Bad Day

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Here's the next chapter guys......


I arrived through the doors of the Daily Planet, after I obtained a new flip phone, and I sigh at that, that I used most my rent money to buy a new flip phone, because flip phones cost more than touchscreen phones.

Rest in peace my wallet.
I thought to myself, me wanting to cry that I'm almost broke but I held it in.

Before I could walk into the break room, my boss Perry exclaimed.
"There you are Kara!"
I turn to my boss.

I ask, confusion showing upon my face.

"It's front page news!
That Superman visited you!"
I blink in shock as Perry says this.

"Um.....he saved me from almost being gang raped."
I tell Perry.

"I'm sorry."
Perry says to me, patting my shoulder.

"I'd like to get to work Perry."
I say to him, then turn to the break room.

I felt severely flustered that I'm on front page news, and I busied myself in making coffee for the employees, and as I was washing one of the cups, I felt a hand go to my shoulder, making me drop the coffee cup I was holding, me being spooked, and it broke upon the floor.
"I didn't mean to scare you Kara."
Clark tells me, and I heard him kneel down, and him picking up the shards of the coffee cup.

I dry my hands quickly, and kneel down with him.
Clark exclaimed and grabbed my right hand.
"Your hand almost was cut by a shard."
He says next gently.
"I'll get them."

I pull my hand away from his and stand up.
"Thank you."
I tell him, and continue washing more coffee cups.

"I heard Superman saved you by Perry our boss, what do you think of Superman?"
Clark asked me.

I stop in mid-scrub of washing the coffee cup I had in my hands.
"He was kind, and he saved me from being gang raped, which I'm greatful for.
I just moved here, so I'm still adjusting to this city.
You're nice Clark too, it's just I'm not used to it, truly, when the reason I'm half blind legally is because bullies bear sprayed my eyes, so all my life I've been bullied, especially for the way my eyes are now."
I say sadly to him as I heard him throw the shards of that broken coffee cup away.

"Bullies blinded you?"
Clark asked me.

"Yeah, nobody can fix my eyes after that.
My Mom and I tried every doctor we could, and sadly nobody can fix them."
I felt Clark's eyes boring holes into my head, and I turn to face him.
"I can still feel when people stare at me."
I giggle at him.

Clark says to me.

I turn back to washing the coffee cups.
"You can help me dry these if you want?"
I say to him.

Clark then stood by me, and started drying  the wet coffee cups I set aside.

"Can I ask something Kara?"
Clark asked me.

"Go ahead."
I tell him, and used my flannel overcoat the sleeve to wipe the sweat upon my brow without getting soap upon my forehead.

"Where are you from?"
Clark asked me.

I sigh sadly.
"Kansas, but I did live at one time in Louisiana for awhile."

"What a coincidence, I'm from Kansas as well."
Clark says to me, him seemingly happy he found a fellow Kansan.

"Hutchinson Kansas."
I tell him.
"Right in the middle of Kansas."

"I'm from Smallville."
Clark says to me.

"I never been to Smallville.
My Mom and I couldn't afford to travel.
We were poor.
But when her and I saved enough money; we moved to Louisiana, then I came here."
I tell him honestly.

"I'm sorry."
Clark says to me, his voice hinting sympathy.
"That you were poor."

"I was born because my Mom's drink years ago was spiked, and all she remembers is waking up next to my biodad, then she got pregnant with me.
She decided to keep me.
He refused to pay child support, and we have struggled to live ever since then, but it never made me a cruel human being."
I turn my face so he'll see my face.

"Do you trust me enough to tell me that?"
He asked me, curiosity laced his voice, and I turn my face forward, and rinsed out the coffee cup in my hand, and set it on the counter so he could dry it, then I shrugged.
"By the sound of your voice I can tell you aren't a bad guy, and your voice tells me you're handsome too, so I trust you."
I say to him, and take the plug from the sink, and pull it, then I rinse my hands off, grabbing another towel, and dry my hands off.

"I'm glad you trust me."
Clark says to me, then asked.
"You can really tell that from someone's voice?"

I nod, and hang the towel I used up.
Every person has emotions laced in their voice, and your emotions are well hidden, but I can hear that you genuinely care about people, and were raised to be kind to others."

