The Vampire King

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Here's the next chapter.......

Warning mature content ahead, heavy mature content!!

After eating lunch, Clark took me home, since I can't do my work with injured hands, and Perry told me to go home, and I was sitting in the passenger seat of Clark's truck, and I had to show him my identification so he would know where I live, and once he pulled up to my apartment complex, he offered to escort me to my apartment, and I just let him do so, and once we were in front of my door, I turn to him, saying.
"Thank you for the meal today.
I spent my wad on a new flip phone.
They are really expensive."
I rub my neck nervously.

"You're welcome."
Clark says to me, and I heard the smile in his voice.

I pull out my key to my apartment, and turn to it, and trailed my fingers along the knob, and my first finger trailed along the key hole.
"Let me."
Clark says as he stood behind me, and he took the keys from my fingers, and I heard him push the key into my door, then turn it, and I heard the lock click to unlock, then he pulled the key out, and hands it back to me.

"Thank you Clark."
I say to him, my heart racing as his nearness made my heart do so.

I open the door, and step into my home, taking my boots off, and setting them upon my mat by the door, then I turn towards him.
"Really, I appreciate everything you did today."
I smile at him.
"See you at work."
I then shut the door.


.....Next Day.....


Lafayette my friend I met in Bon Tempts Louisiana was visiting me in Metropolis, and he offered to pay for us eating out, and we did go to the restaurant I wanted to try, which is by the Daily Planet.
I don't know how it was possible, but I got a call from my bank this morning that no joke Eric Northman deposited over 80,000 dollars into my bank account without me knowing, and I just accepted he did that.
He was once my boyfriend of five years, well to him I technically am still his human girlfriend, his human, and still to this day he demands to take care of my needs, because he said I'm the only human woman he would truly love, so I should just enjoy him giving me money when I need it.
I know he has connections to check my bank statements to see if I'm running low on funds, and like always he puts too much money into my bank account, which has been going on for several months.
I had troubles finding a job until one day Perry called me, telling me Eric had referred me to him, so I know Eric is truly keeping tabs on me.

"How's everything in Bon Tempts?"
I ask Lafayette.

"Hooka it's a shit show as always.
Sookie is with Sam, the two expecting a baby, Bill is shacking up with no joke Jason, and Eric he still pines over ya ass."
Lafayette says to me.

I sigh sadly at that, that Eric truly cannot forget me.
"So Eric really can't get over me huh?
I figured."
I say to Lafayette.

"What do ya expect?
Bitch is possessive of you.
I was shocked you broke up with his ancient ass!"
Lafayette says to me.
Then he asked me.
"Why did you break up with Eric?"

I bite my bottom lip.
Well.....because no matter what Eric did, giving me his blood, or sending me to that supernatural doctor, he couldn't cure my eyes, and I felt a burden to him, because of my handicap with my blindness, him a vampire having to protect me from other things going bump in the night.
Eric wanted to turn me, but I was scared, so I broke it off with him, and ran away.

Lafayette puts a hand on my own.
"Sorry a bitch like me asked."

I felt a tear go down my cheek, which I wiped away.
I truly loved Eric, I loved him to death, but I was scared when he said he wanted to turn me to be with him forever.
I don't truly know why I was scared, but I was absolutely terrified.

"You're not a bitch Lafayette.
Truly why did you come to Metropolis?"
I ask him, sniffling.

"Eric begged he threatened my ass to check on ya."
Lafayette sighs.
"I only came because I was also worried about you.
Ya Momma is too.
I mean you up and left, no note or anything."

"Tell Mom I'm sorry."
I tell Lafayette.

"Did ya know Eric was afraid the Fellowship Of The Sun took ya ass, and he started hunting down each member to look for yas, that is until he truly found out where ya was?"
I go wide eyed at what Lafayette said.

"Did he kill them?"
I ask Lafayette.

Lafayette says to me.
"News said it was a serial killer but I knew it was that blonde bitch Eric."

"So he went off the rails when I left then?"
I say to Lafayette.

Sookie wants nothin to do with Eric after that shit."
Lafayette says to me.

I pull my hand from his, and my other hand was twirling my Alfredo fettuccine noodles around, and I took a bite of it, chewing it up, then swallow it down.
"Did Eric threaten your life to come down here?
Truly Lafayette, did he?"

Lafayette sighs sadly.

I rub the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on.
"You think he'll come down here himself?
Be honest Lafayette."

Lafayette says to me, and I heard the honesty in his voice.

