Forgotten pt. 2

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**First of all, omg, I am finally done with finals and so happy and just got the time and head-space to finish up these requests omg. Request for N40m1i. I'm a sucker for Soft!Loki, haha. Anyways, this picks up shortly after the whole ordeal in the first part, so this will be Peter and Loki getting closer and Peter defending him. Enjoy!!**

Peter woke up with a start. He wasn't sure why his Spider sense was going off, but it was.

Looking around his room, the teen's eyes dilated rapidly, trying to adjust to the darkness. There, in the corner, was a shadowy figure. Peter jumped out of bed and crouched in a fighting position.

"Who's there?" he asked, his voice commanding and unwavering. Years of being a superhero, and Clint's near constant surprise pranks, had made Peter pretty suspicious of dark people looming in his bedroom.

"Calm, child." Loki didn't even raise his hands in defense. He knew Peter wouldn't hurt him when he recognized the voice.

"Loki," Peter sighed. "You scared me."

"My apologies," the God said, bowing his head slightly. Peter tapped the lamp on his bedside table a couple times and blinked as the light came on.

"What's up?"

Loki looked at his hands for a moment and cocked his head to the side. There was a moment of silence, which Peter knew was important somehow.

"Do you think the others will ever forgive me?"

It was just a simple question, and usually Peter was good at answering questions, but this one had him stumped.

"I-" Peter started. "I honestly don't know."

At that, Loki's eyes seemed to dim, and Peter knew he was miserable. The teen patted his bed, inviting the God to come and sit.

"Why can't they forgive me?"

Peter slung an arm around the God, bringing him into a side hug. "Well, they all have a hard time with forgiveness. After so much pain and tricks and cruelty, I think they just... They kind of expect it? And then when you did bad things, they got scared, and it was weird to have you forget all of that. 'Cause then they just seemed like jerks because you were didn't know what you had done to make them so scared in the first place."

Loki nodded. "I understand that, then. Mortals seem to have fragile emotions. Not you, though."

Peter smiled. "I don't think it's fair to blame someone for things they don't know they did. And you said sorry, and you are so much nicer now!"

Loki chuckled.

"You do sometimes get mad when I use the plus 4 cards in Uno, but that's actually very human of you, so I think that's good. And then the other day you let me braid your hair so I could practice for MJ, and-"

The god cut the teen off. "I think you're too forgiving, young Peter."

"Absolutely not," Peter fired back. "I'm not too forgiving. I didn't have anything to forgive, really. I was too young to remember the fight of New York, and I barely remember anything from the fight when you got hit, so I don't really have to forgive you. Besides, people who are really sorry for things are good under all the past bad stuff."

"See this is what I am talking about."

The two sat quietly for a second before Peter slid down and put his head back on his pillow.

"Stay the night here, I need to get some sleep before tomorrow morning's run."

Loki smiled lightly. He didn't mind staying with Peter. His bed was massive, and soft, and the teen was ridiculously warm. He radiated heat. It was comfortable.


The morning came far too early, and Peter found himself being shaken awake by his Uncle Steve.

"Morning run, Pete."

The teen nodded slowly and blinked a few times. Rolling over, he stretched and was surprised to see Loki curled up on the far edge of the bed.

"Uncle Loki," Peter whispered. "I have to go for a run."

The god just shooed the boy away and snuggled further into the covers.

Peter got dressed and skidded out to the hall. "I'm ready, I'm ready, hold the elevator!"

Steve, Bucky, and Sam were all waiting for the teen, each one looking a little tired and a lot annoyed with Peter's lateness.

The four rode down the elevator in silence, none of them feeling awake enough to talk just yet. Well, none of them except Steve, who was babbling about some heath drink he was going to have when he got back to the tower.

"Steve, please, for the love of all things holy in this world, stop talking about spinach smoothies," Bucky snapped. Steve grunted softly, but didn't say anymore.

Cold air prickled at the boys faces as they made their way outside. It was still pretty dark for 5am, but the soft light of dawn was beginning to peek over the skyscrapers of New York City.

For the first half mile or so, no one said anything, but by the whole mile mark, everyone was feeling warmed up and much more awake.

"Peter," Steve started. "Why was Loki in your room this morning?"

The teen smiled fondly at the mention of the God. "He came to see me last night and I guess he fell asleep."

Sam scoffed. "I don't know why you let him hang around so much."

Bucky let out a huff of air in agreement. "You should be careful with him, Pete. He's not a good guy."

"He is a good guy, Buck," Peter argued through puffs of air. "He's funny and kind. And he's sorry for everything, he told me himself."

Bucky sent Steve a look behind Peter's back. The super solider pursed his lips for a moment.

"We're just worried about you, son. Loki is a master at manipulating people. You could get really hurt hanging around him."

"You're all being pretty mean," Peter said.

Same scoffed again. "We're really not. I wish you could see the truth about that God."

Peter looked down a side street and over to the main road it connected to. He could probably circle back to the Tower that way.

"I'll see you guys at home," the teen muttered, rushing down the side street and back home.


Peter and Loki were leaning against the kitchen island while Tony made pancakes and coffee when Steve, Bucky, and Sam returned from the run.

"Coffee in the pot," Tony said, flipping the pancakes on the griddle.

Sam and Bucky both moved to the coffee, but Steve started pulling things out of the fridge for a smoothie.

"Good run?" Loki asked.


Tony looked over to his son, who was pushing his food around on his plate. "Why'd you come back early, Bambi?"

"Wanted breakfast with Uncle Loki."

The whole kitchen went quiet for a moment as everyone processed what the teen had said. Peter had never called Loki 'uncle' in front of company before.

"I don't-" Steve began, his face contorting into the PSA lecture look.

"Hey, I'm here, too," Tony said with a chuckle.

Peter smiled, as did Loki. At least one person was on their side.

Bucky sent Steve a look. If Peter was okay with him, and Tony trusted him, maybe...

"So Loki," Bucky said. "Tell me more about Asgard."

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