Clark cleared his throat, and I could tell it was a nervous habit.
"Your parents raised you right....but me...well....."
I cut myself off, looking down, and sigh sadly.

I have so much hate in me for my biological father, and other men.
I thought to myself.

I shake my head.
"Nevermind I said anything."

"Is something wrong?"
Clark asked me, concern lacing his voice.

I stutter.

"Hey Clark!
Perry wants you to go...
Oh am I interrupting anything?"
I heard an unfamiliar male voice ask.

"I should go get me some lunch."
I say to Clark, and grab my purse, and left work.

There was a good restaurant by the Daily Planet I heard about, so I wanted to eat lunch there, and I did save enough money to be able to grab lunch.
But that's all the money I have left is to grab lunch.
I made it to the restaurant, and ran my fingers along the long door handle, and I heard a rude voice say.
"Just go in!
You're in our way!"
It was a female voice.

I turn my head to the person.
"Sadly I'm legally half blind, and I must feel the door knob to know it's there!"

"You're fat not blind!"
She spat, and shoved me to the ground, and I fell on my shins and my hands, scrapping my hands.

I stand up, and decided it wasn't worth eating out now though I'm hungry, that rude bitch made me made up my mind to save my money for groceries at my apartment.
My hands were bleeding as I walked and they burned.
I perk up at the familiar voice, tilting my head up.

I inquire.

"You're bleeding!"
He says to me, me hearing him run up to me.

"I fell."
I tell him, giving him a nervous smile.

The interview?"
I heard a voice ask, a voice I don't recognize, and it was male.

"Bruce, is it okay I interview you some other time?"
Clark asked the person he called Bruce.

"Later then."
Bruce says, and I could tell in his voice he agreed with Clark.

Clark I heard rip cloth, and I felt him tie soft cloth on both my hands.
"T.....thank you."
I say to him, me flustered.

"Even your knees are skinned.
You must've fell hard."
He says to me, concern lacing his voice.
"I got a medical kit in my truck.
I can treat you."
Clark took hold of my upper arm gently, and walked away with me, guiding me to his truck, and he soon stopped in front of a big blue blob, and I heard him manually unlock a vehicle, and he says.
"Sit in the seat."
I sit on the seat.
And I heard him rummaging around in the open bed trunk of the vehicle, then he pulled both my pant legs up.

"If my legs are hairy I'm sorry.
I can't see to shave, so I don't."
I tell him.

"You're fine Kara."
Clark says to me as I felt him dab my right knee and I flinch, cause it burned.
He asked me.

"Yeah and burns.
What are you using?"
I ask him.

He says to me.

I then felt him put a big bandage on both my knees after dabbing them up with peroxide, then he takes off the two cloths from my hands, and started dabbing my palms of my hands, which hurt more than my knees did.
That hurts worse!"
I scrunch up my face.

"Sorry Kara but I have to treat it or it'll get infected."
Clark says to me, me hearing in his voice he felt sorry for me that it hurts.

I try to tug my hands away, but he grabbed them, and kept dabbing them.
"I don't like it."
I tell him honestly, me frustrated it hurts bad.

"I know but I need to do this."
Clark says to me, and he soon stopped dabbing my hands.
"The bleeding finally stopped."
He, I felt started wrapping my hands in gauze.

"I'm sorry I made you miss your interview."
I tell him.

"Bruce will understand."
Clark says to me.

"Are you sure?"
I ask him.

"Yeah he will."
Clark finished wrapping my hands up, and he helped me off the seat of his truck, and shuts the door, locking it.

My stomach growled loudly and I felt flustered.
"How about I grab you a bite to eat?"
Clark asked me.

"You don't need to!
I mean I can't really pay you back!"
I tell him.

"It's fine.
My treat."
Clark says to me, and I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

I nod.

"Don't worry about paying me back."
Clark says to me.

"My Mom taught me to do that if someone spends money on me for anything, because of how she grew up, and how she raised me.
I'll feel extremely guilty if I don't pay you back."
I tell him.

"Don't worry about it."
He puts a hand on my shoulder.

I sigh sadly.

"Let's go eat."
Clark then guided me to walk forward beside him.


To be continued......

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