Of Age

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**Request for DeidraGregerson6 where Peter takes the throne on Asgard. This one was super fun, but short! I actually didn't see any of the Marvel films with Asgard on it, so please disregard anything I get wrong *yikes*. Anyways, I added a bit of Spideychelle, I'm a sucker for some badass MJ. For all of you who read Living With Secrets, did you catch my reference? Enjoy!**

"You got everything?"

Peter nodded slowly, going over his packing list in his head. "You?"

MJ nodded, holding up her overnight bag. It wasn't very big, but it had all the essentials, like her pajamas, a change of clothes, her toothbrush. The works.

"Okay," the brunet said, clapping his hands together. "Ready?"

MJ nodded again, slipping her hand through her boyfriend's arm. His thick cape of dark blue was heavy on her shoulder, but she didn't mind. It was warm.

Actually, all of Peter's clothes from Asgard were like that. Usually deep reds, blues, and purples, they were thick and heavy, reminding MJ of those weighted blankets.

"Okay, here we go." Peter pulled MJ through the Bifrost and into Asgard. "Welcome to my new pad."

The girl took in the world around her in awe. There was animals and plants she'd never seen before, and magnificent buildings on the horizon, giving her the impression of some far away castle.

"This place is amazing Peter, why didn't you tell me this before?"

The young man chuckled a little, taking in his girlfriend's amazement. "I've only been here a week, babe, and I was working while on Earth. When was I going to tell you?"

It was true, 8 days ago, Peter Parker was just a plain old kid. Well, a plain old kid who was also a superhero and the heir of one of the biggest tech companies in the world. But 7 days ago, he became the ruler of a whole realm outside of Earth, and now split his time 50/50.

MJ laughed a little. "I told you, Ned and I can handle SI for a few days while you get settled here."

"I know," Peter said, scuffing his dark leather shoes on the ground. "I just feel bad leaving responsibilities for others when I was the one that took them on"

"You're literally a king, now, hun. Let us help you."

Peter gave in with a sigh, and the two made their way towards the castle. Things on Asgard were quieter than back home, where the whole world was depending on Peter and his superhero colleagues, and where 3 21 year olds held the future of a multi-billion dollar company in their hands.

They passed a street market, and MJ stopped to buy some fruit native to Asgard to try, and Peter picked up some artisan jewelry and a cape for his girlfriend. She squealed in delight, swinging it over her shoulders and over her tee shirt. It was quite a sight to see, a human wearing Earth clothes under traditional Asgardian garb.

"We should be getting to the castle," Peter said, looking up at the sky with a furrowed brow. "I have a couple things to do tonight."

MJ raised an eyebrow. :I thought this was going to be a nice weekend away from stress for both of us."

"It is," Peter reasoned. "It;s still technically Friday, though, so I'll be done with work tomorrow. For the weekend." He shot the curly haired girl at his side a small grim, trying to slide his excuse through.

"Mm-hm." MJ just hummed, deciding to let it go for now. "I just want you done by 7 for dinner, okay?"

"Of course," Peter assured her.

After getting MJ settled into his room, and leaving her to unpack and settle in, Peter headed down to the main hall, where he knew there were several advisers waiting to see him. He knew MJ would probably be reading a good book by now, and he just wanted to get this meeting over with and go back to see her.

"King." As Peter came into the room, the advisers and other leaders all bowed, and let him sit at the head of the table.

Peter hummed slightly, looking over the paperwork waiting for him on the table. "Who's going first?"

A shorter man, with long, dark braids, stepped forward. "Your majesty, we must talk about threats from..."

The meeting was already boring, and Peter skimmed the man's report before signing off on some sort of defensive countermeasure and moving on to some royal contract between a new farmer to the east and the castle.

Peter's eyes began to blur slightly as he read over the final bit of paperwork. A report on a mysteriously damaged house outside of town. While the initial police report said it was some kind of attack, the secondary investigation had shown no signs of arson, property damage, or criminal activity.

Peter was about to hear another opinion on the matter when the clock on the far wall caught his eyes. It was 7:04. He stood up abruptly.

"I'm sorry, but we must table this. I am late to a very important dinner."

The advisers looked at one another uneasily. "Sir, this must be addressed. If there is crime in your kingdom-"

Peter cut the woman off with a wave of his hand. "Clearly Loki's work. Call him in and let Thor know he's on duty for the weekend."

With that, the young man stood up and left the room with a rush and a billowing of his cape. Being a king wasn't so hard after all, as long as you had a perfect woman waiting for you.

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