WoF Day 3: Movies, Make-overs, and Moms

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**Enjoy some fluffy Peter Parker and his mom squad ;) **

"Peter," Pepper called, carrying out the -ter in a sing-song manner. Normally, she'd be wearing a pencil skirt and a tailored blazer at 3 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, but today was special. Today Pepper was dressed in stretchy leggings and a loose tee-shirt. Today was the second Tuesday of the month, and that meant it was her day with Peter.

More specifically, it was her day with Peter, Natasha, Wanda, Maria, and Carole. The little group of 6 would pile onto Pepper and Tony's king sized bed, snuggle into blankets and pillows, and put on old Disney classics while gossiping and doing nails or hair. Peter, it quickly became apparent, was basically a whole salon in one. He'd had years of practice with May, helping her with braids, fixing up her nail polish, and even learning a bit about make-up.

The teen bounded into the room, his hair falling into his face.

"You need a haircut," Pepper mused, pushing Peter's curls back. "We should really get that scheduled."

Peter just groaned. "I'll go later this week, okay?"

Pepper hummed in approval, nodding her head and steering Peter towards her bedroom.

"We already started the first movie."

"What did you all pick?" Peter asked.

"Little Mermaid to start with."

The two slipped through the door where Natasha and Wanda were already snuggled onto the bed. 

"Where is Maria? And Carole?" Peter asked, looking around.

"Right here!" Carole said, coming out of the en suite with an armful of nail polish. "You have so many colors, Pep!"

Pepper rolled her eyes, helping Carole with the little bottles of paint as she nearly spilled them all over the floor.

"And I have the brushes!" Maria said, coming from behind Carole with a few hair brushes, a box of pins, and hair ties in her hands. The agent dumped them onto the bed, then climbed over Wanda and sat criss-crossed. "I call first dibs on hair."

Peter chuckled, picking up a brush and some pins from the end of the bed. He jumped up on the bed, careful to not jostle anyone too much, and sat behind Maria. "What do you want?"

"Surprise me," the agent said, her eyes fluttering closed as Peter began to softly brush her hair. "This is literally the best part of my month."

Everyone laughed at that. I mean, it wasn't just Maria who felt that way. Every one of the high powered women in the room was used to working 12, 13, 14 hour days, and they hardly took 'breaks' during the rest of the time.

"Alright," Wanda said, holding up 2 bottles of nail polish. "Which one?"

Everyone pointed at the dark, almost rusted looking red except Peter, who pointed at the sparkly gold.

"What?" Peter said defensively. "I just think she should branch out."

"Give me that," Pepper said, reaching for the gold as Wanda unscrewed the red and began to work on her own fingers. "This will go great with the dress I got for that gala next week."

"Are you really going to that thing?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, isn't some big board thing? Are you even required to go?" Wanda added.

"Hush!" Maria whinned, pointing at the screen. "I love this scene!" The agent began to sway slowly, singing along to the song as Ariel belted out the notes, Peter swaying along with her so he didn't drop her hair.

Pepper sighed, holding out her hand as she admired the first coat of paint on the first few fingers and ignoring Maria. "If there is one thing I hate more than fat, old men who sit on the board and still think of me as a secretary, it's pouty Tony."

Carole snorted. "That's why you shouldn't go. Kill two birds with one stone: get out of a stupid dinner with the board, and show Tony that pouty won't work, so he won't try it anymore."

A ripple of laughter went around the room, and Maria stopped singing. Sometimes, they would all sing together, but other times, like now, they were much more interested in conversations.

"You could do what my friend MJ says," Peter piped up, one hand twisting strands of Maria's hair into a bun, the other placing pins  to hold the twists in place. "'If anyone fucks with you, you have two options. Go above their heads to someone who can fuck them up worse, or become the person above their heads and fuck them up worse yourself'." Peter imitated Michelle's voice and inflection, pausing between options and ending with a definitive nod.

"Better not introduce her to Mr. America, then," Natasha said through her cackles.

"This MJ seems like a spit-fire," Pepper noted, sending Carole, Maria, and Wanda sly looks. Natasha was too busy laughing to notice.

"Yeah," Peter said, lifting a shoulder in a half shrug. "She's pretty cool. Super smart, too, she's the captain of the Decathalon team! And she gets incredibly grades and it's not even from studying and stuff, like one time, I called her during the day to see if she wanted to meet up with Ned and I for ice cream, it was the Saturday before finals, and she was like, 'yeah, I'm not doing anything' and she said that she hadn't studied at all that week or whatever and she got all A's! She stands up for things, too, like at school, she stands up for the kids who get bullied and stuff, but she also helped organize a big march in the city about equal pay and stuff! She did some cool thing with our school, too, because she's a really talented artist, like, she does portraits and they are so realistic and perfect, so she did these big ones in pencil, so they were grey, right, and then painted in super bright colors things like 'engineer' or 'doctor' and hung them up for senior week to show off what the seniors were going to college for. And one time-"

The little group listened to Peter ramble on, his face lightly dusted in pink and his eyes glossed over.

"You liiiikkkkeeee her!" Wanda interrupted, teasing and jeering at the teen.

Peter's face got even more red. "What? No- no, I don't! I don't!"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "Suurrreee, you don't." The young hero sent Peter a wink, watching as he went even brighter red.

"How come we haven't met your girlfriend yet, Pete?" Carole asked, popping a bit of popcorn into her mouth.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Peter assured. His hands were free now, since he'd finished Maria's hair, and he threw them up. "She's just a friend who I think is one of the coolest people I have ever met!"

"That sounds like a crush to me," Maria said, wiggling her shoulders.

"It's not!" Peter assured!

"So she won't want to go out for coffee with you on Friday?" Natasha asked, Peter's phone in her hands as she typed away.

"How did you-" Peter spluttered, reaching for his phone as Natasha pulled it away.

Pepper huffed, pulling Peter's phone out of the spy's hands and giving it back to the teen, who put it back in his pocket and too a breath.

"Really, you all should lay off. He's not ready to tell her, that's fine. He'll figure it out as he goes, and I'm sure he'll keep us updated." The woman went back to painting her nails, a little smirk pulling at her lips. "Also, Pete, she wrote back. You've got a date on Saturday at noon."

The teen squeaked as he pulled out his phone, checking the text Natasha had sent.

"Can we get back to the movie now?" Maria asked, pointing at the TV. "Ariel is about to go on land, okay?"

Everyone turned back to the movie, falling into a comfortable silence as they watched. Then, after a moment, Carole looked back at the teen, who still had the shadow of a blush over his face.

"And Peter? Just remember to-"

"Kiss da gurl!" The whole squad chorused, making Peter jump. Everyone devolved into fit of laughter, rolling over themselves.

"But really," Pepper said, pulling Peter close for a hug. "She sounds amazing, hun."

Peter smiled. "She is, mom."

If there was one thing Peter loved about his crazy, dysfunctional life, it was his team of moms who teased him, and got him dates, and let him do their hair.

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