Safety in Numbers

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**Request for tessalucy where the team are at the Barton Farm and Tony has to send for Peter, who has been a secret from the team since he was born. This one was super fun, I really love writing reveals about Tony having a son, lol. Enjoy!**

"We've got to fall back!" Steve punched his way through a tight knit group of robots as he shouted into his coms. "We need to regroup and come up with a new plan!"

"There's nowhere to go!" Tony yelled back, flying higher in his suit to get away from the immediate fighting.

"All of New York is hell right now," Natasha chimed in.

Clint, who was fighting along side Natasha, shot the woman a glare. He knew that there was somewhere safe - somewhere secluded and completely off the map and perfect - but it was also a sacred place to Cling. It was where his wife and kids were. It was home.

That being said, the team was getting their asses handed to them, and there was no time to be selfish. 

"I have a place we can go."

Everyone fell back, regrouping at the Quinjet. Clint was the first one there, already getting a message ready to send to Laura that the team was coming to stay. He waited for the email to encrypt via SHIELD codes, then it was off.

"Get in," Clint said, jerking his head at the plane. "I'll explain once we're on board."

Tony was particularly antsy about leaving the city, though no one really knew why. Once he was out of the suit, he was on his phone and refreshing his messages. "Where are we going?" he asked, looking up at Clint. "I need the address for Happy."

"No one gets the address," Clint replied, punching in coordinates. "It's a safe-house. My house."

Everyone was shocked for a moment. They knew Clint had a family, and they knew that his house was as secret and secluded as possible, but they never expected him to take them there, even when Ultron was taking over the city. There was something exciting about it, despite the fear and danger of the whole situation. The super- top- uber secret Barton lair. 

"Clint," Tony sided up to the man at the controls console. "I really need to know where we are going. I need to tell Happy."

Clint sighed. "Listen, Stark, I don't care how bad of a bunch your security guard has his panties in. I'm not giving you the coordinates. Nothing is more important than my family."

Tony looked conflicted for a moment, almost like he wanted to say more. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times, then bit his lip and went to sit back down.


The Quinjet landed smoothly, not even jolting as it touched down. Tony was still quiet and surly, his eyes low and dark. The team was already talking about their next plan of attack, too busy in their conversation to notice Tony's behavior.

"Everyone," Clint said, interrupting the team. "This is my wife, Laura, and our kids. Lila, Cooper, and Nathaniel. Lila is 12, Cooper is 8, and Nate here is just turning 5."

Everyone said their hellos, laughing uncomfortably when the kids ran to give Natasha hugs and when Nat returned the affection with big, sloppy kisses. No one had ever seen her so comfortable and silly.

Laura offered to make coffee, and the team happily accepted. She went off to the kitchen. Tony slipped away from the rest of the team to talk with her.

"Laura? Uh- Mrs. Barton, I mean?"

"Oh, Tony. You can just call me Laura, by the way. What's up?"

Tony looked over his shoulder. "Laura, the team doesn't know this, but..."

Laura gave Tony and encouraging smile. "Come on, you can tell me. I'm married to a spy, I can keep a secret."

"I have a son. He's 11 and he's stuck in Stark Towers, at the heart of this whole mess, and I- I need... I need him here. I need to see him"

Laura's face softened. She knew the look on Tony's face. She had seen it on Clint countless times when he stumbled through the door and scooped the kids into one big hug and just breathed.

"I need-"

"The coordinates are on the fridge. Clint keeps forgetting the last part, so we put it up there. You can have someone you trust bring your son." The woman turned back to the coffee she was making, leaving Tony to his own devices.

"Thank you. Thank you." Laura just nodded along.

"I can tell when a father needs to see his kid."


When headlights came flashing through the front windows, Clint was quick to throw the house into chaos, ushering Laura and the kids into a panic room and-

"Stop, stop," Laura laughed. "It's just Tony's head of security. Happy Hogan, right?"

Tony nodded, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he stood at the window, his neck craned as he looked for his-

"You told him?" Clint rounded on Laura. "I explicitly said no, Stark! I told you no, a million times, no! You don't get to just go behind everyone's backs and pull this bullshit that puts us all at risk just so your bodyguard can come hold your hand through the scary robots attack! I can't believe you-"

The door swung open and a little ball of energy and brown curls ran at Tony, who grabbed on and swung the boy in a circle.

"Peter! Bambino, oh, Peter! Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, right?" The billionaire checked the boy over carefully, turning him this way and that, brushing his curls out of his eyes, and holding onto his shoulders tightly.

"Dad! There were robots everywhere! Uncle Happy said you were safe somewhere and we waited forever to hear from you!"

Tony pulled his son in for a hug, breathing in his kids shampoo.

"You have a son?" Steve asked, looking at Tony in surprise.

"Yeah," he replied, holding Peter close. "Peter, meet the team."

Clint was shocked, his mouth hanging open like a cartoon character. "Stark, if I had know this was-"

Tony held up a hand to cut him off. "I understand. You were trying to keep your family safe."

"So were you."

Lila, Cooper, and Nate, who had been watching the whole thing suddenly stepped forward. "Can Peter play Nerf guns with us?"

Laura looked down with a little smile. "Of course. If Tony's alright with it, that is."

"Sure," Tony said with a shrug.

Peter ran off, Lila, Cooper, and Nate hot on his tail. The sound of laughter followed the little gang of four as they headed into the playroom.

"That's a recipe for disaster," Natasha said to Laura.

"Eh," Laura shrugged. "As long as Lila and Peter don't get too chummy, we'll be okay."

"You think Clint would go after Peter?"

Laura laughed and threw her head back, shaking it a little. "No, no! I mean Tony will take Clint's head off for ever introducing them!"

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