Unexpected Pt. 2

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** I'm back with Pt. 2 by popular demand, so here we go! I wanted to show some over all growth, so we're gonna see Flash really turn around. Oh, and some cute Iron!Dad moments, I couldn't resist. It's a monster, like super long, but I hope y'all still enjoy!**

Flash's whole body seemed to tense up when he saw the Tower come into view. Peter noticed the clenched fists and pale face and smiled a little.

"Don't be nervous, it looks bigger than it feels from the inside. Besides, my room is in the penthouse, so we won't see much of this place."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Peter rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled a bit. "Bet you didn't expect this."

"No," Flash said with a yelp. "No, I didn't expect you to take me to Stark Tower on our first friend hang out!"

Peter scrunched up his face. "'Friend hang out'?"

"I just thought we could be friends," Flash mumbled, a blush creeping up his cheeks while he scratched the back of his neck. Peter nodded, thinking it over.

"Yeah, we can be friends. You can't be mean to Ned or MJ, though, they've seen me through a lot of really shit things and I kinda need them around."

Flash stuck out his pinky, which Peter took, and nodded his head once. "Promise. Now tell me how and why we are at Stark Towers."

"My aunt works the late shift on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so instead of me sitting at home by myself and making oven pizza for dinner, I come here and stay the weekend. Tony and the others are really sweet about it, I have my own room and everything."

"That's awesome, dude." Flash looked out the window, gazing up at the shining building.

Happy pulled up to the front, and Peter hopped out. He had to practically pull Flash out of the car, though, seeing as he was still staring up at the Tower in awe and fascination. Heading inside, Peter waved at the receptionist and headed behind the counter, to the private elevator, Flash in toe.

"This elevator is only used for people who live here, like Pepper, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and the others," Peter listed off some of the team on his hands, than looked over at his new friend. "You'll like my room, it's really nice."

Flash just nodded, unable to make any noise.

The ride upstairs went pretty quick, and before Peter could even warn Flash of what was (most-likely) waiting for them upstairs, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

Tony, Bruce, Steve, Rhodey,and Nat were all in the kitchen, each one drinking coffee, while Steve made a sandwich. Clint and Sam were on the couch, playing Mario Kart, and Bucky, Wanda, and Pepper were all sitting at the table, Wanda's hands tangled in Bucky's hair as she worked on braiding it.

"I'm home," Peter called, causing everyone to look up.

"Hey, Pete!" Tony came over to give Peter a hug, planting a small kiss on the top of his head. "How was school today? I still can't believe they made you go on today of all days!"

Peter, who had almost forgotten what day it was, seemed to deflate like a balloon. "Yeah, it was okay. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but there was this one kid who pushed past me right when I got there and I felt almost like I was back there, ya know? Like it felt just like that day with the burglar."

Everyone nodded sympathetically, but no one said anything else on the matter. They knew it was hard talking about their lost loved ones, so it was just better to keep moving forward.

"I made lunch," Steve said, holding up the sandwich. "Well, second lunch for you. Does your friend want anything?"

Peter seemed to suddenly remember Flash was standing behind him and whipped around to ask him.

"No, I'm okay, thank you for the offer, sir."

Steve laughed heartily. "'Sir'. Buck, did you hear that? Kid called me 'sir'."

The two soldiers laughed together, Wanda huffing in frustration when Bucky's jerking movements pulled the braid out.

"Buck, stop moving, now I have to start all over!"

"Call me Steve," the blond man said, turning back to Flash. "Now I just need to know what to call you."

Flash shuffled his feet a little, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about being in the same room as a whole team of trained super-heroes and ex-assassins. No doubt Peter had told them about how awful he was at school.

"Flash. Flash Thompson."

"Nice to meet you, Flash. I'm Tony, that's Steve, Bruce, Rhodey, Nat, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Pepper, and Wanda." Tony gestured to each of the Avengers (and Pepper) as he called out their names, each one of them raising a hand when they were called.

Flash was completely taken aback by the fact that none of them were trying to kill him yet. Peter, on the other hand, was just smiling as he shoved the last of his sandwich in his mouth.

