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Peter sat at the table in the conference room, playing on his phone. He called it playing despite the fact that he was doing work for the labs, mostly because it was a personal project he wanted to get done before the end of the week.

Tony had told Pepper that he wasn't going to the meeting happening in 20 minutes, it was a matter of working on the newest bio-tech over going to a dumb state of affairs meeting. Pepper, who had her hands full elsewhere, had asked Peter to head up the meeting instead.

The sound of the door opening sent Peter's head shooting up from his preliminary sketch of a pet-like Roomba, complete with basic AI personality.

Just Peppers secretary delivering papers for the board members who would be arriving soon.

Peter checked his watch, feeling very much awkward with the waiting game he was playing. Deciding he could just run upstairs for a quick snack, the teen pushed back his rolly chair and spun away from the table, only to be met with the faces of 6 board members.

"Oh, hi," Peter said happily. "I was just going to run upstairs for a snack before we get started. Does anyone want any coffee?"

The looks on everyone's faces made things pretty clear, but just to add insult to injury, one of the board members scoffed and stepped around Peter.

"I see that Tony is letting a child run the company now."

Peter lit up in a blush, instantly feeling very uncomfortable. If there was one thing that would get to Peter in any situation, it was feeling like he wasn't good enough.

"Actually, Pepper asked me to be here," the teen whispered, trying to make himself feel better more than anything else. After all, if Pepper thought he was good at the job, that was really all that mattered to the boy.

"Even better, the bimbo sent him." A tall, blonde woman made her way into the room. If there was one thing Peter hated most of all, it was women who tore down other women, especially in the work place.

"Hey, that's not cool," the teen said, finding his voice. "Miss Potts is the best CEO Stark Industries has ever had, and she's a brilliant business woman."

A few of the board members scoffed, but no one said anything. Everyone took a seat, and Peter resumed his spot at the head of the table without getting a snack. After another 5 minutes, and still no sign of Tony, one of the board members smacked his hands on the table and stood up.

"Looks like Tony won't be showing up, as usual, so let's get started. This week's revenue, which is up 3%, can be attributed to the increased use of..." The board member, Mr. Schmitt Peter thought his name was, continued to talk. Most of it was about the current state of the SI, including the recent change to only renewable materials in development labs, sound resource mining for the metals used in the technology, and the increased wages.

"Thanks to our lovely head intern, Brandon, we are now using less energy on floor 7 for testing new tech. This saved the company over 200 grand in this last month alone, which-"

"I'm sorry," Peter interrupted. "That was Tony's idea, we just let Brandon facilitate it."

Mr. Schmitt glared at the teen. "Peter, I know Tony lets you tag along and play boss, but you should know by now that Tony's main role here nowadays is to tinker in his labs and keep his nose out of the real work. Taking credit for Brandon's work is a new low, and you shouldn't involve yourself."

Peter didn't even realize he was standing up at that point, all he could think about was how important Tony was and how disrespectful each of these board members had been. "Excuse me? Tony and I do not just play boss around here, we are both working daily to improve this company. Tony cares about the employees here, which is why he gives good ideas to interns. To show them how to start, lead, and run a new project! You're right, we both spend a lot of time in the labs. You want to know why? Because we are developing prototypes for bio-tech concepts, newer and faster computer systems, and better security systems. Tony works the hardest of anyone I have ever met, and he does it all because he really cares about people.

"You know what? That goes for Pepper, too! She worked night and day cleaning up everyone's messed, talking with lawyers to get patents worked out, and most of all, she puts up with your shit!"

One of the board members, a relatively newer guy, opened his mouth to speak, but Peter cut him off.

"I think what Schmitt was saying was that Tony is a bit of-"

"No, that's it, this meeting is over. Email Miss Potts your reports, then drop off your badges at the front desk and get the hell out of my father's tower."

The board members all jumped up in protest, yelling about how Peter had no authority over them. It wasn't until Tony walked in that everyone settled down.

"Excuse me," the billionaire said coolly. "Is there a problem in here?"

"Yes, there is, Mr. Stark. This child thinks he's the boy-king. He just tried to fire all of us!"

Tony looked over at Peter, who was shuffling his feet awkwardly. I am in so much trouble, he kept thinking, working himself into a panic.

"Then I believe you should transfer your files to Pepper and your assistants, and then leave your badges at the front desk." There was a stunned silence, then everyone started yelling again.

"You can't-"

"This is outrageous!"

"I refuse to take orders from a teenager!"

Tony held up his hands, and everyone fell silent. "It is with great pleasure I announce the Stark heir, Peter Parker. This company will pass solely to him when Pepper and I retire, and he is now a co-owner with myself."

The board members, and Peter, all paled. This was a surprise.

One by one, each board member fell into line and left the room, leaving a very shocked Peter for Tony to deal with.

"Hey, kiddo, you okay?"

"Yeah, just processing what just happened. I didn't mean to fire everyone, they were just being so mean and so disrespectful. I didn't feel like they cared about this company like we do... Wait! Also, since when am I your heir?!?"

Tony chuckled and ruffled the teen's hair. "Yeah, Pepper and I had the paperwork drawn up a little while ago, but we still need one more signature. Wanna head upstairs and take care of that?"

Peter nodded numbly, still processing everything that had just happened. The two started to walk back to the elevator when Peter stopped suddenly and turned to Tony.

"Wait, I thought you weren't coming to the meeting. Why'd you show up?"

Tony smirked. "FRIDAY alerted me when you called me dad. When I pulled up the feed, things looked like they were getting pretty dicey, so I decided to head down and clear up a few things."

Peter blushed bright red. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark, I don't know what-"

"Hey, Underoos, slow down! Just a second ago you were calling me Tony and 'dad', so let's not back step into 'Mr. Stark' again. I really don't mind, you know. I wouldn't make you my heir if I didn't think of you like my son."

Peter was still for a moment, then launched himself into Tony's arms for a hug. "Thanks, Dad."

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