WoF Day 2: Dance, Dance

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**Day 2! This one was an idea from a comment on one of my other chapters from marvel_loving_panda, and I actually loved it, so here it is! Enjoy!**

Peter changed quickly, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. He was always a little late for his class, mostly because the bus schedule had changed and now ran 5 minutes later, but going straight from school to the studio didn't help much with that.

"May!" the teen called, grabbing his work out bag. "Can you grab a couple granola bars for me?"

May shouted that she'd put some on the island for him, and Peter made sure to grab them on his way out.

Even though New York City was cold during this time of year, Peter enjoyed jogging to the train stop, jogging to the bus, and jogging to the studio. Not only was it a good way to warm up for class, it was nice to not run in sweltering heat.

Not only that, but it passed the time easily. Jog to the train, ride for 3 stops. Jog to the bus, ride for 2 stops. Jog to the studio, put the bag in his locker, and get to stretching on the barre. It was so good at passing the time and keeping Peter busy, actually, that a few weeks ago, he'd passed Ned without even noticing, and the week before that, Flash and his posse had seen him jogging to the bus stop.

And this afternoon, while Peter jogged to the studio, Natasha Romanoff spotted the teen from her seat in a little cafe. And, being a spy, she felt the need to know where the young Spider was going dressed like that.

Peter, bless his trusting heart, didn't even notice or sense the spy following him.

When Peter stopped in front of the dance studio, the words 5th Avenue Dance painted on the door, Natasha couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Peter was dancing?

Peter shoved his bag into a locker, then hurried into a classroom, took his place at the end of the barre, and began to take positions and stretch.

Natasha watched the whole thing from the little window in the door, dodging down every time Peter looked her way or got a little too close. The class was only an hour long, but to Natasha, it felt like it was 5 minutes. The grace, the way Peter moved from position to position, the way everyone lines up to do perfectly times pirouettes... Ballet had always been Natasha's weak spot, and watching Peter use his strength and flexibility from Spidermaning to arch his legs and control his body so easily was especially relaxing to the woman.

A steady stream of people were suddenly coming through the door, but no Peter. Natasha waited. No Peter. Peeking back through the door, the spy saw that Peter was practicing jumps, running from one side of the room to the other, jumping up into graceful splits in the middle.

"You dance beautifully." 

Peter jumped, nearly slipping on his half-toe dance socks and catching himself on the barre. "Wha- Where- How long were you watching me?"

Natasha chuckled. "I saw you jogging a few blocks back and curiosity got the best of me. I watched the class."

Peter blushed. "I'm a very manly super hero, okay? This doesn't change that."

"Of course not," Natasha said, crinkling her brow. "Why would it?"

Peter shrugged.

"Peter, who told you dancing made you less manly?" Peter didn't respond, only shrugged again, and Natasha sighed. "Dancing, especially this kind of dancing, requires an incredible amount of control and strength."

Peter didn't look too convinced.

"They had us take ballet when I was a kid, training to be an assassin. That's how badass it is."

That got a laugh out of the teen, and it was infectious. Pretty soon, Natasha was laughing, too, throwing her head back and rolling her shoulders with Peter as they both laughed and laughed until their bellies hurt.

"These kids from school saw me jogging here once," Peter admitted once he had caught his breath. "They were being jerks about my clothes and stuff."

Natasha frowned. "I hate high school, Jesus fuck."

"Language," Peter said, mocking Steve's superhero stance with a puffed out chest and hands on his hips. It sent both of them into another fit of laughter.

"Show me what you're working on," Natasha said suddenly, breaking out of her fit and taking a seat on the floor by the mirror.

Peter knew better than to say no, and simply got into his 5th and began to move, keeping his arms, legs, and core taught as he shifted his weight and took careful steps around the room. Natasha watched with rapt eyes, only interrupting to give quick tips or point out adjustments the teen could make to create stronger lines.

"Move your hand back a little, open your shoulders. That's it." Natasha watched Peter move to get into a pirouette. "You're not spiking."

Peter stopped moving. "I know. They never really explained it and I don't get dizzy much because of all the swinging and stuff, so I just sort of put up with it."

"Pft, that's stupid. Here." Natasha got up and put her hands on either side of Peter's face, squishing his cheeks just a little. "Stay here."

One hand moved off Peter's face, but he didn't take his eyes off Nat's. Light pressure was applied to his shoulder, twisting his torso to the side.

"Keep your head here until you can't," Natasha explained, letting go of Peter's other cheek to let him turn. "As soon as you come around the other side, though, find me again. Whip your head around to find me."

Peter did as he was told, his eyes flicking over Natasha's face before coming back to land on her eyes.

"You'll get it with practice," the spy said, turning back to her place. "It took me about a year to spike well enough to not feel like throwing up after spin practice, but after that, I was fine. And people under estimate how hard ballet is, I mean, have you seen some of those kids who do it professionally? I know the Red Room wasn't an easy life, but I do not envy the kids who were dancers young, you-"

She was cut off as Peter wrapped his arms around her middle and hugged her from behind.

"Thanks, Aunty Nat."

The woman relaxed into the hug, a smile splitting her face. "No problem, олень." (Translation: Bambi, or literally, Baby deer.)

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