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That night, Jayla kept tossing and turning, even though she wasn't aware of it. She also kept having these terrible dreams. They were hazy, and she was hot, like it was 100 degrees. She also could barely move, like she was stuck in a sluggish mud. Her thoughts were distorted, and she felt bursts of terror rack her body.

  Then she woke up. A spasm shook her body, and her legs kicked out, flinging off the sheets. She curled up and lay still for a moment, feeling tired. Then a feeling of nausea came. Her stomachs ached and as quickly as she could, she raced to the bathroom. Then, what felt like the had vomited her guts out, the nausea dissapeared. Sitting on the floor, something like a wave passed through her, and instantly she felt better.

"Sweetheart?" Came her mother's voice from the doorway. "Are you alright?"

"No." Jayla said in a moan.
  Her mom crossed the room, and pressed a hand on Jayla's forehead. "Wow, you're burning up. Come on, lets go lay down."

  She led Jayla back to her bed, and lay her down.

"What is something you ate?" Her mom asked.

"Don't know. I didn't eat anything new."

"Well, we can't fix it now," her mom said worriedly.

"Should we head home?" Jayla asked wearily.

"I don't think so." Her mom said. "The drive home is about two hours, and with you sick, it isn't right for you to be shoved in the car that long. We'll stay until you feel a bit better."

"Mhm." Jayla uttered.

"Get some rest," her mom said.

  Jayla turned over, not saying anything. She really did feel tired, so tired.  Before she knew it, she had drifted off to sleep.


This time her dreams were clear. But it was almost pitch black. The air around her was cold, and breezy. Wait, was a that a building below her? She was flying.  But ok, not to weird in a dream. It was so dark though.  But as she was squinting, suddenly fire erupted out of her hands. She was startled, but again, it was a dream. Then things started to go wrong. She started feeling afraid. Suddenly, she started falling, and weirdly enough, objects started being thrown everywhere. Things were shooting all over the place. The ground came closer and closer, and just as she was about to hit it, Jayla awoke with a start, sitting straight up. Breathing very rapidly, she noticed her mom wasn't here. She spied a note that she must have kicked onto the floor. Trying to calm down, she read it. "Heading out to get some food, and something for that fever. Didn't want to wake you. Be back soon. Love mom."

  Jayla realised she didn't feel sick anymore. Like at all. Her stomach felt fine, and feeling her forehead, her temperature was normal. Suddenly, she felt something from her hand. Looking down, she saw the note was on fire.

"Ahh!" She yelled, throwing it to the floor. She instinctively closed her hand, and immediately the flame went out.

"What the heck??" She exclaimed, kicking the charred note aside, noticing it left a burn spot on the carpet. Flexing her hand, she saw there was no burn. Actually, it hadn't hurt her hand at all. She was pretty freaked out. It was like her dream. Fire from her hands. It still wasn't a dream right? No, this was definitely real.

  What if... she pointed her hand at the paper again, wondering it she could set it alight again. This time, she was surprised when fire shot out of her hand. She jerked back, and it caught the edge of her mom's bed. No no! Jayla thought, stopping the fire from her hand. She frantically tried to think. She had closed her hand toward the fire on the note, so maybe that. But she was extremely panicked, and waved her hand toward the fire. With horror, she realised she made it flare up and burn faster. Stepping back, she tripped over her shoes, and went sprawling back. She wasn't able to catch herself, and she nicked her leg on the edge of the dresser, then fell on her back, her hands flailing in the air. As she did, several items suddenly jumped up and began flying through the air. A lamp, her bedsheets, the tv, a chair, the phone, a water bottle and literally everything that had been sitting on something or was on the floor suddenly jumped up, as if pulled by an invisible force, and was now whizzing around the room. The fire, now stirred on by the wind currents these moving things, blazed higher.

  Jayla shuffled to the wall and pressed her back to it, horror in her eyes. Had she done this? Yes, but how does she stop it? She covered her eyes with her hands. "Calm down," she whimpered, trying to slow her breath and thoughts. When had somehow managed to calm down. She looked up slowly, lifted her open hand, and closed it. All at once, the fire disappeared, and everything that was in the air, stopped where it was, and dropped with a clatter. The bulb on the lamp shattered, a chair broke in pieces, the tv cracked. There was complete silence for a moment as Jayla just sat where she was. Finally, she got up, looking around. The fire has destroyed the bed, half of the bedside table, the carpet around the bed, and the wallpaper beside it. The ceiling had a singed look to it also. Everything was strewn around and broken. She also noticed she had cut herself pretty good on the dresser, and there was blood smeared on the carpet. By now it had crusted and stopped bleeding.

"This is like the dream," Jayla thought frantically. Just like it. Fire, and what she assumed was telekinesis. She realized this was was dangerous. She was dangerous. She couldn't control this! She needed to get out of here. Imagining the look of horror on her mom's face set it in stone. She was leaving.

   She managed to find her backpack among the things thrown around. She also found her suitcase, which had thankfully been zipped up, so everything was still inside. She grabbed two sets of clothes, hairbrush, her iPhone charger, purse and flashlight. She put her shoes on, and tied her jacket around her waist. Rifling through the stuff that was strewn around, she managed to find a box of granola bars, a few apples, a squished loaf of bread, bag of peanuts and a little jar of peanut butter. She found the fridge, and ignoring the stuff that oozed out when she opened it, she took a pack of cheese sticks, some water bottles, and a bag of carrot sticks. Rifling through some more stuff, she discovered her mom's purse. She looked in, noticing she must have only taken her credit card. Pulling out the change purse, a frown formed on her face as her better judgement kicked in. She knew if she was leaving, she'd need the money. She knew, right now, there was about 300 dollars in it. Regrettably, she tucked it into her backpack. Rifling through some other stuff for anything she needed, she heard voices down the hall. Jayla instantly froze.

"The noise was defintely coming from in here," a voice said, sounding to be moving towards the room. Jayla jammed her blanket and phone into her bag, zipping it up. Pulling it on her back, she frantically tried to think. She couldn't leave through the door now. Wait... she remembered the dream, her eyes slowly moving to look at the window. If the telekinesis and fire was real like her dream... then the flight was to.

  Jayla ran toward the window, kicking aside the blinds that had been ripped off the frame, and shoved the window up. She whipped her head around as a series of loud knocks had sounded on her door.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" A man's voice called out. Jayla shook, looking out the window, then back at the room. This needed to work. She couldn't explain the room, and likely, if she were found with powers, who knew what testing and laboratories she would be wanted for.

"I heard you in there. Please open the door." The mans voice demanded.

  Jayla put a foot on the windowsill, and leaned out. She took a deep breath, and jumped.

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