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Here's the next chapter.......
Warning mention of rough smeggs, and after effects ahead......


My pubic area was having pains today, all because I had sex again, and it's normal I do feel those kinds of pains after having good rough sex.
My hips, pelvis, and core are all hurting, but I endured it, and I trucked onward, because I had a job I enjoy, though Eric pays me gobs of money to spoil me, whilst he's in Shreveport Louisiana; I still want to keep myself busy, though I'm half blind, because if I don't keep myself busy, I go undeniably crazy due to restlessness.
I was just now getting ready for work, right after a fresh shower, me smelling like Aussie Avacodo shampoo, and Raw Sugar Green Tea, Cucumber, and Aloe body wash, and with my teeth freshly brushed after I had my morning coffee, which I'll want more later onwards, and my hair was fixed in order too, which I also dressed in a gray Disney Stitch t-shirt, that showed my chubby curves and big breasts prominently, and I wore gray and black sweatpants, along with my second pair of men's black and gray high top Nikes.
I also sprayed on my cherry blossom perfume too.
I also grabbed everything I needed, which was my phone, my charger, my portable charger battery, car charger, my wallet, my keys, and my Identification Tag for the Dailey Planet, which I put over my neck, and then left my home, me locking the door behind me.
I also gave myself my Emgality injection in my stomach, before I left my home.

I walked to work, since The Daily Planet is not that far from my home, maybe two blocks, but I enjoy the walk.....well when nobody is muttering insults about my weight that is.

I perk up at hearing a vehicle approach, and I jump a little when it honked.
I heard the owner of the vehicle shout at me, and I flip him off on instinct in his direction, and the owner of the voice cursed at me.

"Honey you ain't worth my time."
I grit out at the driver who mooed at me.

"Bet no dick can fit in you hoe!"
He grits out.

I put up two fingers and stick my thumb out to signal the number three.
"Actually three can find my pussy thank you very much."
I sass him.

He laughed.
I call bullshit!"

"Believe whatever you want little man."
I shrug at him.
"Now quit bugging me!"

"I'll keep bugging ya lardass!"
He still followed me, which I could hear the tires crunching the concrete slowly as it rolled by to follow me.
"It's rich you say that three dudes did you!"

He was irritating me, whoever he is, and I suddenly heard a signature fluttering of clothing I recognized as Superman appearing, making me tilt my head to the side to the noise.
"Leave her alone!"
I heard Superman's voice, and I stop walking, sensing him right next to me.

"Why should I?!"
The man grits out at Superman.

"Unless you want a sexual harassment lawsuit on your hands; it's best you stop harassing her."
Superman says to the man calmly.
"So keep driving."

"Tch, whatever you freak!"
The man I heard drive off.

I turn towards Superman, turn where I sensed him, giving him a thankful expression, me seeing his red and blue blurry figure, and his dark blurry hair, but as usual I can only see people's eyes more clearly than their bodies, and his blue eyes showed concern for me as he looked down at me, since he's way taller than me like Eric is, and Godric is about my height to be honest, so Godric would be considered a shortie compared to Superman.
"Thank you sir."
I tell Superman, me smiling at him warmly.

"Just doing my job ma'am."
I then heard his cape flutter again, meaning he flew away, and my heart thuds at how he defended me, but I know he's doing his job that I asked of him, and Eric asked of him, to keep me safe from religious vampire hating fanatics, and other vampires, who seek vengeance upon Eric through harming me.

I then after awhile made it to work, me walking through the doors, and like always, Clark greeted me, him saying cheerfully to me as he always does.
"Welcome back Kara!"

"Hello Clark."
I say to him, me smiling nervously at him, and me feeling already beat after the incident with that driver that harassed me, me feeling emotionally drained, because me being harassed always had done that to me.

"You sound tired?"
Clark asked me, and I could hear the concern lacing his voice.

"It's because I was harassed as I was walking to work by some jackass."
I sigh at him a tired, annoyed, yet raggedy sigh.
To be honest vampires are easier to handle than humans at times, including werewolves, and shifters like Alcide, and Sam, so dealing with humans is more draining in my opinion, but Superman isn't that horrible to deal with, neither is Clark, because Clark ,and Superman are very pleasant to be around more than normal people, but Superman admitted he ain't human either, so I have to take into account that information.

"I'm sorry."
He says to me as he follows me to the coffee room, and I feel my hands along the grains of wood, for me to feel where the right cabinet was, to fix every employee's coffee how they liked it, and I changed the coffee filter, throwing it away, then replaced the coffee filter, and put water and coffee in the right places inside the coffee pot, and started the coffee pot, it burping and gurgling to life.

