The Fellowship Of The Sun

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Here's the next chapter.......

Warning mature content ahead.....

I slept a long time, only to wake up to rattling noises, and I groan as I roll on my side, and the rattling noises kept going on, and I get up, yawning loudly.
I walk into the living area, following the rattling noise, finding the culprit of the noise was.......
"Miss, it's me Superman."
I heard Superman's voice behind my sliding door balcony window.

I quickly unlock it, and open the sliding window door, and say to him.
"Come in before someone sees you."

I heard his cape float in the air, and his boots tap my linoleum flooring, and I shut my window door to my balcony, and locked it.
"Clark told me you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yeah, it's important.
Can you sit?
Or do you sit?"
I ask him, and I suddenly came to realize my hair was unkempt and messy, because literally I just rolled out of bed, and I felt self-conscious about it too.

"What about?"
He asked me as I sat on my lazy boy couch, but I didn't hear him sit next to me, so he was standing it seemed.

"Eric is going to be busy with vampire business, and he realized there's a problem involving a religious fanatic group called The Fellowship Of The Sun.
We had issues with them before, because they are vampire hating Christian Nationalists, extremists.
I saved his maker, the vampire who turned Eric from them trying to kill his maker.
His maker is called Godric.
Thing is, Eric is concerned I maybe targeted by them, and he wants you to protect me, since he can't leave Louisiana for awhile, which he don't know how long, but his maker Godric will visit, and Godric I found out has feelings for me too."
I tell him, as I brush some of my hair outta my face.
"Godric is two thousand years old, him respected by other vampires, feared even.
Eric is very loyal to Godric.
My point is, don't be surprised I'll be harmed by these fanatics or they may try to kidnap me, and try to torture me, or possibly attempt to kill me.
That's why Eric told me to tell you, that he gives you permission to protect me however you can.
Godric is going to visit soon though to check on my well-being for Eric."

I heard him sigh in an annoyed fashion.
"Are you upset?"
I ask him.

"No, I figured meeting you and Eric that I'll be involved with Eric's world."
He says to me, and I heard his honesty in his voice.
"I'm more irritated though his world is dangerous, that you still want to be involved with him."

"I can't let him go when he won't let me go, and now Godric admits he loves me?
It's kinda hard to reject both, let alone you too."
I say to him, me twiddling my thumbs nervously.

"I don't usually share."
Superman says to me, and I nod.

"To be honest I don't blame you."
I say honestly to him.
"But will you protect me like Eric asked?"

I heard him sigh again.
"Yes I will.
I can't help but want to."

I tilt my head up, looking upon him, seeing reds and blues, and a dark spot on his head which was his hair, and I wish I could see his face.
I also wished this alot when it came to when I had sex with Eric.
"You know I wish I could see your face.
I've been really wishing it alot lately."
I rub my neck nervously, my heart pounding.

"You have?"
He asked me, and finally sat next to me, him placing a hand on my inner thick chubby thigh.

I really wish I could see your face."
I admit honestly to him, and I reach out, putting my fingers on his face, and I heard him intake a breath, and I trail fingers along his perfect jaw, his well built cheeks, and then when my fingers met his eyes, I felt his eyelids, then up to his perfectly kempt hair, it felt like silk.
He then grabbed my wrists gently.

"Can you see a little?"
He asked me.

"Blurry colored blobs.
Your face to me looks like a pale blob including your hair, but your eyes stand out, they are blue......just like....."
I cut myself off.

"Like what?"
He asked me.

"Like Eric's eyes."
I pull my hands away.
"But yours are more blue than his."

"Everything comes up to Eric it seems.
I can't seem to compete with him."
Superman says to me, and I could hear his frustration.

"You saved my life several times, so you mean alot to me more than you think.
Eric maybe apart of my life, including Godric, but to me you're important too.
I mean.....we did do things."
I say to him.

Superman then places a hand on my cheek.
"Do you remember?"
He asked me.

"Remember what?"
I ask him.

"When you were drugged?"
He asked me.

We had sex when I wasn't myself.
I now remember.
I thought to myself.

"I now remember."
I tell him.
"I couldn't control myself.
I didn't mind what we did and don't regret it."

He leans down and pecks my lips, and I allow his tongue to go into my own mouth, his tongue licking and teasing my mouth.
I run my fingers through his hair, and he gently lays me down upon the couch, and I could feel his hard on against my core through my boy shorts panties in his outfit.
He pulls away from me.
"Can we?"
He asked me.

"Have sex?"
I ask him.

"Well yeah."
He asked me.

I nod to him.

He was breathing hard in arousal, and I was only in my boy shorts pink underwear and my shirt, I felt him pull my underwear off my hips, and watched his blurry blobby face dive between my legs, and I shiver, feeling his tongue slide and lick my insides, and I arch my hips, feeling him immediately hit a good spot.
I let out a moan.
I call out his name as his tongue rapidly hits my good spots, and then his two fingers joined in, and his thumb flicked my clit rapidly in circles.

I could feel my orgasm throbbing to the surface, and I was clenching his hair into my hands, my hips were rocking to the rhythm of his fingers thrusting in me now, and his tongue licking, and teasing my insides.
I reel my head back, me letting out a silent scream, me arching my back as my core gushes it's orgasm upon his mouth.
I shiver and shake from my orgasm, and breathe hard, my core humming, and throbbing, and as well as spasming.

