Learning to Dance

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**A/N: Prompt idea from a comment on my other story by strangersally about Natasha teaching Peter to do ballet and the rest of the team finds out. Some fluffy Natasha/Peter friendship for y'all :) Weird style, but I'm trying something new, let me know how y'all like it!**

It had started as an accident, just something Peter found out about Natasha on day. He'd noticed that after the last 4 missions, the ex-assassin had sneaked off, unnoticed by the rest of the team. After the 4th time, Peter had decided he would follow her next time, and figure out what she was doing with herself.

The opportunity to figure things out presented itself soon enough, and Natasha slipped away from the team after a long and hard mission. Despite wanting nothing more than a hot shower and a nap, Peter followed the red head quietly.

He was surprised to see her creep into a unused, dusty old training room. The sound of soft piano music suddenly filled the hall, and Peter peeked his head through the crack in the door.

Natasha was stripped down into her leggings and a sports bra. She was on her tip toes, moving across the room in a series of beautiful movements, spinning occasionally. Her posture was straight, and each movement was smooth and fluid even though each muscle being clenched.

Peter watched in awe for a few moments, not noticing the music had ended.

"I can see you, Маленький паук," Natasha said softly as she changed the music on her phone. (Translation: little spider) "Come on in."

Peter moved into the room, feeling awkward and unwelcome. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was just curious where you go after missions and no one seemed to notice but me so I followed you, which I know I shouldn't do, and I'm really sorry, but I was curious, and then it was just so beautiful and-" The teen's rambling was cut off by a soft laughed.

"It's okay, Peter, I don't mind if you know."

"Oh, so the others already know?" Peter didn't need a real answer, Natasha's look was enough to tell him the truth. "Why me, then?"

Natasha shrugged. "I like you. And what's more, I trust you. I'd like to keep this a secret, it's not the most 'bad-ass' thing I could be doing."

Peter's mouth dropped open, and his eyes got wide. "Are you kidding me? It's incredible! It takes so much muscle and power and strength to do what you do!"

Natasha shot him a grin, and a mischievous spark lit up her eyes. "Wanna learn?"

And that was the start of it. From then on, the two spiders would have training days, just the two of them. Peter had essentially wiped the little room they used to dance off the face of the Earth, as it was no longer on any maps or blueprints of the Tower, and Natasha had made sure to put up a new mirror and barre for them to use. Of course, they had to clear out some old boxes and stuff, but Peter checked it all out and he didn't think anyone would come looking for it.

Peter loved ballet, surprisingly. At first, he was doing it to have something to do with Natasha, but he never guessed that he would fall in love with dance, let alone become good at it. He'd been right in his original assessment, it took a lot of muscle and control.

It'd been nearly 3 months when Natasha came to him with a proposition.

"I've always wanted to do pairs ballet, like with lifts and stuff, but... 'no boys allowed' and all that, so I never got the chance. You're getting really good, so I was thinking, I mean..." It was unusual for the confident woman to show any sort of uncertainty, least of all when she was asking for something of another person, but she was nervous. What if he said no?

As if he could read her mind, Peter put his hand on her shoulder and shot a reassuring smile her way. "Of course I want to learn pairs with you! Lifts look hella cool, and it'll help me with my arm work outs."

Natasha breathed a silent sigh of relief. "Hey, I'm not that heavy!"

The two joked around, then got to work, finding Youtube tutorials and reading up on how to do lifts and various pairs moves. The rest of their night was spent in the training room, practicing what they'd learned that evening.

It was pretty late when they started to get tired, and they headed back upstairs. Peter made a beeline for a glass of water, and Natasha started cutting up apple slices. The two superheroes sat on the couch, each one relaxing and snacking on the apples. They didn't even notice that they were starting to fall asleep, not even when Peter let his water fall out of his hands, nor when Natasha let the apples tumble to the rug.

That's where the team found them the next morning, curled up next to each other and sound asleep.

"I've never seen Natasha let her guard down around other people, let alone fall asleep," Sam mumbled in surprise.

"Has anyone else noticed Peter and Tasha getting closer lately?" Steve started brewing a pot of coffee while Bucky started making toast.

"Yeah," Tony said, leaning on the counter. "They're always sneaking off."

"She told me they were training, I wouldn't think too much about it," Wanda reasoned with a shrug.

Before they could say anything else, Natasha jumped up, and Peter sat up groggily.

"Tasha?" The teen rubbed his eyes and slurred his words, trying to wake up. Natasha, on the other hand, was up immediately.

"Good morning," the red head said, strolling over to the freshly brewed coffee and pouring herself a cup.

It was a few days later when the team would finally figure things out. Tony was working in the lab when Steve came downstairs.

"Hey, Tones, do you have those really old SI materials we used to use in the museum? The ones before the whole Bucky thing?"

Tony thought for a moment. "I might in one of the old storage rooms or something. Why?"

"I'm trying to work up new literature for the tour groups and I want to see what you used to use."

Tony laughed. "Pepper finally gave you an assignment, then. Let me check with FRIDAY or an intern or something. FRIDAY? Any idea where the old SI stuff is?"

The AI sprang to life, directing the two men to a room several floors down, which used to be an older training room.

When the two men got off on the floor, they were surprised to see light from under the door down the hall, and what's more, soft, classical music was wafting down the hall.

"You don't think..." Tony let his sentence drop off, but Steve understood what he was saying.

"FRIDAY," the super soldier started. "Can you get the rest of the team down here?"

The two waited for a bit, then the elevator dinged behind them and the rest of the team filed out. "What's going on?"

"Shhh," Tony hissed. "Listen."

Everyone looked down the hall, where Steve was pointing. Everyone crept forward slowly and quietly.

Bucky pushed open the door slowly, careful not to make a noise.

Inside, Natasha was spinning inside Peter's arms, the teen using his hands to help her keep going. After a few rotations, Natasha spun to the side, standing up to her toes and Peter following her gracefully. They danced ballet together, doing little jumps and steps, before Peter grabbed onto the ex-assassins waist and Natasha was suddenly in the air.

Tony couldn't hold back applause, and the two superheroes spun around, their previous grace forgotten.

"What the-"

"How did you-"

Both Natasha and Peter were cut off by Steve.

"When did you learn to do ballet?"

"A while ago," Peter said, his voice wavering slightly, which made it sound like a question. "You like it?"

"It was gorgeous!"

"Absolutely perfect!"


"Would you teach me?"

Natasha and Peter found themselves surrounded by adoring fans, and they met eyes. There was a certain twinkle in the teen's eyes, and Natasha returned with a grin.

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