I then go to the fridge, grabbing liquid creamer, and set it by the coffee pot, and I pull out sweetener, and sugar, and set them down nearby the creamer.
"So what happened?"
Clark asked me, I bet him curious about what happened, so I decided to tell him anyways, because I trust him, and yes he's my closest my friend now, and only friend in Metropolis so to speak.

"Don't tell the boss, but Superman helped me."
I tell him.

Clark seemed calm when he asked that and I nod in confirmation.

"Yeah, I'm thankful for him doing so."
I smile warmly at him in his direction, and today his blurry figure showed he was wearing a button up light blue top I guess, and a red tie by the blurry shape of it, and his hair was black like Superman's, but more wild than Superman's, like he just rolled out of bed by the color and blurry shape of it, and I also saw he wore blurry formed black glasses, and as usual I can see people's eyes better, and they were a deep blue too like Superman's.
What is it about me and loving men with such deep baby blue eyes?
I guess I get that from being Eric's human lover for so long, but Godric had blue eyes, that had green flecks in the blue of them.
I look away from Clark immediately, me flustered I'm staring too long at him, which was making my heart skitter bap in my chest.

"I'm glad you are."
He says to me, him oblivious as to why I stared at him for so long, and he seemed relieved for some reason, which confused me, which made me tilt my head in my confusion, which Eric always mentioned made me look cuter than any animal he has ever cared for, and yes Eric has a weak heart for animals.
I mean he has a farm full of them, and he enjoys an animal's company over human or vampire's company, which he often openly admitted me in a truthful tale to me, especially after we had sex when I lived in Bon Temps, but he admitted too he highly enjoyed being in my company, way more than being around his progeny Pam, and Pam can get on your nerves, and I often imagined me bitch slapping her when I worked at his bar Fangtasia when she frustrated me to no end, because if I even laid a hand on her, she'd snap me in half with ease, and I don't want Eric to kill her for trying to harm me, and it's also due to he's madly and undeniably in love with me.
Clark places a hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way, him bringing me back from reality from my deep thoughts, and to be honest his hands were as gentle as Superman's, and his hands reminded me of Superman's gentle caring touch.

"People tend to harass me because of my weight, so I'm used to it."
I tell him honestly as I started fixing everyone their coffee how they like it.

An employee came into the rec room I'm in with Clark, saying.
"Clark big news!
It seems Superman has a girlfriend!
Rumors are going around about it!
Nobody knows who it is!"

I had gotten tense when the employee said that, and I could tell Clark noticed when he shifted his weight.
"Huh, nobody truly knows?"
Clark seemed only a tiny bit interested in the matter.

"Yeah, everyone's dying to know who she is!"
The employee says excitedly to Clark.
"Wanna beat us all to the punch on finding out who it is?"

"Sadly I'll stay out of this story."
Clark says to the employee.

"Clark Kent; avoiding a juicy story isn't like you in the least, so what gives?"
The employee asked Clark, the employee sounded disappointed in Clark for missing out on a journalist's wildest dream in getting a juicy scoop about a super hero's lover.

I felt Clark's eyes on my body, feeling them stare lower to my ass, then I didn't feel them linger anymore, so I figured him looking down was his way of thinking, just like me looking up is how I think, and people who don't realize I'm legally half blind, don't know that I'm not trying to roll my eyes, so often I'd get backhanded by men in the past, but Eric never ever laid a hand on me, because I knew he knew that is how I think, since he often observed my body language over the many years I worked with him in his vampire bar.
Godric never laid a hand on me either, more or less if Eric couldn't swoop in to protect me, Godric would always be there to save my ass from trouble back home in Bon Temps, which I'm gratefully thankful for; which that reminds me, that Godric will soon be visiting here in Metropolis soon, so I best prepare for it too, his visit, and no doubt he will report to Eric how I fair here in Metropolis, and Metropolis is a long way from Louisiana, so Godric will have to take Anubis Airlines, a private airline to arrive here to see me, and I never mentioned that to Superman, because vampires have their own private airline.

Maybe I should tell Superman about Anubis Airlines and about vampire hotels and stuff?
I thought to myself, me wondering if I should really reveal that, and vampire's weaknesses.
No revealing their weaknesses is too dangerous, especially after the incident I had with Joker.
I thought more to myself, and finished giving coffees to the employees, including I handed Clark a cup of his second cup of coffee.

"How do you like your coffee?"
Clark asked me, and his voice hinted curiosity.

"I like pumpkin spiced coffee with sugar substitutes, and whipped cream from the spray can on top, with a spoon."
I tell him honestly, then ask him.
I tilt my head, me confused why he asked.

