MoF Day 8: Help

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**Sounds angsty to start, its not, promise.**

Rhodey gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles practically white against the dark leather of the car's interior designs. He watched the red light, waiting, waiting, waiting for the green. Why was it even red to begin with, there were no other cars on the road this time of night!

Finally, the light changed, and Rhodey wasn't skimpy on the gas as he sped off, tires squealing in the night.

I need help.

That was all the text said, just those three words. And yet, they had sent the poor colonel on a spiral of panic. What if Tony was hurt? What if Tony had fallen off the wagon, or had the reactor go hay-wire? What if Rhodey was about to walk in on some blood-splattered crime scene that would for sure equal gallons of bleach, not to mention a court marshal.

There'd be no other information. No 'I'm fine, just need another pair of eyes on this' or 'I burned some pasta and it's Pepper's birthday, can you pick some up on the way'.

I need help.

Rhodey was so preoccupied in his thoughts, which had been swirling around, faster and faster, during his drive over, that he nearly missed the right turn he was taking in the one-way grid of the city, which would have added another 10 minutes to the drive.

The Tower loomed over the colonel as he pulled up. In the day, the Tower shone with sunlight and glinting beauty, but now... At night, the Tower reflected dark skies. Windows, dark and black, made the whole thing look sinister.

Rhodey didn't even lock the car as he hopped out, throwing the keys at some young security guard before hastily swiping an ID card and rushing through the back entrance.

"Tony?" The normally cool and collected army man burst through the penthouse as soon as the elevator opened. "Tony!"

"Shut up, Sour Patch!" Tony hissed from the living room. Not a second after his words reached Rhodey's ears did the sound of a baby, a very loud and angry baby, come ringing through the penthouse. "Oh, see? Now you've woken him up!"

Rhodey furrowed his brows as Tony lifted a small bundle of blue blankets to his chest and cooed while rocking back and forth. A little head, barely the size of Rhodey's fist, peered over the top of Tony's shoulder. Big, brown eyes stared at the colonel, cries dying in the baby's throat as he babbled at the man.

"He likes you," Tony said, the hint of surprise in his tone making Rhodey scoff.

"Of course he likes me, he's been stuck with you all night and he just realized I'm here to save him."

Tony shot the man a stern glare. "Don't you dare put a hand on him."

Rhodey would have laughed if it weren't for Tony's serious stare and genuine tone.

"Who let you babysit?"

Tony looked up at his friend, who was making his way over to the couch to sit near Tony. Rhodey looked around for a baby bag, hoping to find some toys or something to play with the baby, but there was nothing.

"His parents, I guess, though they didn't ask for me by name," Tony said slowly and quietly. "I found him."

Rhodey startled. This adorably bundle of baby had been abandoned? Left for Tony to find and take home and care for like some stray kitten?

"Did you call someone?"

"I called you."

"Did you call the authorities?" Rhodey asked, stressing the last word with delicate grimness. Tony had to know, he couldn't take in a baby. He just couldn't.

"No," Tony admitted, shifting the little boy until he was resting in his arms, looking up at the billionaire. A little hand reached up to snag at Tony's hair, and the man laughed a little. Holding out a finger, Tony let the baby grab that and pull it closer to his little mouth. "I called you."

Rhodey watched carefully as Tony let the baby suck on his finger, cooing and making faces as the baby babbled around the finger.

"Tony," Rhodey started, his voice quiet. "You can't keep him."

"Says who?"

The two sat in silence again, neither one really knowing what to say next. Tony watched as the baby started to fall asleep again, little eyelashes fluttering against pale cheeks. Finally, the grip around Tony's finger relaxed, and the man pulled his hand away to cradle the baby better.

"I was going to ask you to bring some stuff, but I texted you as I was running a bath and I just got him in the water when I realized the shopping list didn't go through, but my hands were soapy by then," Tony explained. "I just needed you to bring me some baby stuff, like formula and a bottle, diapers, a little onesie if you could find it. This was it. I heard him crying, ya know, so I went down this little side street and he was nestled into a box. Nothing on him, just a ratty blanket around his body. I got a little throw blanket from downstairs, from when Clint was here last and he forgot his kid's blanket, but I couldn't find-"

Tony cut himself off when he looked up at Rhodey, who was staring at his friend in fascination. "You... You ran him a bath? And it wasn't too hot or anything?"

Tony looked confused. "I had Jarvis look up how to give a baby a bath. I was worried he'd be too hot or cold, though, I almost got in with him, actually."

Rhodey pursed his lips. "Is that Target down the street still open?"

Tony glanced at the clock on the wall across the living room. "Yeah, why?"

The colonel sighed heavily, getting up off the couch. "I'm going to go get some stuff. You said diapers, bottles and stuff for that, and some onesies?"

Tony nodded. Rhodey moved to leave, but Tony caught his sleeve. "And a teddy bear."


"Get a teddy bear," Tony said again. "Something without those weird beads for eyes, he can choke on those."

Rhodey snorted. "Fine, but it's not my baby. Give me your card."

Tony shifted the baby, and his weight, so he could reach his wallet. He held it out for the man, who took it with a smirk.

"Thanks, honeybear," Tony joked, throwing Rhodey a little smile.

Rhodey just waved it off. "You've got to do three things for me while I'm gone, though."

Tony nodded, indicating the man should go on. "One, call Pepper and tell her to come in a little early tomorrow so she can meet the baby. Two, call a lawyer, have them look into adoption of an abandoned minor. Three," Rhodey paused, the shadow of a smile hiding on his face. "He needs a name."

Tony looked down at the sleeping baby, already thinking of him as his son. His son.

"I'll call Pepper now. She might want to come in, if for no other reason that its a baby and I'm me and we have PR to think about." Tony set Peter down on the couch, making sure he was securely nestled between two larger pillows.

"You do that," Rhodey laughed, heading for the door.

"Peter," Tony called after him.


"Peter. That's his name. My little Peter."

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