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Here's the next chapter.......

Major plot twist ahead......

I could feel Clark's eyes staring lowly at my round rear, which gave me chicken skin, and I don't know why, and I felt my cheeks burning hotly.
My phone beeped out.
"Voice multi media message from Eric Northman."

I feel into my pocket, and pull my touchscreen phone out, me leaning my face an inch in front of it, and I press my thumb on the finger print scanning thing, and it unlocked, which I then listen to the voice message.
"I cannot visit for awhile.
Some vampire business is all I'll say.
Godric says hello though.
I'll be bored while doing this.
Until then stay safe and away from trouble.
Heaven forbid you are always in it."
Eric says to me.

"He's such a naggy old geezer."
I scoff, locking my phone.

I set my phone on the counter, and sigh.
He means well though.
I mean Superman saved me last time I got into trouble, especially with that Joker guy.
I thought to myself.

"Sookie what I would give for your mind reading powers."
I mutter to myself as I finished making a cup of coffee for Clark.
I turn around, and I was met with Clark standing in front of me, me nearly spilling the coffee onto myself, but he caught the coffee in time, well except most the coffee splattered on him, and a little on me.
I'm sorry Clark!"
I say to him, me smelling the coffee spilled on him instead.
I place my hands on his warm damp shirt, and......wow....he's really muscular!

I was immediately flustered severely where I felt my cheeks and ears burn, and my heart race rapidly.
"Aren't you burned?
You didn't even yell out in pain!"

"I just have a high pain tolerance."
He says to me, his hands clasping my own.
"You too are covered in coffee, but aren't you hurt?"

Well.....um.....after what happened to my eyes.....my pain tolerance is different."
I tell him.
"Imagine feeling the worst pain possible for hours on end, the agony.
To be honest it changed my body."

"I am sorry that happened to you."
Clark says to me and I tilt my head to the side, me sensing how much he felt sorry for me.

"Don't worry about it.
I maybe disabled, but as you can see I can work.
I should be apologizing to you.
I bet your clothes aren't cheap either.
I can pay for the dry cleaning."
I tell him, me fretting over his clothes being soiled by coffee, by my klutziness.

"You're fine.
You don't need to do that."
Clark says to me.

"I insist!
Or better yet I buy you dinner?"
I smile up at him.

My hands felt sticky from the sugar that was once in the coffee.
"I need to wash my hands."
I walk to the sink and wash my hands with some Dove aloe vera soap.

"Are you sure you're alright?
The coffee was hot."
Clark asked me.

"I'm fine, but I'm more worried about you, since you got the full brunt of the coffee splattering on us both."
I say to him.
"I'm used to pain.
To be honest my eyes do bother me once in awhile, you know hurt, but I deal with it.”

"What do you mean they hurt?"
Clark asked me.

"Well......once a month they cause a debilitating migraine.
It's on the thirteenth of every month, and I have to go to the hospital for it for a shot."
I tell him honestly.
"It feels like my head is caving in.
I can be working and drop, fainting from it.
I let our boss know about it, so he knows to call an abundance if it happens."

"That sounds painful."
Clark says to me.
"Tomorrow is the thirteenth."

"Yeah it is.
It starts off the day before as my eyes feel numb like they are burning, then it increases.
Eric has held me in his arms when I cry from it before."
I felt Clark staring into my forehead.
"You are staring."
I tell him and I felt his eyes leave my head.

"I wasn't trying to, but I think you need to go to the hospital when it gets worse."
He says to me, and I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I will."
I tell him, but then the burning in my eyes increased all of a sudden, earlier than normal, and I put my hand upon my head, and everything seemed way too loud, and I could hear even a pen drop.

Clark caught me around my waist as my head started pounding, feeling like it's caving in, and I started crying, sobbing in pain, me saying nothing.
I then passed out from the pain.

I then woke up in the hospital, my head feeling a dull ache, but still tears kept rolling from my cheeks uncontrollably.
You feeling okay?"
Clark asked me.

I couldn't speak, which happens when this happens.
I motion weakly to him, and his hand clasped my own, and my fingers trail up his face, and I blink in confusion, his face feeling somewhat familiar, which I cannot place.
I then mouth.

"I'll get you some water."
He stands up, and I heard him pour me a glass of water, then he gently helps me sit up to sip it, which I swallow it eagerly down.
"How do you feel?"
He asked me.

"My head is now having a dull ache."
I finally could talk and tell him, me hoarse.
"I'm sorry I frightened you Clark.
This happens once a month."

"A neurologist looked you over, finding nothing wrong."
Clark says to me.

"Yes, that's always the case.
They can't find the answer."
I smile weakly at him.
"I'm just surprised that it happened earlier, but so far Eric's blood has kept it from coming earlier though.
But keep it secret vampire blood can do that."

"I will.
But can vampire blood really heal anything?"
He asked me lowly.

"Yeah, and it can make your libido more active too.
Some people use it as a drug to enhance their sex life.
I know it's gross, but vampires when they have lovers, they share their blood with their lover.
Sharing blood is an intimate thing they do."
I tell him more.

"Did you and Eric share blood alot?"
Clark asked me and I turn my face away.

"Yeah we did.
I was his pampered princess typically."
I admit to Clark.
"It's still shocking he wants to marry me."

Clark let out a sigh.
"I'm just glad you're okay."

"Did the doctor give me a shot?"
I ask him.

