What A Day

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**Request by fifTyshAdeSoFtpwk where pretty much every Spiderson/Irondad trope happens in one compact story! I absolutely LOVED writing this one, it was so much fun and filled with so many exciting fangirl moments. I had to tweak a couple details, so for the sake of the plot, Aunt May adopted Peter and goes by "Aunt" because she didn't want to take the place of his mom. Oh, and I know you asked for Peter to go on the field trip with his class, but I changed it so we could get some nice sick fic in here, too. Enjoy!**

Peter ran a hand over his face, exhaustion starting to set in. The poor teen had been awake for over 36 hours now, but there was no way he told Ned, MJ, or May that. They would have been livid.

After a lot of trust-building, and all of Spiderman's help in the civil war thing, Tony had started trusting Peter more and more, even giving him actual intern work to do!

That's what he was working on now. A small device that could scan, analyze, and match DNA. Usually Peter only worked on new weapons and stuff for the Avengers, but this was something Tony had asked him to do specifically. Something about the coding being too difficult for interns downstairs.

"That should do it," Peter mumbled as he put the final touches on the code. "Just got to test it now. FRIDAY?"

The AI sprang to life, answering the teen's call. "How can I help you, Peter?"

"Has Mr. Stark connected this thing to the NYPD database we were working with?"

"Not yet, but he did ask me to tell you that if you need to test it out, you could use your own DNA."

Peter pouted a little. He wanted to know if the scanner would work, sure, but he was most excited about the feature that compared DNA. Secretly, he wanted to see if there could be any relation between himself and Tony. After all, they were both pretty smart, and Aunt May never told him anything about his birth parents.

"FRIDAY, if I give a sample of my DNA, could we connect to your database and get DNA records from the team to match it with?"

"I could do that, yes. Which Avenger would you like me to pull the records from?"

Peter thought for a moment. Did he really want to do this?

"Mr. Stark's, please."

Yes, he did. The teen pricked his finger on the reception needle, pushing out a little drop of blood. FRIDAY connected the database to her own, as Peter paced, impatiently waiting for the results. The longer he waiting, the more he second guessed himself, and he kept thinking about if Mr. Stark was going to be mad that he'd used his DNA, or what if it came back inconclusive, or said Peter had cancer or something!

"Peter," FRIDAY interrupted his panicked thoughts. "The results are finished, would you like me to print them off?"

"Yes, please," Peter said, faking a smile. Inside, he was still freaking out.

The printer whirled to life, and Peter snatched up the report.

It was a match. Peter's DNA was a match for Tony's. Tony was his dad. His biological dad. Peter stared at the paper for what felt like years, trying to wrap his mind around what it meant. He was a Stark?

"Hey, whatcha doing, kiddo?"

Peter jumped at the sound of Tony's voice and quickly shoved the results into his pocket. "Nothing, just the results from my DNA scan. The device works just fine, I finished the coding today." He couldn't just tell Tony. What if the billionaire got mad? Worse, what if he wanted to never see Peter again? What if he asked Peter to come live at the Tower and he never saw May again?

"Nice work!" Tony praised the spiderling and examined his work. "It looks amazing! I'll send it down to the labs to finish the exterior design. You're a life saver." The older man ruffled Peter's hair, and Peter, who was still coming down from his discovery, absentmindedly leaned in for a hug.

"Uhhh," Tony said, freezing up. "We're not quite there, Pete."

The teen retreated, feeling way worse than he should have from that comment. Tony didn't know why, though, so just brushed it off as Peter being moody. Before Tony would say anything else, Peter's head bobbed forward and he jolted up, only to sneeze and sniffle.

"You feeling alright?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine," Peter said, a yawn cutting off his words. "Just a little tired from working. I think I'm catching a cold."

Tony nodded sympathetically. "The higher metabolism probably doesn't help with that. Why don't you go crash upstairs, I'll text your aunt and let her know you fell asleep, k?"

Peter nodded, heading upstairs. He'd decide what to do about all of this later, when he woke up.


When Peter finally blinked awake, he was totally confused as to where he was. He rolled over, expecting to see his IronMan poster hanging above his dresser, but instead found himself face to face with Natasha Romanoff, and promptly fell off the couch in a glorious, panicked flailing.

"He's up," the assassin said, looking over to the kitchen, where Pepper Potts and Rhodey were sipping coffee.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Potts, Mr. Stark said I could crash here and I fell asleep and just woke up, I'm so sorry, you all must want to have dinner soon, I'll get out of your hair and-"

"Woah, slow down. What time do you think it is?"

"I don't know, 6? 7?"

"It's Thursday," Rhodey said with a snort. "You slept through the whole night."

Peter threw a palm up to his forehead. "May is going to kill me."

"Oh, Tony called her, she knows you are safe and everything. We called you into school, don't worry," Pepper said, putting her empty cappuccino cup in the sink . "Tony said you'd been putting in some long hours, so we wanted to let you sleep."

Peter nodded, sat up, and stretched. After a moment or two, he remembered what had happened the other day, and his eyes widened. He needed to talk to Tony.

"Where's Mr. Stark?"

"Downstairs, actually. I was just about to go down there," Pepper said, grabbing her pocketbook and phone off of the counter. "Coming, Nat?"

"Yeah," Natasha said, standing up.

Peter trailed behind them, feeling a little awkward. "Hey, Pep- I mean, Ms. Potts?"

