MoF Day 9: "Look at that"

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**Y'all. I've been thinking a lot about it... and here goes... I'd like to do a Q and A. If you guys would like that, and want to ask me stuff, comment and let me know!! Anyways, enjoy some kid!Peter fluff!!**

"Look at that," Tony said, crouching down next to his son and pointing into the field. "That's a baby giraffe, and there is the mommy."

The 6 year old strained his little neck, trying to see through the barrier between the giraffes and himself. Tony let out a single huff of laughter before picking up his son and lifting him up onto his shoulders.

"Can you see better now, Peter?"

The little boy nodded enthusiastically. "The baby is so big!"

Tony laughed again. "Yeah, he is! Did you know baby giraffes can walk right after they are born? When you were born, you couldn't walk at all, not until you were almost a year old!"

Peter gasped, his gap-toothed smile and sparkling eyes making his whole face bright. "Woah!"

"Yeah," Tony continued. "They do that do they can run away from other animals that might want to eat them."

"Like lions?"

"Like lions."

The father and son duo made their way back to the main walkway of the zoo, Tony glancing at his watch every now and then. Sure, having the Avengers meet up with him for a surprise picnic and renting out the entire zoo was a little overboard, but Peter was begging to see everyone, and they'd just gotten back from a month long mission.

"Can we stop and look at the petting zoo, daddy?"


"The petting zoo!" Peter put his little hands around Tony's head and jerked his face towards the petting zoo next to them.

"Oh," Tony said, checking his watch again. They were probably going to be late, but... "Yeah, of course, buddy."

Tony and Peter both took a squirt of hand sanitizer from the girl working at the gate, then let her show them how to feed and pet the goats and sheep without hurting them. Tony snapped a couple pictures of Peter, in all his Paw-Patrol tee shirt, light up sketchers glory, as he gently pet the goat with one hand and fed him with the other.

"You gotta touch one, too, daddy!" Peter insisted, pointing at a particularly gruff looking sheep with rounded horns on its head. Tony raised an eyebrow, but reached out a careful hand nonetheless. In a blink of an eye, the sheep had run into Tony's legs, knocking him back on his butt. The poor girl at the gate looked like she might throw up as she profusely apologized to the famous billionaire, now covered in straw hay and dirt, and pulled the sheep away.

"He's getting old, and he does that to everyone now," she explained. "He's just-"

The sheep pulled out of her hands, running towards Peter. Tony was up in a flash, rushing to grab his son, but the sheep stopped right in front of the boy, laid down, and put his head in Peter's lap.

"He likes me! He likes me!" Peter cheered, petting the old goat gently.

"I've literally never seen him do that before," the girl said, awe heavy in her tone. Tony just snorted.

"That's the kid for ya. Everyone and everything he meets falls in love with him."

After a while, the sheep got hungry and got up, wandering over to the food troughs, and leaving Peter free to laugh and laugh at Tony's dirty pants. He was so busy laughing, in fact, that Tony was able to guide him to the zoo's amphitheater without the boy noticing anything. It wasn't until they got to the actual picnic, where the entire team was waiting, that Peter noticed.

"-and then! You fell over! The sheep knocked you over!"

"I know," Tony said, now tired of his son nearly yelling that a sheep had knocked Tony Stark down."

"Woah," Steve cut in, catching Peter's attention. "A sheep knocked your dad down?"

"Uncle Steve!"

Peter practically launched himself out of Tony's arms trying to run to Steve. Tony set him down, and Peter was off, crashing into Steve's legs in a crushing hug. Rather, in as crushing of a hug as the 6 year old could muster, seeing as Steve was a super soldier, and not very easily crushed.

"Hey, kiddo!" Steve pulled Peter up by the armpits, swinging him around with ease.

"Everyone is here!" Peter said, once he was back to his normal, upright position, and his head stopped spinning. "Auntie Tasha! And Uncle Bruce!"

The boy ran from person to person, giving everyone a hug as he went. "You're all home!"

"We got back this morning," Clint said, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy. "We wanted to come surprise you at the zoo, which is the coolest place in the world!"

"I don't know about that," Sam cut in, crouching in front of Peter. "I'd say we were just in a pretty cool place. We were in Chile. Wanna know what they have there?"

Peter nodded.

"They've... got... alpacas!" Sam reached behind his back and pulled a stuffed alpaca out to show Peter, who grabbed it and hugged it tight.

"It's so soft!" he said, pressing his cheek into the stuffed animal toy.

"That's because real life alpacas are soft, too," Bruce said from where he was sitting next to the picnic basket. "We also have lunch here, Pete, I made you an extra sticky peanut butter and jelly."

The little boy plopped down, setting the alpaca toy down next to him carefully, then took a sandwich from Bruce and began to tell everyone about all the animals he and Tony had seen so far. Natasha and Tony sided up to one another, watching as Peter tried to recap what Tony had said earlier about giraffes and what not.

"So how was it?" Tony asked.

"Fine," Natasha said, throwing his hair behind her shoulder. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

Tony hummed. Easy, ordinary missions were always good.

"But really, what I wanna hear about," Natasha said, looking at Tony with mischief in her eyes. "Is this sheep that knocked you over."

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