"Yes the doctor did."
Clark held my hand, the hand that didn't have an IV on it.
"Your phone has been going off too."

"Can you hand it to me?
I bet it's Eric.
Because he's had my blood he will know when I'm in danger and he probably sensed what happened."
I say to Clark.

I felt Clark place my phone in my hand, and I unlocked with with my fingerprint.
There were voice texts from Eric's number.
I heard the doctor come in, so I relocked my phone, setting it onto my lap.
"How is the patient feeling?"
The voice of the doctor was female.

"My head don't hurt as bad."
I tell the doctor.

"That's good.
We gave you a different injection this time.
Something stronger."
I felt her hands spread my eyes open, and she shined a light in my very eyes.
"Your pupils, do they usually not respond to light?"

"No they don't, since I became legally blind."
I tell her honestly.

"Oh, the nurses never told me you were blind since I just clocked in.
So how did you become blind?"
She asked me.

"Bullies bear sprayed me for hours on end for shits and giggles."
I tell her.

"Well, the scans on your brain don't show anything neurologically wrong, so it has to be from the severe injury to your eyes.
And how often do these migraines happen?"
She asked me next.

"Once a month."
I tell her.

"I suggest you start taking Emgality.
A once a month shot for these types of migraines."
She says to me.

I nod.

"The injection is pretty pricey.
About $2,500 an injection without insurance, but it seems you have very good insurance, under Eric Northman.
I think the insurance will pay for the injection.
I suggest you give it to yourself every month and not skip doses."
She says to me.
"I'll prescribe it immediately.
I'll also discharge you in an hour."

I nod and the doctor left.
"Thank you Clark for taking me to the hospital."
I smile warmly in his direction.

"You are welcome."
Clark says to me, his voice sounding sincere.

"I'm sorry I worried you."
I say to him, giving him a concerned look.

"Don't worry about it."
Clark pats my shoulder, and I heard him stand up, me hearing his phone buzzing.
"I'll be back."

As Clark left, I unlocked my phone again and listened to Eric's voice texts.
"Kara, I sensed you in danger.
It's probably that time of the month you suffer in pain from your eyes, and it agonizes me I cannot reach you.
I'm at a summit meeting with other vampires, since me and Godric are the vampire kings of the world, and the oldest vampires existing now, we make laws.
At this summit I cannot be bothered in human affairs, if I'm caught even messaging you, well it could cause an uproar.
I have new enemies, some which are moles at the summit, so I have come to rely on Sookie to help me again.
Trust me, you are the only human I desire, and Godric feels the same.
Godric meant to tell you his feelings recently, but he has not had time either.
Apparently The Fellowship Of The Sun once again is causing trouble, and they have set their sights on the summit, and as well you.
So don't be surprised that followers of them will try to harm you in Metropolis.
Godric will later visit you, after the summit meeting in my stead, but I cannot leave the summit for a month.
Our marriage will have to wait until this shit is resolved, until then stay aware of those who may harm you under The Fellowship Of The Sun, and be careful.
I doubt that caped crusader will know any of this, but if you see him, tell him I give him permission to protect you in my stead.
You'll need his protection from The Fellowship Of The Sun."
Eric says to me in the voice text.
"Kara, I love you.
Godric loves you too.
We miss you alot.
We will see you again."

"Great, I got three guys in love with me I guess."
I mutter to myself and I sigh dramatically at that.

I heard Clark walk into the room.
"Welcome back Clark."
I tell him, me wiping a tear away that tried to fall.

"Are you sure you're okay?"
Clark asked me.

"Don't worry too much about me."
I tell him.

A nurse came in saying.
"I got your discharge orders!
Since you're blind I'll have your friend sign for you."

"I'll sign."
Clark says to the nurse and I heard scribbling.

You should help her change."
The nurse says to Clark, and I heard her hand him my things.

I heard Clark clear his throat.
"It's fine Clark.
I don't mind you helping me."
I tell him as the nurse took the IV out of my arm, and she wrapped my arm up in gauze,  and I realized she used latex free things.
"Thank you nurse for caring enough to use latex free things since I'm allergic to it."

"No problem!"
The nurse then left.
"I'll give you two privacy."
She shut the door behind her.

Clark helped me out of the cot, and he then unties the gown I wore, and I heard him do an intake of a breath.
"Something wrong Clark?"
I asked him.

He cleared his throat.
"It's nothing."

He helped me pull on my bra, my shirt, and my pants, since I'm wearing my boy shorts pink underwear.
He helped me pull on my shoes too, tying them in order for me.
"I'll escort you home."
Clark says to me, and I smile warmly up at him.

"Thank you.
You're a good friend."
I cheerfully say to him.

Clark drove me home, and escorted me inside my home, and I turn to him.
"You said you're a friend of Superman right?"
I ask Clark.

"Yes I am."
He replied.

"Tell him he'll need to protect me.
Some of Eric's enemies may come after me, especially a religious fanatic group called The Fellowship Of The Sun.
Just let him know that.
Eric gives Superman full permission to protect me."
I tell Clark.

"Alright I will.
Get rest alright."
Clark gently pats my shoulder.

"And tell Superman to meet me at my home tomorrow."
I tell him more.
"I have things to explain to him."

Goodnight Kara."
Clark says to me, and I heard him leave my home, and my door shuts.

I go to my room, and slip into my covers, and immediately fell to sleep.


To be continued.....

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