"Pleasure To Meet You" pt. 2

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**Before I get into things, I want to say sorry for being so inactive! I had so much with holidays and family stuff and all that. Now on to the good stuff. Request for N40m1i - Basically, this is going to be the meeting between Peter and the rogues. We stan a sassy Peter ;) Anyways, yeah. Enjoy!**

Peter paced in his room, nerves starting to really get to him.

It's no big deal, the teen thought, running a hand through his hair just like his father did when he was stressed or thinking hard about something. It's fine. They're just a team of superheroes who almost killed my father. Superheroes who almost killed me. Superheroes who I hate and can't stand.

"Peter," FRIDAY said, interrupting the teen's thoughts. "Your father asked me to tell you to come out to the living room."

"Be right there," Peter mumbled. This was it. This was the big moment.

Closing his eyes, the brunet took a deep breath and tried to relax as much as possible. He needed to calm down. He needed to go out there with a level head so he didn't go nuts and attack someone.

Peter looked in his mirror, pulling at the hem of his sweater. This was it.


Natasha and Rhodey were on the couch, watching Tony pace in the living room. This was it.

"What if they get snippy or say something mean?"

"To you? Or Peter?" Natasha asked with an eye roll. "What could they possibly do? We're in the tower."

"I don't know, they could say something about him, or me, or the fight, or-"

"Dad?" Tony was cut off by his son, who had just come into the room. He had a hand in his hair, making the billionaire smile a little.


"A little." Natasha laughed softly and stood up to ruffle the brunet's hair. "It'll be fine, паук. They are nothing to be scared of, you've already fought them once. And, to be completely honest, Clint is a total dad and will bend under your adorableness."

Peter shrugged, and let his dad pull him in for a side hug. "They'll be up soon."

As if on cue, the elevator dinged and the team of rogue Avengers came parading into the room.


Steve took a quick survey of the penthouse. It was different than the last time he'd been there, and his eyes landed on a photo on the wall. A photo of Tony with a baby, his finger poised over the infant with a little smile on his lips. There were textbooks stacked on the dining table, and a lunch box on the kitchen counter with Star Wars characters. Scuffed up sneakers were kicked off into the corner of the room, next to Tony's dress shoes.

It was so lived in. Domestic. Un-Tony-ish.

Clint, on the other hand, was busy making himself at home and making small talk with Natasha, who was by far the most relaxed.

"How are you liking the floor?" Tony cut in, finding his voice and putting in some effort.

Clint looked up at the billionaire, surprise written all over his face. "It's great, Tony, thanks. You know, we're really happy to be back."

Tony nodded and flicked his eyes to the spot next to the red-headed, ex-assassin. Natasha patted the couch lightly, inviting him to sit. Tony took the spot, leaning in to the conversation.

Peter shuffled his feet. He wasn't good at these kinds of things. Rhodey watched him with concern, then called his name.

"Come sit with me. How's school going?"

The teen took the opportunity gladly, sitting down by his Uncle. "It's been fine, but boring. I have a science project due soon, but Dad and Ned have been-"

Steve and Bucky inched closer, trying to hear more about this kid. He was definitely Tony's son, alright. He was brilliant.

"-and Ned said he got some awesome Legos for his birthday, so we're going to put those together next weekend because he got the newest Avenger set, and I'm so excited because they-"

Steve snorted a little at the mention of the Legos. Peter and Rhodey both turned to look at the two men behind them.

"Problem?" Rhodey said coolly.

"Nothing," Steve said with a shrug. "I just think it's kind of funny that teens still play with Legos. Aren't those made for kids?"

Peter's face lit up in a blush, but he didn't say anything. He just put his head down. Rhodey and Tony both noticed this.

"Steve," Bucky warned lightly.

"Excuse me," Tony said. "But I don't think you get to decide who gets to enjoy what."

Steve put his hands up defensively. "I was just saying. Isn't he a bit old to be having playdates with his nerdy friends to put together toys."

Tony opened his mouth, but it was actually Peter who beat him to the punch. He could take a lot of criticism and even more pain, but he wouldn't let Ned get pulled into it.

"Actually, Mr. America, I think this world would be a lot better if we all spent a little more time putting together Legos and enjoying our friends' company, and a little less time starting rifts between the Earth's defense line and trying to kill teammates. Do you agree?"

The room was deathly quiet. Tony and Natasha were holding back small smiles of pride, while Rhodey, Clint, and Bucky looked absolutely shocked.

Steve, of course, was a whole mess of feelings and expressions. He was confused, startled, embarrassed, and angry. He was very unaccustomed to being called out, let alone being called out by a child. Everyone held their breath as they waited for the man to speak. Natasha's hands clenched around her pant leg, just over the knife she kept with her at all times. Clint was pale, as was Bucky. Rhodey and Tony had their eyebrows raised, waiting with sharp replies and words of kindness for the teen to see what Steve would say.

For a moment, it looked like Steve was going to explode. As he opened his mouth, Bucky stepped forward and laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Don't you dare reprimand Peter. That's the first time I have ever seen someone have the balls to stand up to you, and there have been about a thousand times that someone should have."

Peter cracked a smile, and Bucky returned it. It was totally unexpected, especially for Tony.

The billionaire had expected Clint's casualness. He'd expected Steve's harsh, blunt words. And he'd expected Peter's retort, at least once he heard Steve's little comment about Ned.

But he hadn't expected Bucky to stand in for Peter. And he certainly didn't expect the next thing to happen.

Bucky stepped forward and stuck out a hand. "I'm Bucky. You're Peter, right? Tony's boy, who beat Clint in the hall."

Peter smiled and took the assassins hand. "Yeah, that's me."

"And you're Spiderman?"

"How'd you know?" Peter asked, his head cocked to the side.

"You said 'awesome' earlier, it was the same thing you said to me on the tarmac in Germany." (As someone who didn't see Civil War, please forgive me if I misquoted, omg)

Peter smiled. "That's 'cause your arm is literally the coolest thing ever, its a scientific wonder."

"Oh, I bet Bruce loves this kid," Clint said with a little smile.

Natasha smiled even bigger. "You have no idea."

"We all love him," Tony said, pulling the teen into his side. All in all, it wasn't the worst of meetings, and that was it.

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