"I figured that.
He shoved money into my banking account here in Metropolis for several months, so he knows exactly where I am, and with you here he'll no doubt know for in truth by hearing from you that I'm here.
I bet you won't remember visiting me, because you were glamoured to say all the stuff you told me."
I say to him.

"What now?"
Lafayette asked me, him seeming shocked.
"I been mind ju jued?!"

I tell him.
"That's what Eric does.
He'll do anything to get what he wants."

I then and there lost my appetite, standing up, and wipe my mouth.
"Go home Lafayette."
I then grab my purse, and left the restaurant, not looking back.
I then mutter, me upset Eric went that far to find out where I'm living now.
"Stupid viking vampire!"

I stood at the crosswalk, and sigh sadly.
I heard the crosswalk beep for people to walk across, and I start walking across, but I heard a roaring engine approach me, and a voice shout.
Look out!"

Suddenly I was grabbed around my chubby waist, and I felt myself tugged to a muscular chest, and knew then Superman saved me once again, and my right hand was plastered flat upon his wide muscular chest as my back was against his waist, my feet dangling to the ground in the air.
"Thank you for saving me again."
I say to Superman, and I felt the wind shift, and knew he was flying a different direction, and then I felt my boots touch concrete.

"Be careful crossing the street."
He says to me, warmth and kindness lacing his voice.

I turn to face him, trailing my hands up his muscular chest, up his neck, and to his cheeks, well defined cheeks I felt with my fingers, that felt carved of stone, like those Greek sculptures I saw as a kid before I became half blind, and I trail my hands lower, tracing my fingers along his thick soft lips, and I felt him let out an intake of a breath that came from both his nose and mouth that hit my fingers when I did so, and slowly I trail my fingers up to his eyelids, which were closed, and up to his forehead, then into his silky wavy hair that was combed in order, and he gently grabbed my wrists, pulling them slowly down to his chest, and I close my hands in fists upon his chest.

"You are very handsome, as if sculpted by the Greek gods."
I smile up at him.

"I am no god."
He says to me.

"I know you're not."
I tell him.

I tilt my head to the side, asking.
"Why do you keep saving me when I'm in danger?"

"That I cannot answer."
He says honestly to me.

"Well I'm glad you did or I would've been splattered by a speeding car."
I say to him.

And Eric would've lost it if I died.
I thought to myself.
He went off the rails once I left, and I imagine if I die I know he'll completely lose it.

"Yeah he would go insane."
I mutter under my breath.

"Who will go insane?"
Superman asked me.

I shook my head, and he lets my wrists go.

I heard Lafayette yell, and I tilt my head up at Lafayette's voice.

"I should go."
Superman says to me, and he caressed my cheek with his hand in a loving and gentle way, then pulls his hand away, and I heard a flapping of a cloth, knowing he flew away.

I heard boots clomping rapidly up at me, and Lafayette exclaimed.
"Kara, why did you leave the fast food joint?"

"I needed air Lafayette."
I shook my head, tilting my head up, and look upon the blue blurry blob of the sky, and smile up at it.

"Why ya looking up into the sky?"
Lafayette asked me.

"I may be half blind, but the sky is still beautiful."
I then turn my head to face Lafayette.

"Really did Eric mind ju ju me?!"
Lafayette grits out as I walk upon the side walk, and he followed me.

"Yep, you won't even remember coming here nor talking to me."
I say to him.

"I wanna stake his ass!"
Lafayette growled out, making me laugh.

"You wish!"
I laugh loudly.


.....Next Day At Daily Planet....


My mind was wandering to Eric, especially after Lafayette paid me a visit yesterday, then he up and left, and I knew that now Eric knows where I live, thanks to him glamouring Lafayette to visit me.
That when I left, he went off the rails so much so, Sookie wants nothing to do with him.
I have been sighing all day, making coffee for employees, and Clark asked for some coffee, which I made for him, and I then walk to his desk, setting the cup down.

"How's your hands?"
Clark asked me.

"They're fine now.
They don't hurt much."
I tell him.

I heard him sip his warm cup of coffee, then swallow it down.
"Can I ask you something?"
Clark asked me.

"Go ahead."
I tell him, sitting in a chair next to him.

"You said you lived in Louisiana for awhile?"
Clark asked me.

"Yeah I did, for five years."
I tell him.

"Why'd you leave?"
Clark asked me.

"My Ex."
I tell him.

I heard disappointment in his voice, which he masked it immediately, which confused me.

"My Ex is rather possessive, and well I left because he wanted something from me I couldn't provide."
I tell Clark.