"Thanks, Uncle Steve! It was really good." Steve ruffled the teen's hair. "We're gonna go play video games in my room, is that okay?"

Nat raised her eyebrow. "You sure, hun? You know how... messy it is right now." Peter didn't skip a beat, knowing exactly what she was referring to. His room had a lot of Spiderman stuff in it, and it was likely that Flash would put 2 and 2 together if they hung out in there.

"Yeah," Peter said softly. "I'm sure."

The two teens made their way down the hall, stopping at Peter's door, which was covered in Spiderman stickers and a small sign that said "Lil' Stark".

"Oh, I love Spiderman, too!" Flash pointed at one of the stickers excitedly. "I have these exact stickers at home. They were for my laptop, but my dad got angry the last time I put stickers on it because it ruined it."

Peter chuckled, more to himself than anything. "That sucks, man. And yeah, I love Spiderman. It'd be weird if I didn't, seeing as he lives here."

Flash stopped dead in his tracks, pulling Peter's shoulder so they were face to face. "Is Spiderman here, like... right now? Can I meet him? He's literally my hero."

"Sure, I think he might be able to swing by." With that, Peter opened his door, and the two stepped in.

The bedroom as huge, with a loft area for Peter's bed and his desk. Underneath that was a miniature lab, with books, a microscope, and a chemical cabinet set up. A couch and a few beanbags were out by the TV on the opposite wall, where a huge shelf of movies and video games were stacked up to choose from.

Next to that was another door, which actually connected to a larger lab where Peter could do larger, more dangerous experiments, and work on larger robotics.

Flash took in the room, looking at each and every part of it in awe. His eyes drifted over the red and blue curtains to the red and blur bed spread, and finally, to the Spider suit hanging over the lab table.

"Holy shit," he breathed, dashing over to look at it. He picked it up gently, examining the tear in the shoulder.

"I need to fix that up," Peter said, strolling over. "There was a robbery on 5th last night and the guy had a gun. Caught me by surprise, too."

It took Flash a minute and a half to realize what Peter had just said. The spiderling was counting.

"You're Spiderman?"


"No way," Flash said.

"Yes way," Peter countered, climbing up the side of the wall and dangling from the ceiling so he was face to face with Flash again.

Flash fell backward, pretending to faint, and Peter laughed.

"This is crazy. Why didn't you ever fight back? All those years I gave you hell and you could have beat my ass easily."

Peter shrugged. "I didn't want to hurt you. I have a lot of hidden strength, like i know I look like a wet noodle, but I can pack a good punch and I didn't want to see you get hurt if I didn't pull them right."

Flash scoffed. "You didn't want to hurt me, even thought I was hurting you?"

Again, Peter just shrugged. "I hate hurting people, so I just took it. I heal super quick, too, like last night? I said I got shot? Check it out now." Peter pulled down the neckline of his shirt, showing off the mostly healed wound, nothing but a raised pink mark and a scab now. "It really didn't hurt that much, and I didn't want someone else, someone weaker, to have to deal with it."

"How come you didn't tell them?' Flash jerked his thumb towards the door. "They didn't know me or my name at all."

"Didn't want them thinking I wasn't hero material, and I knew they'd hate you for it. I've always had a feeling you had your reasons, and now I know that you did, so I'm not too mad."

Flash scoffed. "You're something else, Parker."

Peter laughed. "Does this mean you don't want to be my friend anymore?"

"Are you kidding?" Flash's face showed just how serious he was. "You're, like, the coolest person I know. You can't get rid of me that fast."

"Good," the brunet said, sitting down in his favorite beanbag. "Grab a controller, I'm tryna beat this one level of Super Mario Bros and totally failing."

Flash did what he was told, and pretty soon, the two boys were engrossed in the game, completely forgetting about the time until Flash's phone rang.

"My mom wants to know if I died," he said with a chuckle. "I should get going."

"Want me to take you? You've never been on a trip through the city until you've webbed."

Flash looked tempted, but ultimately declined. "I'm afraid you'll drop me. Besides, my mom said she'll come get me."


Peter walked Flash out to the elevator.

"I'll see you Monday, Peter!" Flash waved just as the doors began to close, but he still heard Peter's reply.

"See you Monday, Flash."

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