"Stop it, Morgan!" Peter cut the teen off. "I know you can take care of things, I know you can clean up wounds, hell, I know you know how to get out of bad situations! But you don't need to do it alone, okay?"

Morgan hadn't heard her brother this intense about something in a while.

"Peter," she started.

"Morgan, I promised I'd look after you, okay?" Peter brought doe eyes, hardened by crime and loss and pain, up to Morgan's chocolate eyes. "Dad told me to look after you. I promised I would. It was the last thing I ever told him, and I will never forget that promise."

Morgan didn't know that. "I didn't know... I thought you told Mom the last thing you said was 'I love you.'"

"I used my 'I love you' minutes on you." Peter didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but...

"Morgan, you were the most important thing to Dad. I know he loved me and Mom and Harls, but you were his favorite. You were all the things he loved about Mom, and all the smarts, and all he ever wanted was a daughter.

"I loved Dad so much and he knew that. He didn't need to hear it anymore. He needed to hear that I would keep an eye on you while you were heroing around the city, okay?"

Morgan nodded, trying not to think too much about her Dad. "I miss him."

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but his super-hearing picked something up from down the ally. "Morgan, stay here." He said, standing up slowly. Morgan was nestled behind some dumpsters, enough that she'd be out of sight.

"Peter, what is it?"

Peter held up a hand and put a finger to his lips. Morgan nodded, and the young man started inching closer to the mouth of the ally.

"-Give me all your cash, dimwit!"

Peter peeked around the corner of the wall coming face to face with a mugger. He had some guy in a suit at gunpoint.

"Hey," Peter said loudly. "You don't want to be doing this, pal."

The mugger scoffed. "Yeah, and who are you to be telling me that?"

The mugger turned his attention back to the man at the end of his gun.

"I said cash, buddy."

Peter inched closer, his hand outstretched to the gun. "Give me the gun, man."

"Fuck off."

Peter lunged, there was a bang, Morgan heard it. She heard screams and shouts, and she heard someone yell 'call 911'.

She pulled herself up from the ground and stumbled towards the main street. There was a crowd of people, none of them were Peter.

"Peter?" The teen craned her neck, catching a glimpse of curly brown hair on the concrete. "Peter!"

She pushed her way into the crowd and collapsed by the young man. "Peter!"

Brown eyes fluttered open and searched Morgan's face. "Morgan... I told you to stay put..."

"I know, but..." Morgan's eyes drifted down to the red seeping over Peter's shirt.

"Morgan, look at me." Peter grasped for a hand. She squeezed back tightly. "I love you. I love Mom. I love Harls. You gotta tell them, okay?"

"I love you, too," Morgan whispered through tears.

"Morgan, one more thing. I need you to take Harls into my room. There's a letter in the top drawer of my desk for him. He has to read it. He has to." Morgan nodded along as Peter's breathe became ragged and broken. His eyes began to flutter shut.

"I love you," he said, his hand going limp. Morgan tried not to lose it, but she couldn't help but fall forward and let sobs rack her body. People were called, the police and medics took Peter, they called Pepper. They called Harley.

Peter watched it all happen, his vision growing fuzzier with every moment. Finally, he was somewhere new, entirely white and blinding and beautiful. When his eyes adjusted finally, he saw that he was on the beach. The beach where he'd saved his Dad's plane all those years ago.

"Peter?" THe young man spun around to see where the voice was coming from.


Peter ran down the beach, tripping every few steps in his hurry to get to his father. When he finally reached him, he grasped forward, falling into a hug he'd been craving for months.

"Hey, Bambi... Hey, what are you doing here?"

Peter's face was wet with tears as he looked up at his father. "I tried to look out for her, I tried, but he had a gun and-"

Tony cut his son off with a tight hug and a kiss to the forehead. "You did fantastic, Peter. You did everything I asked you to and more."

Peter couldn't hold back his sobs at that point. Tony just held him, letting the young man get it all out. When Peter finally sniffled and caught his breath, Tony pulled out of the hug and looked down at Peter's face. The older man ran a thumb over the boy's cheek.

"Let's go catch up, okay?"

Peter nodded, and Tony began to lead him off the beach.

"Peter," he said after a while. "What did you put in the letter? The letter you told Morgan about."

"Just 4 words. 'Take care of her'."

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