"Pepper is just fine, hun. What's up?"

"You know Mr. Stark pretty well. Let's say I wanted to tell him something really big and I thought he might be mad or not like me as much afterwards, how would you say I go about telling him?"

Pepper and Natasha exchanged glances. "What do you need to tell him?"

"It's nothing important," Peter said, a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks.

"You literally just said it was really big." Natasha gave him a pointed look, and Peter shrunk back a bit.

"I know Tony doesn't really show it, but he does care about you, Peter. He's a little weird about emotions because his dad was so terrible about them, but he does care, and I know he'll still care even after you tell him this big, important thing. I'd wait to tell him just yet, though, we have a high school doing a tour here and he is at their Q&A right now, which is where we are headed." Pepper spoke sincerely, making Peter relax a bit. Tony would be totally fine with this. Sure. Yeah. The discovery of his long lost, illegitimate son won't be at all worrisome.

Pepper and Natasha stepped into the conference room first, Peter following close behind them, only to find a scene of complete madness.

Tony was standing on one side of the long table, while Steve Rodgers, the convicted war criminal stood at the other. A small class of high schoolers were seated around the table, and the walls were flanked by non other than Bucky, Clint, and Wanda.

"What's going on here?" Natasha stepped forward, here eyes never leaving Clint's as she came around the side of the room to stand by Tony.

"Nothing," Tony said, his teeth grinding slightly as he forced his words out. "I came for a Q&A and half way through, they show up."

"You're not supposed to be here," Pepper started, but that was all Peter heard before he started to lose his focus. That was Steve Rodgers. Fugitive. Captain America, Almost murderer. Childhood hero. Betrayer.

Peter's anger outweighed his boyish wonder and excitement. His eyes got blurry as he thought about how bad Tony looked when he got back from the fight with the Captain. How his dad, the man he'd been dreaming of meeting since he was a kid, was nearly killed by the man standing just 10 feet away.

"- and I just thought we could stay here for a bit, while we sort out-"

Peter snapped back into the conversation, only to hear Steve ask about staying at the Tower and cut him off. "Then you'll be signing the Accords?"

"Peter?" Everyone turned to the teen in the doorway, including the high schoolers. Peter noticed his best friend Ned sitting at the table and furrowed his brows. "Why are you here?"

"We had a field trip here, but you didn't know because you missed 4 days of school, man."

"Sorry, I was working on a project for Mr. Stark."

"Yeah, right, like we believe that dumb internship lie," Flash scoffed. Peter shook his head, not having the energy to argue with the bully right now, least of all in front of his heroes, coworkers, fellow superheroes, and family.

"The Accords?" The teen turned back to Captain America, who rolled his eyes.

"Those need to be reworked, we can't let the government just-"

"What, keep you all in check? Make sure you don't hurt anyone else? Make sure you don't kill someone?"

Peter sent Steve an icy stare, who returned it just as coldly. "I don't know who you think you are kid, but I highly doubt you're-"

In an instant, Peter had hopped over the table and shot a web at Steve's hands, sending him flying back and sticking him to the wall. Everyone was so shocked, they didn't move.

"You," Peter started, his voice dangerously low. "You don't get to act like you're all high and mighty. You don't get to play the good guy. You don't get to stroll in here and ask for a place to crash because you are wanted in every country of the world. You don't get to pretend that you're better than me, not when I know the truth." The teen jabbed a finger at the Captain's chest, coming closer and closer with each step.

"You used to be my hero, Mr. Rodgers. You used to be a role model to me. But now I know that I never want to be anything like you. You nearly killed my father, and for that, I will never forgive you."

The teen's voice was oddly calm, but that was just a sign of how pissed he really was. In one motion, he slammed the older man's nose with his palm and broke the webs holding his hands. Using his super strength, Peter flipped Steve over his shoulder, causing him to land painfully on the table and a sickening snap told everyone that his jaw was broken. Peter shot a few more webs to hold him to the table.

"Peter!" In an instant, Peter was being scolded by nearly every adult in the room, save Tony, who was still standing where he was, his eyes wide.


Everyone stopped their berating for a moment, and Peter looked up at the billionaire.

"Oh, uh, see- well, what I mean is- its," Peter took a deep breath, trying to gain some composure. All his previous confidence was gone, and actually saying it was getting harder and harder.

"Spit it out, Underoos."

"When I was testing the DNA scanner, I used my own blood, and had FRIDAY import yours to see if we could match them. It was a match, Mr. Stark. I think I'm your son."

No one said anything for a long time, then Tony rushed forward and scooped Peter into a bone-crushing hug. When he finally pulled away, both he and the teen had tears in their eyes.

"I thought we weren't there yet," Peter joked, a half-smile playing on his lips.

"We've been there for a while, kid, I'm just a terrible mentor. And father? Can I say that now?"

Peter laughed and nodded, diving in for another hug. Another weight was felt on their sides, and they looked up to see Pepper joining in on the hug.

"I think that concludes the tour," Natasha said, helpfully. Everyone began to exit the room, but not before Tony looked back up and called for everyone to hold on for a second.

"Hold it. You, the kid in the red." Flash looked up uncertainly. "Never, ever bully my son again."

Everyone left after that, and Tony and Peter went back to their hug.

"Oh, shit! Did we have them sign NDA's?" Tony suddenly panicked, but Peter just laughed and shrugged.

"Who cares," he said wit ha smile. "I am Spiderman."

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