"I'm sorry for asking you about this, since it could be painful for you."
Clark says, him sounding sincere.

"It's fine."
I tell him.

I wonder what she means she couldn't give her Ex what she couldn't provide?
Clark thought to himself, him confused.

"Eric isn't a normal guy either."
I say to Clark.

"What do you mean?"
Clark asked me.

"He's a vampire so to speak."
I tell him.

"A vampire?"
Clark asked me, him sounding confused.

"Clark you don't know vampires exist?"
I heard a voice behind Clark.

Clark turned to the voice in his squeaky desk chair.
"No I didn't."

"They came out of the coffin announcing they exist themselves ten years ago, so everyone knows they exist."
The voice says to Clark.

I heard Clark turn his desk chair so he's facing me.
"So your Ex is a vampire?"
Clark asked me.

"Yeah, and he's ancient too."
I say to Clark.
"He was my first boyfriend.
I met him five years ago at his bar he runs.
But sadly things must end don't they?"

Clark wondered what her ex boyfriend was like who was a vampire?
He truly fell for her at first sight, and two times then saved her from danger as Superman, and each time she didn't notice it was him saving her.
"So he's possessive?"
Clark asked me.

I nod.
"So much so he's keeping an eye on me I guess while he's in Louisiana, which I just found out myself he's doing that."

Clark doesn't care that this vampire ex boyfriend could get in the way of him wanting to be with her, he'll fight him if he has to.

"He sounds like he stalks you and that worries me."
Clark says to me, his voice hinting he's worried about that factor.

"When you know Eric Northman it's hard to get away from him, so I'm not bothered by it."
I say to Clark.

"That sounds bad."
Clark admits to me.

"Eric won't ever hurt me, he loves me too much."
I tell him honestly.
"I'm the only human he ever loved to be honest."
I rub my neck nervously.

"Did you love him?"
Clark asked me.

I smile a painful sad smile.
"Yeah, and I still do."
I felt a tear go down my cheek, which I quickly wipe away, and stand up, and say.
"I.....I better get back to work."


I was walking along the sidewalk, my flip phone to my ear as I was checking my bank account.
"Back account ending in 3798, had a deposit of 75,000 dollars in total on April 26th 11:39pm by Eric Northman."
I sigh, and close my flip phone.
"Why do you keep sending me so much money Eric?!
Are you afraid I can't handle living on my own?"
I stop walking and rub the bridge of my nose, and a headache was forming between my eyes.
"Seriously Eric?
What is going through your brain to send me that much money?
Do you want me to spend it wildly?"
I say to myself more.

I was heading home after work, walking home, and I decided to call my bank, which I did, and now I have thousands of dollars in my account that Eric keeps depositing like crazy, and I don't know why he's doing it, and it was worrying me with a grand waving, neon, bright red flag, and I know sooner or later he will come to Metropolis.

It was getting dark, and I finally made it to my apartment, and as I unlock my apartment door I sensed a presence behind me, and I tilt my head up, sniffing, the familiar smell of Eric's expensive branded cologne hits my nose.
I turn to him, and in seconds he tugged me inside my apartment, and my back was plastered upon my big bed.

He ripped my shirt off my body, ripped my pants and underwear off my body, and I gasp in shock as his mouth went to my core, and I reel my head back, my hand going into his slicked back blond hair.

I arch my hips.
"Wait a minu.....AH!"
My hips move in rhythm with his tongue that moved at inhuman speed inside me, stroking my good spots.
I cry out his name as I arch my hips into his mouth, my orgasm hitting me hard, and he pulls away, and I heard liquid shoot out upon the bed.
I breathe hard.

"Been awhile since I made you squirt."
Eric mused out.

He hovered over me, and I felt his member enter inside me, and him wrap my thick thighs around his waist, and him pin my wrists with one hand over my head, and he started thrusting into me at vampire speed, inhumanly fast.
My moans filled the room of my apartment as Eric I felt his blue eyes stare down at me.
My mind went absolutely blank, as all I could think about was him thrusting in me, making me feel good, and wanting to orgasm hard upon him, and wanting him to do the same inside me.

My insides ached with each inhuman speedy thrust he does, and my hips tried the best they could to meet his thrusts, and Eric leans down, and crashed his lips to my own, his tongue licking and teasing my mouth, and I couldn't quit moaning loudly into his throat.

I arch my hips into him, feeling my orgasm hit me hard, and he leans his mouth into my throat, and he groans out.
"Yes, come upon my dick!"
Then he bit my nape, drinking my blood down.

