In Which Steve Pays A Visit pt. 2

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**As requested! Sorry things are coming at y'all at weird times, I've had a super busy week and this took me a lot longer than planned. Its shorter, yeah, and kind of boring. Sorry, I didn't know where to take it and was totally out of ideas. Enjoy!**

Peter and Steve sat on a park bench, watching the world around them and licking at their ice cream cones leisurely.

"So Mom and Dad were pretty upset, huh?" The teen didn't take his eyes off of his ice cream, worried of how Steve would respond to the question.

Steve chuckled. "Wasn't just them, sport, it was everyone. Imagine someone you love coming home with some pretty serious injuries and you find out they've been bullied secretly for years."

"I know, I know," Peter sighed. "It sounds a lot worse than it really was. Usually a lot of name calling and whatnot, but even when it did get physical, it was just pushing me down or a couple weak punches. I've been through a lot worse, Uncle Steve."

"You had broken ribs and fingers, Peter."

The two sat in silence again for a bit, neither one entirely sure what to say next. Eventually, Steve cleared his throat, causing Peter to look up at the super soldier.

"Peter, people who hurt other, regardless of if that is verbal or physical, are doing so because they themselves are hurting. You should always feel like you can come to your parents or me or anyone else on the team to talk about stuff like that. And you should always feel like you can stand up for yourself! I can't believe you didn't do something, Pete, you're a goddamn super human!"

"Language," Peter muttered. Steve shot him a look, and the teen smirked.

"Seriously, why didn't you-"

"I didn't want to hurt him. You said it yourself, he probably just feels bad! So hurting him, punching him or insulting him, all of that would just hurt worse. I'm really strong, Steve, I could seriously hurt him!"

Steve sighed heavily. "You're too pure for this world."

"Whatever." The brunet rolled his eyes and stood up. "Can we go home now?"


The two superheroes made their way up to the penthouse, the ding of the elevator alerting the other Avengers to their arrival.

"Steve's back," Clint called, not looking up from his sandwich. Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Sam were all in the lounge, watching the news, and Peter went to stand behind them.

"Hey, guys," Steve said, hanging up his coat and keys.

"How was it?" Tony twisted around to look at his friend, but instead came face to face with his son. "Oh. Peter's home."

At that, everyone turned, eager to see their nephew.

"How did Steve do?" Sam snicked a little, sending a mischievous grin to the teen.

"Just like the videos," Peter said with a smile. "Turned a chair around and sat with his chest to the back and everything."

The whole family giggled, much to Steve's dismay, and a blush dusted the blond's cheeks.

"I was being serious, its a good way of getting teens to listen, okay?"

His protests went without any acknowledgement and the rest of the team kept laughing. Finally, the laughter died down, and everyone sighed, catching their breath.

"No, but really," Natasha said, pulling her legs up under her in a crisscross position. "How did it go?"

"He was-"

"Not you." Natasha held up a finger, silencing Peter. "Steve, how did it go?"

"Well, I went to the principal first, I had to turn in all that paperwork Pepper had me take in. He was a little shocked to say the least, but it was fine. Smooth enough. After I explained the whole situation and got Peter's file changed, I told him that I would be doing an assembly and I wanted the whole school called down. I did my thing, had Peter and Ned called in, talked a bit more, then Peter and I went to get ice cream."

The super soldier ended his retelling of the day with a shrug. Everyone else in the room was nodding along, taking in what he was saying, and then turning to look at the teen when he was done.

"And what's your telling of the story?"

"We got called to assembly, Uncle Steve said a bunch of stuff about bullying and called Flash out, then Ned and I went to the principal's office and then we went to get ice cream."

"Nicely done," Tony said, giving Steve a fist bump. "I bet there's a video of it online."

Clint and Sam's eyes bugged, and the two raced to find their phones and look for it. In all the commotion, Peter tried to slip away, but his father caught his arm.

"Woah, there, Underoos."

Peter was pulled down onto the couch, right in between his father, his ex-assassin aunt, and his Uncle Bruce.

"Why didn't you tell us before?"

"I didn't want to make a big deal of it," the teen said truthfully with a shrug. "It wasn't a big deal. I could take it, and I heal up quick. Better me than a kid who was smaller or something."

"That's the most selfless reason I can think of for someone to keep bullying a secret," Natasha huffed, a small laugh escaping her lips.

Tony rolled his eyes and stood up, going around the couch to give his son a hug. "You're lucky we sent Steve and not Nat. Or your mom."

Peter laughed, leaning into his dad's chest. In hindsight, it wasn't the worst way for his Flash problem to be handled.

"I love you guys," the brunet said, looking around at his family.

"And we love you," Steve said with a smile.

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