He pulls away from my core, and I heard clothing shuffle, and I felt his tip slide slowly inside me, it throbbing as it entered my insides.
I heard him groan as he entered inside me, and he filled me easily to the hilt, his balls touching my rear end.
"You are big."
I admit honestly to him as he pulled out then thrusts back in.

"You're the only one I've been inside of."
He admits honestly to me.

"I can't really be the only one?"
I genuinely couldn't believe I was his first.

"I'm serious.
You were my first."
He says to me, and I could hear his honesty lacing his voice, as he started thrusting faster, and I reel my head back, hearing the couch squeak at the rhythm of him thrusting inside me, and I could feel my wetness trailing down my ass, and to the leather couch.
I could hear our organs making wet slickening noises too, which sounded erotic at it's finest, and also lewd.

I felt him rip my shirt off my body, shredding it to pieces, and I felt him trail kisses, up to my right large breast, and then sucked on it, teasing it with his lips and tongue.
Making me hug his head to my chest, and move my hips along with his thrusts, our pubic areas making delicious contact with each thrust he does, and he then pulls away from my breast.
"I don't mind you being hairy.
You are beautiful."
He says into my ear.
"Truly you are.
Even if you are bigger than other girls."

"Thank you."
I tell him as he wrapped my big thighs around his waist, and started thrusting faster inside me, but not enough to harm me.
I feel he could harm me if he tried, just like Eric, but Superman won't.

His hands roamed around my body as he thrusts fast into me, and it felt so good feeling his throbbing dick hitting my good spots, and him touching my body too.
I was letting out honest moans, and he kissed me again to silence them, and I honestly moaned once again in his throat.
His hand trailed between my thighs, and his middle finger rubbed my clit rapidly, making me moan loader into his throat, and make it feel it swelling, and tingling too in reaction to him touching it like this.
I wrap my arms around his back, my nails digging into his back, making him groan.
He then spreads my thighs wider, uncurling them from his waist, making him thrust deeper than before, and he pulls away from the kiss, and he thrusts deeper, and fast, if possible, our pubic areas making contact.
Him still rubbing my clit with his finger as he does so, and I finally felt my orgasm ripping throughout my system, my core humming, and spasming really good against his dick, and he groans loudly, him thrusting one last time inside me, him enjoying me orgasming upon his dick I bet, and I dig my nails into his chest, me feeling his chest hair against my fingers, and I cling to him there as I felt his warm seed enter my body, which felt good.

He then kissed me again, our tongues licking, and teasing each other, and I could feel his essence leaking down my ass from my core.
He then pulled away from the kiss, him  saying.
"I love you."
I blink in shock he said that.

I ask him.

"I love you."
He says to me, and I heard he was being very honest in his voice.

My heart was racing from the sex we had, us still connected, and I reach up, and say to him.
"I love you too as much as Eric, and Godric equally, and I have no favorites."

"You don't play favorites?
Do you want all three of us?"
He asked me.

"Can't I?
I mean I can't choose."
I say honestly to him.
"Can you deal with that?"

"I can try.
I just get jealous."
He says honestly to me.

"As I said I don't play favorites.
So you don't need to be jealous."
I then lean up to kiss his lips to show him I was serious.
"I will treat you well equally like I did them."
I say more against his lips.

He pulls out of me, him asking me.
"Can vampires have children?"

"They like to try."
I say to him, me sitting up, and I was leaking his essence on the couch.
"I need a shower."
I tell him.

"We didn't do this safely twice, so I'm afraid you'll get pregnant."
He admits honestly to me.

"Actually I'm infertile.
I been infertile since I got my period, so I doubt that'll happen, if it does, then it's a miracle."
I tell him honestly that I was infertile.

"You won't have a child then?"
He asked me.

"Sadly no."
I tell him.
"Anyways I'm fine with not having kids."

"Are you sure?"
He asked me and I nod.

I stand up, and say.
"I'll take a shower and we can talk more."
I go to my room, gathering me clothing, and went to take a shower in my bathroom.

I took a quick shower, cleaning my body up well, and dressed once I got out of the shower, and brushed my teeth, and hair well, and I come out smelling like water lilies.

I find Superman's blurry figure next to my pictures of Eric, Godric and me I had displayed.
"The dark haired man looks like he's a teenager?"
Superman asked me.

"Godric was turned when he was either seventeen or eighteen.
He can't remember how old he was when turned."
I tell him honestly.
"I saved him from suicide.
Though The Fellowship Of The Sun wanted to fry him in the sun so their convent could watch, Godric took advantage of it, and wanted to die.
But I stopped him by chance."

"Why did he want to die?"
Superman asked me.

"His past is why.
His maker did cruel things to him.
The trauma was too much is my guess?"
I reply to him.

"I don't mean to pry."
Superman says to me.

"You're fine.
You need to know about them anyways."
I tell him.

"I should go.
I had a nice time tonight."
Superman then leans down, and pecked my lips, and I let him further the kiss, and our tongues caress each other, licking, and tasting each other.
Then he pulls away.
"Call my name when you are in danger."

I tell him, and he then walks away from me, and unlocks my window door, and I heard him fly away, since his cape fluttered in the wind.

I then lock my window door after shutting it.
I sigh happily, my mind on Superman as I started cleaning my couch up of semen with a rag, and some spray cleaner.
I know I'll see him again and can't wait to see him again.


To be continued......

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