Week of Fluff (WoF) Day 1: A Birthday To Remember

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**Hi, all! I've decided to do a week of fluff because of everything going on. In these scary times, when we're all thinking of school, family, work, and health, I thought it would be nice to give everyone a chapter of pure happy each day for a week. With no whump or gore or angst, we can all have a solid moment of squealing happy. 

Got a ship you want to see? Got an idea for something pure and tooth-rotting sweet? Please comment!! I'm honestly doing this for you guys, and I want to get in all the fan favorites! Enjoy your first chapter of fluff!**

"Everyone ready?" Tony asked the team, looking around the penthouse. Steve and Bucky were putting up streamers, Natasha was putting out chips and dip, while Wanda was carrying a cooler of sodas. Pepper was putting the last candle in the cake, so it would be ready to light and carry out to the table.

Rhodey gave his friend a thumbs up as he arranged the gifts stacked up on the coffee table in the living room, brightly colored wrapping paper clashing horribly.

Sam and Clint were both lounging on the couch, being more of a hindrance than anything else.

"And what did you two contribute?" Tony asked, his hands on his hips as he looked down at the two slackers.

"We didn't," Sam said simply, leaning his head back.

"Nothing left for us to do," Clint added, closing his eyes. Tony smacked him in the head, making him jump. "Ow."

"It's Peter's 16th birthday, I want this to be perfect." The billionaire looked down at his watch. "He'll be here in an hour! Has anyone heard from Ned? Or MJ? And Shuri and May?"

Pepper laughed a little, a smirk coming over her face. Tony was sometimes thoughtless and selfish and unfeeling, but it was times like this, when he was panicking over whether Peter's little group of friends were coming and May Parker had a ride from the hospital, that she was reminded of how kind and sweet the billionaire could be.

"Ned and MJ are being picked up by Shuri and will be here right after school is out, in 40 minutes. Happy went to get May already, so she'll be here soon. Don't worry," Pepper assured her husband.

Tony nodded, but the worry wrinkles in his forehead didn't budge. "Did you all do presents? Real presents, no jokes or embarrassing things?"

Natasha rolled her eyes. "We all stuck to the list: Legos, science pun shirts, and books."

"I went off the list," Wanda admitted, causing Tony to whip around. "I got him a pair of custom Vans, I designed them in navy blue and red."

Tony visibly relaxed. "Do you think he'll like our gift?" he asked, his bottom lip sticking out a little as he pouted.

Pepper couldn't help it, she let a laugh shake her body as she threw her head back a little and wiped her hands on her jeans. "Honey, he's going to love it. How many times did he show you that stupid picture anyways?"

Tony nodded again, opening his mouth to say something only to have the elevator ding open and interrupt him.

"We're back!" Happy called, May Parker following closely behind him. Their hands were clasped together, but they quickly let go of one another as May rushed forward to hug Tony.

"Thank you for doing this again," the woman said.

Tony shrugged. "It was the least I could do."

Happy tossed a couple well-wrapped gifts to Rhodey, who set them carefully on top of the teetering tower.

"What'd you guys get him?" Tony asked.

May smiled. "A new calculator, some new jeans and a cute sweater, and Happy picked out some pretty cool Spiderman Legos."

Everyone laughed. The only thing to do now was to wait.


Hours later, after the party and cake, Peter was nestled into the couch in front of his mountain of presents. The surprise party had been perfect so far, with Peter laughing and smiling and excitedly chatting everyone's ears off since he got to the Tower, so the only thing to do now was presents. And Tony, being as nervous as ever, was bouncing from foot to foot, a finger in his mouth as he chewed the nail. Rhodey shot him a look and he dropped his hand, but still bounced about.

Peter worked through the presents slowly, gawking at every Lego set and reading each pun with glee. He would stop after every present, too, and thank the person who got it for him profusely. The whole thing was putting Tony through hell as he waited for his turn.

"Oh, Happy! This is the new Spiderman set!" Peter gushed, looking over the Legos the bodyguard had gotten him. "I was looking at this the other day! It's got, like, a thousand pieces! And look at the car, wow!"

Happy was laughing lightly, shaking his head. "No problem, kid, May said you were looking at that one."

Peter smiled up at May. "It's perfect."

The teen looked back at the table. He had opened everything, but there wasn't one from Tony. Peter's brow furrowed briefly, but he didn't want to seem ungrateful, so he quickly recovered. "This was such an amazing party, thank you all so much. Thank you for hosting, Mr. Stark."

The billionaire rolled his eyes. "My present wasn't the party, Pete, I just didn't bring it out yet. Want to see it?"

Peter laughed. "Sure, Mr. Stark."

The billionaire looked over to Pepper, who went down the hall to get the present.

"Now, Underoos," Tony started, going to sit by the teen. "Pepper and I got this all approved with May first, so feel free to freak out as soon as you see it, okay?"

Peter's face twisted with confusion. "What do you-"

The sound of paws slapping hard wood made Peter gasp and he whipped around to see a puppy come around the corner. A little pit bull, with huge paws and a goofy smile and a lopsided expression.

"Oh, my God, you didn't!" Peter sank to the floor, catching the puppy in his arms and cuddling it close.

"It's a little girl, a pit bull just like the one you showed me a couple weeks ago," Tony explained.

Peter laughed as the puppy planted a slobbery kiss on his cheek. "She's perfect, Mr. Stark, this is- this is incredible."

Tony's face split into a massive grin, relief flooding his body. "I'm glad you like her, Pete, I wanted to give you a birthday to remember."

Peter flashed the billionaire a blinding smile before rolling on the rug and letting the puppy run all over his chest and wrestle with his arm. It really was a birthday to remember, and in that moment, Peter was the luckiest person in the world.

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