"In Your Dreams"

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**Request by MissSagittarius123 where the Avengers show up at Career Day for Peter when they hear him complaining to Ned. I made the plot a little more complex, I went a little off the request, but I hope you still like it. Enjoy!**

"I don't know, Ned." Peter sighed heavily, pulling open the fridge with a dramatic yank and grabbing a Gatorade. "I guess I'll just go."

"It's just weird that they won't make an exception given everything that's going on," Ned countered. Even though Peter couldn't see him, he knew his best friend was probably waving his arms in exasperation, getting more and more frustrated. "I mean your life got flipped upside-down in the span of 3 months and they won't cut you any break? No exceptions?"

"They said I needed to do it to pass my career ed requirement for sophomore year."

"That's bullshit!" Ned stood up from his desk, and Peter heard a pile of books clatter to the floor through the phone.

"Sit down, Ned, it's fine," Peter said, running a hand through his hair. "I need to go for the credit, so I'll just go."

Peter's tone made it clear that he wanted the conversation to be over, and Ned picked up on it right away. "Whatever you say."

The two boys quickly changed the subject, getting into a heated discussion about the newest LEGO set. Unbeknownst to them, however, there was a certain secret spy listening in, and she slipped down the hall to the training hall, where the rest of the team was.

"Did you figure out why he was upset?" As soon as Natasha entered the room, she was bombarded with concerned Avengers, all eager to hear about why their newly adopted nephew was so upset that day.

"Yeah," Natasha said, leaning against the barre mounted to the far wall. "His school is making him go to the Career Day thing for some sophomore requirement. Ned seemed super angry about it, but Peter's just sad. He used to go with May, but with her gone, now..."

The assassin trailed off and the room seemed to dim as everyone grew somber. May had passed away 3 months ago, and after Tony had adopted Peter, everyone had grown overly protective of the boy. After a few minutes, Steve spoke up.

"So the school is saying he needs to go? They won't make an exception given the circumstances?"

"Nope. They said he can bring family, or rather, his foster family if that would make him feel better about it, but he has to go." Natasha put a mocking emphasis on the words "foster family". Even though Tony had adopted the teen, they'd kept it secret so the media didn't get in Peter's face. He wasn't ready for that kind of attention so quick after his Aunt's death, and no one was going to make him deal with it before he was ready.

"So he has to go and sit there, thinking about how his Aunt, who used to go every year, isn't there, but they'll let his foster family come. To make him feel better. And not rub it in that his Aunt isn't there?" Clint scoffed lightly. "That's ridiculous!"

"I'll go." Everyone turned to look at Tony, who had just offered to go. "I'll go and hang out with him. Besides, that Flash kid won't try anything if I'm there."

"I'm coming, too," Natasha said, standing up.

"Okay." Tony knew not to argue with her. "The rest of you aren't going, though, that's final. We don't want to make him uncomfortable, and all of us there would cause a scene."

With that, the billionaire left the room, presumably to get more coffee, and everyone exchanged glances with one another. "There's no way we're staying here, right?" Clint looked around the room expectantly. 

"Absolutely not," Sam said, a small smile playing on his lips.


Peter fell into his seat, dropping his bag with a thud and letting his shoulders slump.

"You okay?" Ned asked, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder from behind.

"Just peachy," Peter mumbled, trying to tear his gaze from the chair where May used to sit on these days. He couldn't help but think of the older woman, wearing last night scrubs, sitting in that seat, waiting her turn to talk about being a nurse. How she would come over to him and run a hand through his hair, stooping low to kiss his forehead. Rushing out the door to make it back to the hospital before her lunch break was over.

"Hello, class!" The teacher walked in, a row of parents following him. "As everyone knows, today we'll be completing the sophomore career ed requirement 'exploring options' and listening to our parents, and our peer's parents, talk about their jobs. We're still waiting on a few late parents, but we're going to get started so we don't fall behind."

"Maybe the late parents will also be your dad," Ned whispered into his friend's ear.

"Nah, he's probably busy. It's the first Monday of the month, the Avengers usually have SHIELD meetings today," Peter whispered back.

"Ha," Flash scoffed, leaning over the aisle to mock the smaller teen. "Like the Avengers even know Puny Parker, let along tell him about their meetings. They don't know him, and they don't know it's career day. In your dreams."

Ned and Peter both sighed, but didn't say anything. That would only make things worse.

"Now, I want everyone to welcome Mr. Thompson, Flash's dad. He'll be talking about his job as an executive at a law firm."

The class gave a half-hearted applause as Flash's dad stood up and strutted to the front of the room. He began talking, explaining how he was a very important partner at a law firm, and what that meant. There was a heavy emphasis on his salary.

About 10 minutes into his speech, Peter's super hearing picked up on the sound of people running towards the school. There were at least 5, no... 6? And someone was walking behind them, slower.

As the footsteps got louder, he heard the horribly familiar noise of Tony, Clint, Sam, and Bucky's voices, all echoing down the hall.

"I told you to stay there!" Clearly Tony.

"But we came anyways!"

"It's a free country." Those were Clint and Sam.

"It's not fair only you and Tasha get to have all the fun!" Now that was Bucky.

Peter groaned softly, sinking further into his chair. His highly dysfunctional family was getting close enough now that you could hear them without super hearing, and Ned's head whipped around as he heard a few thumps and a bang from the hall.

Everyone was whispering as they all heard the noises getting closer, then the door shuttered as something big ran into it.

"Watch where you're going, you probably interrupted the last guy," came Natasha's hissed reply, then a muffled "sorry" from Bucky.

Mr. THompson, who was trying fruitlessly to regain the class' attention, was growing frustrated, and kept looking over to the teacher for help, but the teacher's eyes were fixed on the door, which promptly swung open.

"Hope we're not too late." Tony strolled in, all his billionaire charm on display. Natasha followed closely behind, then Sam, Clint, Bucky, Steve, Rhodey, SSteve, and Bruce.

"Oh- uh- Mr. Stark, sir." The teacher stammered slightly, completely flustered. "What- what are you, and the Avengers, doing here?"

Tony flashed the old man his paparazzi smile. "We're here for my son, Peter."

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