The Fight

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**Request from mlp04jpu where Peter, Wanda, and Pietro are all the same age at Midtown. I had a really fun time with this one, even though it is coming at you later than I hoped! Enjoy!**

Peter, Wanda, and Pietro were as close as siblings could be. They had all been adopted by Tony and Pepper, and were therefor Starks. Sure, they still had their fair share of fights and squabbles, but they loved each other and loved hanging out. They were all 16, all superheroes, and all enrolled at Midtown Tech.

Ah, yes. School. That one had been tricky. After everything the three had been through, Tony, Pepper, Natasha, and Steve had all been a little apprehensive to let the three teens go to a regular high school. In the end, though, the family had caved, and the three teens were sent to school with a cover story.

Wanda and Pietro were both "Maximoff's", the fake last name Natasha had given them. They still got to be twins in their fake disguise life, which was super cool for them, while Peter was taking the last name Parker.

To further keep suspicions at bay, Tony had told the three of them to stay away from one another. "Make it look like you aren't the three youngest members of the Avengers and the adopted children on Tony Stark and Pepper Potts," the older man had said.

So that's how the three of them had found themselves at the front doors of Midtown Tech, giving each other a sympathetic look and a quick "good luck" before disappearing into the crowds of other teens and parting ways.

It'd been easy enough at the beginning. It was hard to pretend not to know one another, though. Wanda and Peter had an English class together, for example, and Wanda had to fight every instinct in her body to stand up for Peter when he'd forgotten his homework one day.

All in all, they were getting used to it. Get up, goof around in the morning with one another, get to school and pretend not to know one another, then head home and hang out, play games, train, and go on patrol.

Easy peasy, they thought. No problem. That was mostly true, until Flash.

Flash Thompson was the school's most loathed bully. He was ruthless, going after anyone he thought was weaker than himself. Peter, who was much smaller than his siblings, was an obvious target.

When Flash first started tormenting Peter, the brunet decided to keep it a secret from his siblings. And his family. And everyone he knew besides Ned, his friend at school.

Ned had a lot to say about that, though.

"You have to tell someone," the chubbier boy whined at his friend. "He keeps pushing you around and stuff, one day he's gonna really hurt you."

"I'm fine," Peter insisted. "You're being overly cautious." It was partially true, he was mostly fine. He had superhealing, after all, but Ned didn't know that. That being said, Flash's words hurt sometimes, and he hated the way he felt after Flash's attacks, so in that sense, Peter wasn't fine.

"I think we should tell a teacher... or your family!"

Peter rolled his eyes, a snicker nearly slipping past his lips. There was no way he was telling anyone, and if Ned knew who his family really was, he wouldn't be too hot on the idea either. I mean, who wants to tell Tony Stark that his son is being bullied?

It was easy to keep the whole thing from Wanda and Pietro, which made Peter's situation so much easier, given that he and Flash never had any classes together with Wanda or Pietro. That being said, it was only a matter of time before something tipped the two twins off to what was going on with their brother.

It happened one Tuesday afternoon, about 3 months into the school year. Ned and Peter were sitting in the far corner of the cafeteria, talking in low tones about a new LEGO set they were excited to build at Ned's house later in the week.

"Hey, Puny Parker!" Peter and Ned's faces fell, but for different reasons. Ned was concerned for his friend, but Peter was suddenly worried that Wanda and Pietro might hear the bully from where they were sitting across the cafeteria.

"Hey, Flash," Peter said with a smile, hoping that if he was friendly, Flash might leave him alone.

"What are your plans this weekend, Parker? Hanging out with your Uncle? Missing those dead parents of yours?" Ever since Happy had come to pick up Peter once when he was sick, the teen had told everyone the bodyguard was his uncle, and that his parents had died. Not entirely a lie, I mean, his biological parents were dead.

Peter didn't respond. It was best to let him say his whole thing and get it over with.

"Whatever," Flash huffed, stepping closer to the table. "Your're just a worthless, scrawny orphan. I don't care what you do on the weekends. No one does."

Peter could see Wanda and Pietro out of the corner of his eye, making their way over to where Flash was causing a scene.

"Flash, can we-"

Before Peter could finish his sentence, Flash had leaned over the table and slapped the other boy hard across the face.

"You don't get to-" Flash's wrist was suddenly enveloped in a red ring of fire, and he was unable to move. Pietro was crouched by Peter in a manner of seconds, checking the brunet's face gently. "What the hell?"

"Get away from my brother!" Wanda's magic surged around her as Flash felt his feet start to leave the ground. The bully panicked, yelling for other classmates to help him. A teacher, who had been walking through the hall, was calling the office and frantically begging Wanda to put Flash down.

"Wanda, I'm fine," Peter said. He waited for a moment, hoping his sister would calm down on her own, but when there was no sign of her putting the bully down, he flicked his wrists out and caught her hands in a web.

Flash crumpled to the floor, terrified.

"Auntie Nat's gonna be pissed," Pietro laughed.

"Dad's gonna be pissed," Peter said seriously. The three teens tensed, realizing just how much trouble they were in. Just as they were about to discuss a plan for getting out of the whole situation, there was the unmistakable sound of Ironman's thrusters and the superhero father himself crashed through the ceiling.

Everyone was frozen as they watched the scene unfold. Tony Stark let the suit retract as he landed, his eyes fixed on the three teens, who were shuffling their feet and avoiding eye contact.

"I just got a call from the office about three of my kids in a fight. So," he paused. "Who's going to tell me what happened here?"

All three kids started explaining at once.

"It was nothing, really-"

"-so I ran over to see if-"

"He slapped him, Dad-"

"I just-"

"We couldn't just-"

"Enough," Tony said, holding up his hand. "You, what happened?" The billionaire pointed at Ned, who was shaking with excitement.

"Well, Flash has been bullying Peter for a while and then today he slapped him, which isn't unusual, I mean Flash kinda beats him up a lot, and then Wanda and Pietro came over and Pietro ran really, really, fast, and Wanda used a cool magic-y thing, and then Peter used Spiderman's webs!"

Tony sighed, his tired eyes closing for a moment as he processed what had happened.

"I guess the cat's out of the bag now, you three. We'll talk about it later tonight, with everyone, 'kay? The bullying, the powers, all of it. I need to get back to a board meeting, just... don't do anymore of this. No more powers at school"

The billionaire let his suit envelop his body again and lifted into the air. "Stay out of trouble. I love you."

Peter, Wanda, and Pietro all repeated the words back to their father, then watched as he took off out of the same hole in the ceiling he'd made earlier.

"That could have been way worse," Wanda said, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Tonight will be hell, though, Uncle Steve will give us an earful about not hurting others," Peter said, laughing.

"Whatever," Pietro said, shrugging slightly. "I'm just glad we took care of that Flash kid. You shoulda told us earlier, Pete."

"Nah, I had it handled."

The twins sent their brother a glare.

"Mostly handled."

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