Pleasure to Meet you

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**Request for Malaikatsalahcetak. Post Civil War, Peter is Tony's biological son, and the rogues return to the tower. High jinks and confused identities and so much more! I hope you enjoy!**

Peter and Tony tromped down the ramp from the jet tiredly, each one stretching their muscles slowly, wincing as they felt the soreness of fighting finally setting in. It was good to be home.

The billionaire pulled his teenage son closer, pressing a soft kiss to his temple as he did.  "You did so well, out there, bambino."

"Thanks, Dad," Peter said, a heavy breath escaping his lops. "Time for a shower, though."

The two laughed, and Tony shook his head. "First thing's first, are you hurt?"

"Nope, just sore."

Tony smiled at how the teen popped his 'p' noise in 'nope'. "Go get cleaned up."

Peter hurried down the hall towards his room, eager to get under the hot spray. His father, who was just as tired and dirty, headed into the kitchen to make some coffee, knowing that Rhodey and Natasha would be home soon.

Sure enough, the two supers came trotting out of the elevator not 2 minutes later. "Where's Peter?" Rhodey asked.

"Shower," Tony assured. "Not hurt or anything, just feeling dirty. I made coffee."

Natasha and Rhodey both took a mug, thanking their friend softly.

"Did you talk to T'Challa?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," Rhodey said. "He needed to go back to Wakanda, but he wanted us to keep him updated."

Tony nodded, staring down into his coffee.

"I know it's upsetting," Natasha said, her eyes darting between Rhodey and Tony as she waited for a response.

"It's just frustrating. The tower feels so empty. I miss them, all of them. I know Steve and I butted heads a lot of the time, but he was still such a good friend. Clint, Wanda, Sam..." The billionaire trailed off, his eyes tearing up a little.

"You're not upset about Clint, Sam, and Wanda, man," Rhodey scoffed.

"I feel betrayed, okay?" The outburst was quick and unexpected, causing Rhodey and Natasha to jolt slightly. "He knew what happened, and he didn't tell me. Hell, he knew and he still chose that monster's side over mine."

Natasha sighed. "I know you're pissed with Steve, and you hate Bucky more than anything, but I think you have to face the fact that the Winter Soldier and Bucky are totally different people. What Steve did was inexcusable, but he was just scared you wouldn't be able to see that difference."

Tony took a deep breath, trying to retain some composure. "I'll try and reach out in a couple weeks, okay?"

The three super heroes sat in silence, each one thinking about the events of the night. Who knew what would happen in the next few weeks?


-2 weeks later-

Peter bounded into the Tower, greeting the receptionist with a wave and a smile, then headed to the private elevator. The brunet bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited to get up to the penthouse.

"FRIDAY, can we stop on the 97th floor?" Peter had been looking for a video game he promised to loan to Ned, and had a feeling it might be in the lower floor media room.

"Sorry, Peter, but floor 97 is being remodeled."

The teen furrowed his brows. His dad hadn't mentioned any remodels on the Tower, let alone on the floor only 3 below Peter and Tony's private apartment. He headed out of the elevator, on a search for his father, when he heard a shuffling in the vents from the wall to his right. Peter went closer with trepidation, his spider sense tingling. Peering through the slated grate on the vent, brown eyes met blue and Peter startled backwards.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Who the hell are you?" Peter retorted. When there was no reply, he cautiously stepped forward, looking to see if the mystery man was still there. A few grunts and a banging noise, and a short man with sandy hair fell out of the large vent register by the laundry room.

Standing up quickly, the shorter man pulled a couple arrows from behind his back and launched himself at Peter, the arrow head landing in the shoulder of the teen's shirt and pinning him to the wall. "Who are you and how did you get in the tower?"

Peter, who was suddenly rushed with adrenaline and all the panicked 'fight now, ask questions later' feelings, quickly reached up and snapped the arrow, pulling his shoulder free and pinning the mysterious man against the opposite wall. He countered with a knife, but Peter quickly webbed it away and tied the man's hands to the wall.

"Who are you?"

The man gave a sigh, realizing he was dealing with Spiderman out of the mask. "Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye."

"How did you get into the tower?"

"Security pass."

"Bullshit," Peter said, pressing a hand over Clint's arm, applying just enough pressure to make it hurt. "How did you get in and what are you planning on doing to my dad?"


Peter cocked his head to the side, all previous toughness gone. "My dad. That's what you were coming here to do, right? Hurt my dad again?"

"Kid, I have no idea who your dad is."

Peter nodded slowly, searching Clint's eyes for any signs of deceit. "FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"Can you call Aunt Tasha here?"

The AI confirmed that Natasha was on her way. Clint wondered briefly if it were possible Natasha was 'Aunt Tasha'. The archer quickly dismissed the idea as nothing more then fanciful thinking, since there would be no way Natasha could be-

"Peter!" The red-headed assassin came whipping around the corner, grabbing for her nephew and checking him for injuries. "FRIDAY said someone attacked you in the hall and you asked for me. What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Tasha, I'm fine!"

"What happened to this shirt?" Natasha grabbed at the ripped part of Peter's tee-shirt, inspecting it closely. "Was this from a knife?"

"An arrow," Peter said matter of factly. "Hawkeye somehow broke in!"

Natasha whipped around, only to come face to face with an old friend. The urge to slap him for attacking Peter, and the urge to hug him for herself, were split, so she opted for something in the middle and slapped him, hugged him, then slapped him again.

"Never touch my nephew again, Barton."

Clint nodded firmly.

"I thought Tones told you guys to stay downstairs until we could tell Pete," she continued, raising an eyebrow.

"I got bored," Clint whined. "I didn't know Spiderman was living here, too."

"Peter," the teen corrected automatically. "I prefer Peter when I'm not under the mask."

Clint nodded over his friend's shoulder at the teen. "Peter. Who are you, anyways?"

Peter glanced at his aunt uncertainly, but the red head gave an encouraging smile. She, Tony, and Rhodey had agreed to introduce Peter to the other Avengers when they finally started moving, about 2 days ago.

"I'm Peter. Peter Stark."

-Bonus Scene-

Clint raced to the elevator, tapping his foot as he waited. When it finally opened, he jumped inside, then told FRIDAY to high tail it down to the new Avenger's floor. It was a quick ride, and soon he was standing int he living room on floor 97, looking around wildly for the others.

"Steeevvvveeee!" The archer called, whining like a kid. The super soldier poked his head out of his room down the hall.


"I need to tell everyone something!"

Steve sighed, then knocked on the other 3 doors on the floor, letting the other's know to come out to the living space.

"What's this about?" Bucky said, annoyance clear on his face.

"Tony has a kid."

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