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The next morning, sounds of honking woke Jayla up. She wasn't surprised, it was the city after all. Turning her head to look at the other bed, she saw her mom was still sleeping. Very quietly, she hopped out of bed, and grabbed some clothes. Heading to the bathroom, she managed to close the door without a sound. She changed into her clothes, jean shorts, a cute red design sleeveless shirt, and her favorite jacket. It was dark blue, with a blue and white ring near the bottom. She had bought it, because it reminded her of a blue Jays color. Her mom didn't really think so, but that didn't bother her.

  Smiling, she brushed her dark brown hair, putting it in a loose ponytail. Finding a washcloth, she washed her face quickly, and shutting off the bathroom light, she went back to her bed. Sitting down, the bed make a creak, and in an instant her mom woke up. She always was a light sleeper, but for some reason didn't wake up because of the honking. It must just be the little things that woke her, and for the big noises, she was sound asleep.

"Ack, I gotta get up?" She groaned playfully.

"Well, mine as well," Jayla said.

"Fine." her mom got out of bed, and got ready, then they ate breakfast together.

"So, ready for a day in the city?" She asked Jayla.

"Of course!"


Later that day, they had returned to their hotel room after a tiring day of shopping. They had explored tons of shops. Video stores, clothes stores, a shoe store, a baking store, a second hand store, and a just knick knack store. Only when they got back to the hotel, Jayla realized they hadn't gone to the book store that was right next to the hotel.

"Mom!" She said with realization. "We forgot the bookstore."

"Well, you can go, it's right next door," she said.

"By myself?" She questioned.

"Yes. I'm not that protective," she said smiling. "Just don't take to long, and bring your phone with you."

"Ok," Jayla said. "And my phone is right here." She patted her pocket.

"Alright, have fun!" Her mom told her.

  Jayla patted her pocket to confirm her wallet was still there, then walked out the door. She went into an elevator, and pressed L, for the lobby. In a few seconds, the door slid open, and she walked out, through the lobby, and out the front doors. Looking at the sky, the sun was beginning to set, and she estimated it would be about one and a half hours before it would get dark.

  Quickening her pace, and arrived at the bookstore. As she walked in, the lady behind the counter smiled and waved at her. She must have been busy, since she kept moving stacks of books that were behind the counter, and typing things into the computer.

  Jayla smiled back, and walked down a row of bookshelves. Reading some of the titles, and recognized quite a few. The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, and Treasure Island. She spent a lot of time in the store, going up and down every isle. It seemed to go on and on, but it did end eventually.

  Two hours later, Jayla finally looked at her watch, and realized she had been out way longer than she intended. Quickly paying for the book she found, she ran out of the store, up the street and back into the hotel. Quite flustered, she got into an elevator, and pressed the button that was in the same spot as 14 had been ealier. Only it wasn't 14 now. It now said 13. Jayla didn't notice though, as it lit up, and the elevator began moving.

  Looking down at her phone, Jayla checked to see if her mom had texted or anything, and when the elevator doors opened, she walked out, not even looking first. Seeing her mom hadn't, she then looked up from her phone, and realized, this wasn't her floor. Ahead of her stood a doorway with strands of pretty glass beads hanging down. An arrow on the floor pointed towards the door. Jayla stepped forward curiously, moving the beads out of the way. Inside was a table. A pitcher of lemonade and cups were on the table, and a smiling boy with striking blond hair was behind it.

"Want some lemonade?!" He asked, very eager.

"Um," Jayla said, looking around the blank room, not sure if she should take it. But the boy was staring at her so pleadingly, she gave in. "Sure."

"Ok!" He gave her a small glass in exchange for 50 cents. He stared at her expectedly, so she took a sip. It was extremely warm and thick, only tasting faintly of lemon, but had this other strange after taste to it. Like someone mixed together all the spices you could have, and sprinkled it in the drink. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, she smiled and said, "mmm." She turned around, getting creeped out by the intense staring of the boys eyes. Walking out the door, and quickly drank the rest of the drink, depositing the cup in a trash can that she hadn't noticed before. Going into the elevator, she tried to make sense of what had happened. She had entered a floor she hadn't seen before, had taken a drink from a complete stranger, which, odd enough, was a little boy. Come to think of it, he was alone to. She kinda laughed nervously at herself, and decided not to tell her mom about any of this, to avoid even more embarrassment.

   Now, the buttons were back to normal in the elevator, and she made sure she pressed 14. Shifting her book into her other arm, she walked out of the doors when they opened. Walking down the hall, she stopped in front of her door and knocked. Her mom opened it a few seconds later.

"Figured you'd be a while in the bookstore," she teased.

   Jayla smiled half-heartedly back, "yea, didn't realize the time."

"Did you find anything?" Her mom asked, stepping aside to let Jayla into the room.

"Yep," Jaya said, showing her mom the book, while she closed the door.

"Cool." She said.

  Jayla went over the flopped onto the bed. She was feeling quite tired actually.  Makes sense though, they were moving all day. Looking at her watch,  she saw it was 10:15. That would explain to.

  Then she began thinking about that floor. 13 she remembered.  But there wasn't a 13 floor.  Well, technically there was, but hotels usually didn't add it because the number was unlucky, because of superstitious or something. But she distinctively remembered pressing a button with the number 13 on it. No, maybe she imagined it. It was late, and she had been looking at her phone. But it wasn't there when she checked after getting back on. Also, not to mention that floor.... it was probably someone playing a dumb prank.

"Well, I'm going to bed," her mom announced, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Yea," Jayla said slowly. "Yea me to."

  She changed into her night clothes, and went to bed. Her mom turned off the lights. Jayla tossed a bit to get comfortable. Then she lay there on her side. She felt a but uncomfortable. Her heart was beating a bit fast, she felt warm, and her stomach felt queezy. Overexertion maybe? She concentrated on falling asleep, it would make her feel better. A few moments later, she drifted off.

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