I felt his vampire seed gush into my body, coating my inner walls, and he pulls away from my nape, blood dripping down his chin, and then pulls out of my core, and stuck his fingers in my core, scooping out his come, and trailed it to my ass, against my anus' entrance, rubbing his wet fingers against my anus making it throb, and he slides one finger deep inside me, and I whimper as he thrusts that finger deep inside me, then added another, spreading his two fingers out inside me to loosen me, making my anus' insides ache more.
"You know what is next."
Eric says to me, resting my legs over his shoulders, and guides his dick slowly into my awaiting throbbing anus, and he thrusts in one go inside me, and leans downward, my thighs touching my chest, and he starts thrusting hard and fast into me, deeply against my g-spot, and yes I do have a g-spot in my ass.
You know I can't handle it in my ass!"
I moan out loudly.

"I know and I been wanting to fuck it for months!
That tight sweet ass of yours."
Eric growled out, and started moving in vampire speed inside me, and I clench the sheets in my hands, turning my head to the side, my eyes closed, an esctasy look upon my face.

In seconds my ass ached so bad, so damn bad, and I arch my hips into him, and felt only my ass feel an orgasm, making it spasm, since yes I'm one of those girls who has a g-spot in my ass, and can orgasm from it, and when I do, it's a hard orgasm.
Eric groans loudly, and slowly ejaculates into me, him thrusting slowly into me as I felt his vampire seed gush into my ass.
I then passed out cold.

I slowly woke up to the sun shining into my apartment, and I was naked in my bed, and I sit up, feeling hella sore, and roll on my side.
"Dammit Eric!
You just fuck me like that and leave!
Gawd, my body hurts!"
I breathe hard, feeling the counter by my bed, my fingers meeting a paper, and I put the paper in front of my face.

Dear Kara,
Yes, I am furious you left, and I found you, and I will continue to visit every few months to have hot as hell primal sex with you, then I will leave to return to my duties as Vampire King Of America in Bon Tempts.
I still only love you, that is why I want what's best for you, by letting you live your life how you see fit, even if it's far from Bon Tempts, and I will send you funds as I so wish, and it is my way of pampering and spoiling the human I love so dearly.
Live how you wish and be happy.
I will never force you into being a vampire, and that is what Godric taught me.
I only want you happy, your happiness is very important to my existence, so please be happy for me.

With much love,
Eric Northman.

"And you leave me this sore cause of your lust."
I sigh, me annoyed, and force myself to take a shower though I'm hurting bad, and I had work today, great!


I was limping like crazy as I was giving snacks and drinks to employees, and I could feel Clark's thousand yard stare as I was doing so.
Eric also on purpose didn't heal the bite mark he left so I had to wear a scarf today.
The possessive Viking bastard wanting everyone to know I belong to him, even other men in Metropolis.

"Why are you walking like that?
Did you get railed?"
One of the employees asked, more like teased me, and I sigh, me annoyed at that.

"My life is none of your concern."
I say, setting their sandwich I made down, and I turn around, and he slapped my ass, making pain shoot up my spine, and I fell on my knees and palms.

That employee laughed.
"You did get railed good then!"

I felt Clark's hand help me up.
"Vance leave her alone!"
Clark says to the employee.
"You okay?"
Clark asked me as I stood straight upon my feet.

I flinch from the pain going on in my spine, hips, and tailbone, my hand on my lower back.
"I'll be fine."

"You sure?"
Clark asked, concern lacing his voice.

I nod, and pat his shoulder.
"I've dealt with worse remember?"

Right, the bullies blinded her with bear spray, so no doubt she's had it worse.
Clark thought to himself, as he used his x-ray vision to see if she broke anything in her body, but what he saw was in her rectum was white stuff, including in her uterus, but it was slowly dissolving.
She had no broken bones, her muscles though he could tell were strained and sore in her rear, hips, and thighs.
He knows that means she has had sex recently, rough sex.

"You're staring pretty long at me.
Are you alright Clark?"
I ask Clark.

Clark blinked, making his x-ray vision go away, and says to her.
"I am fine."
He smiled warmly at her.

I smile at Clark, hearing the kind warm smile in his voice.
I then pat his arm once again.
"You make me blush when you're that nice to me."

Clark blinked in shock at her.
He asked her.

"I mean I appreciate the kindness you throw upon me."
I giggle at him.

I then ask him.
"Would you like to eat lunch with me?"

Clark smiled at her.

I smile warmly at him.
"I'll meet you next door at the restaurant at noon."
I then walk away.


To be continued.....

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