"There's a place that serves that kind of coffee Clark, so why don't you treat her, since she's been working so hard?
I think she deserves it."
Our boss says from behind me, and I turn to face our boss's voice.

"That's okay."
I say to my boss.
"I don't need it."

"No, you deserve it."
I could hear the wink in his voice without even seeing his face, and that made me suspicious of what he was trying to do, afraid he's trying to set me up with Clark, when I already have three men who are my lovers now, so yes I was very nervous, since all three were possessive, especially two are vampires, and vampires are naturally possessive.

"If you're okay with it though?"
Clark asks me, and I'm glad he's such a good friend that thinks of consent of my opinion first.

"Okay, as long as we get breakfast too."
I tell him, me feeling hungry finally now, the pains I was having in my pelvis, pubic area, and core were slowly dulling down for now, but later I know they'll act up when I sit, so I'll be shifting in my seat where-ever we go the whole time, getting people to stare, by me feeling it.

"Then it's settled, drink up your coffee Clark, and take her to breakfast."
The boss says cheerfully, then I heard him walk back into his office, his office door clicking shut.

"Let me finish my cup of coffee you made for me and we'll go."
Clark says in a kind way to me, the man was too gentle, and too good to be real in my opinion, and I never met a man so nice and gentle all at once, and most men are like Eric, and Eric can be cold hearted, but also nice and sweet when he wants to be, and Godric is always sweet in my opinion.

In a way Clark and Godric have the same kindness, and kind hearted nature to me, because Godric, though he had trauma in his life, he is gentle and carefree, as well as always treated me with kindness, and Clark reminds me of that, which is nice to say the least, and I wouldn't want it any other way that Clark is that kind hearted and gentle.
Superman is as well kind hearted, gentle, including his touch is gentle, but the other day, he was rough in bed, a first he's done so, and I'm feeling the soreness and pain from it this very minute, as now I'm sitting in the passenger side of Clark's vehicle, me buckled in, and shifting in my seat alot, because my butt and core is in pain, including my pelvic floor and hips from the rough sex I had with Superman, and I sigh an annoyed sigh.

"Are you okay?"
Clark asked me, concern lacing his voice, and I tilt my head up at his voice.

"I'm fine.
I just slept weird, which is causing me pain this morning."
I lie to him, because I couldn't tell him I have three lovers, because he may judge me, though he's a kind hearted individual.

He asked me, him sounding doubtful by my excuse of why I'm shifting painfully in my seat alot.

"Yeah, I'm a restless sleeper and tend to pull muscles and stuff in my sleep."
I lie more to him.

"If you say so?"
He replied, and by the sound of his voice he decided to drop the matter, as he says next.
"This coffee shop has good pastries and good breakfast sandwiches, as well as regular sub sandwiches, so I think you'll like the place."

"I hope I do.
I do get finicky at times with food."
I reply, me being overly honest, that yes I can be finicky and picky about what foods I'll eat, because of texture issues I have when I eat something, because being half blind makes my sensory systems more in overdrive, including my sense of taste, touch, smell, and hearing; so when I eat certain things, the texture can bother me, and I stop eating the food immediately, which causes me to waste food I'm given, but I can't help it, even Eric knows I can't help it.
I just hope I like the food wherever Clark is taking me.

I felt him park his vehicle, which his vehicle is an old truck by the sound of it, as it's louder than most vehicles, and rumbles too as it is being used, which reminds me of an old truck my Mom used to have, that was sideswiped in a wreck, that saved our lives, since it was fully metal, before I moved from Bon Temps, and that night while I was being checked over in the hospital, Eric bursts into the room I was in, him fretting over me, and the doctor allowed him to hug me, then the doctor checked me over, seeing I only was bruised from the seatbelt keeping me intact in my seat, it saving my life when the crash occured, and Mom too wore a seatbelt.
Eric that night pampered me once I was returned to work, him helping me pour drinks for the first time in his life at his bar, and usually he just sits on his antique throne chair, and watches me do my daily routine of chores at work, but because I was so sore, it hurt to bend over, so he helped me out, until I felt entirely better.

I heard Clark turn the rumbling engine off with his key, and he says to me, his hand on my shoulder, which brought me back to reality from my thoughts.
"We're here.
I'll escort you inside, since it's a new environment for you, and you don't know your way around."

"Thank you Clark."
I heard him get out, and slam his driver's door, making the truck shake a little, and then I heard him open the door in my passenger side, and he helped me unbuckle myself, and then helped me step out of his truck, and I had my purse over one shoulder, and I wrapped one arm around his arm, and follow him, as he guided me inside the place we planned to eat at.


To be continued....

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