Enter Joker

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Here's the next chapter .....
Warning triggers ahead.....
And mature content......
Heath Ledger's Joker is my favorite so he will get in this story including the Dark Knight Batman.


Clark and I had fun talking during our lunch break, and I told him about my childhood, that even though I grew up poor when given little things my Mom saved up for me to be happy, and though Christmas' weren't that plenty with gifts, I enjoyed whatever my mother could afford to get me.

We were back at work, and nobody hassled me anymore about why I'm limping alot.
I eventually got off work, me hurting like crazy, and I had to rest my feet upon a bench cause I was hurting so bad.
I sigh as I rub my lower back with both hands.
"Eric I'm gonna stake you for making me this sore."
I grit out and put a hand on my forehead.

He fucked me and left, go figure.
I thought to myself.
But he wants me to be happy, so he's letting me stay in Metropolis.
At least he's accepting I don't want to be turned into a vampire at the moment.

I get up and decided to continue walking home.
I arrived home and I lay in bed, my body hurting bad, which I took Tylenol for, and I hurt so bad I fell asleep from it.

I roll on my side and moan, as my eyes slowly open, and I wasn't as sore as yesterday as I get up, shower, and get dressed.
Once fully dressed; I feel around in the freezer for my box of beef corn dogs, and pull out two.
My Mom bought me an air fryer, her sending it to me whilst I moved here, and it's been hella handy.

I put the beef corn dogs in the tray of the air fryer, and close the air fryer up, and bend over, putting my face in front of it, and I type in how long I want them to cook, and it beeped, and started cooking my food.

I sit at my couch, grabbing the remote, turning on the TV, listening to the news.
"Breaking News!
A new update on rights for vampires has hit the world!
It is now legal in the United States for vampires to marry human beings, which President Biden signed into law last night."

"I wonder if Eric knows this yet?"
I ask myself.

My flip phone started ringing, and it was in my room, which I go to my room, grabbing it off my counter where I had it plugged in.
I unplug it, and flip it open, and I flinch, hearing a loud squeak on the other line, making me pull my phone away.
"Fuck me!"
I exclaim.

"Did you hear?!"
I heard my Mom exclaim.
"Now you can marry Mister Northman!"

I made a weird annoyed face.
"Mom, me and Eric aren't a thing anymore."

"Awe but he treated you so well!"
My Mom whined.

"Mom, I can't give Eric what he truly desires.
What he wants is something I'm terrified of losing."
I tell her.

"And what's that honey?"
Mom asked me, and I step out onto my balcony, leaning against the railing, looking up at the blue sky.

"My humanity."
I say to her.

My Mom gasped.
"He wanted to turn you?!"

"Eric wanted to turn me, and I was scared, so I refused, and ran away from Louisiana."
I say to her honestly.

"Honey, it's your life and I won't let you change it.
If you don't want to be a vampire yet then it's fine to me."
My Mom says honestly to me.

"Eric tried everything...everything to cure my eyes Mom, and he saw the only way to cure my eyes, is me being turned into a vampire."
I tell her more.

Superman was listening to Kara's conversation with her mother on her phone, him floating high in the sky.
"Anyways Mom, Eric says he accepts my choice, and all he wishes is for me to be happy."
Superman sighs, feeling jealousy fill his blood.

"So that's who she had sex with recently?"
Superman mutters to himself.

"Honey I think you're fine the way you are.
Even if you can't cure your eyes."
My Mom says to me.

"Mom Eric visited too."
I say to her.

Mom asked me.

But he left quickly, just leaving me a note."
I tell her.

"Sweetie he truly loves you.
I mean I've seen how he looks at you.
I bet he'll ask you to marry him now, just you wait!"
My Mom says to me.

I shake my head.
"Mom I'm not gonna marry him, remember I left him on my own."

"Oh right.
Well if you find another guy I'll be happy for you.
Oh, gotta go."
Mom hung up.

I sigh.
"Marrying Eric huh?
What would that make me?
A Viking queen?"
I say sarcastically.

I look at my bare feet.
"The man is a thousand years old, and can be an ass, but at least he's respecting I don't want to be turned into a vampire yet."

I heard a whoosh in the air, and I moved my head to the side, and heard something sail by my head, and heard a loud thud against the concrete wall in front of me, then something falling on my balcony.
I kneel down, reaching out, and my fingers met a baseball.
I grab it, and stand up, and I heard kids shout.
Then I heard one kid ask me.
"Sorry, but can we have our baseball back?"

I throw the baseball down towards them, and I heard a kid say.
"Whoa that chick has a good arm!"

"Hey isn't that your blind neighbor?"
Another kid asked the other.

"Holy shit you're right!
You think she's a super freak?!"
One kid says to the other.

"Hey kids!
Be mindful of where you toss your baseball, or if you break my windows I'll make you foot the bill for repairs know that!"
I shout to the kids, then go into my apartment, shutting the glass door behind me and locking it.

"She's a bitch!"
The kids say, running off, and Superman watched that encounter, him shocked she aimed at the kid with the baseball glove correctly.


Superman followed Kara high in the sky as she was walking upon the sidewalk in Metropolis.
"Lafayette, the problem is Tara herself.
I mean have you seen how she acts?
I'm not surprised she's giving Pam the run for her money.
I mean I know Pam can be a complete psychopath, and Tara is more toned down."
She says into her flip phone.
She laughed in a mocking way.
"Ok, name one incident that Pam never wanted to rip the throat out of someone?
Yeah you know I'm right."
She sighs.
"Yeah I know, Eric tortured you for weeks, so I agree Eric has psychopathic tendencies, but do you blame him?
He was a fucking Viking!
Vikings are on the wild side."
She literally face palmed herself.
"Come on, who's more of a psycho than that vampire?
I mean that bastard killed Eric's family!
Uh-huh, what about that medium who was possessed by an old ass witch burned in the 1600's?
You know I had a hella time getting Eric's memories back to normal after that.
Lafayette, you know Eric is still sour over that right?
I had to talk him into not ripping your throat out."
She laughed.
"So we comparing dick sizes now?!
Oh please!
I bet Bill's is three inches."
She snorts a laugh.
"Hey you started the gutter talk!"
She gasped.
"Oh you're a nasty bitch!
And you swallow with that mouth!"
She then sighs.
"Lafayette, you're an ass.
Stop teasing me like that.
It's not your business if sex with Eric is good or not!"
She gets flustered.
"Why not have sex with a vampire yourself and find out?"
She blinked and humphed.
"He hung up on me when I said that!"
She did a weird face.

I shake my head.
"That Lafayette."
I put my phone in my purse.

I heard some girls talking.
"Did you hear?!
The famous billionaire Bruce Wayne is in Metropolis?"

Bruce Wayne?
I think to myself.

My phone beeped, and I flip it open, putting it an inch from my face, and see Eric texted me and right now it's nighttime.
Did you hear the news?
Vampires can marry.

I sigh, my heart racing at him saying that.
I reply.
I don't think you marrying me is a good idea.
I am still scared.
I'll grow old and you won't.
I'm not ready to be turned still.
After sending that text I close my flip phone, and started heading home.

I scratch my head of short hair, my psoriasis acting up on my skin in my hair, making flakes fall from my hair upon my clothing.
My phone beeped again, and I grab it from my purse, me flipping it open, me squinting my eyes, the phone in front of my face.

Eric texted me.
I will not force you into anything you do not desire.
Was all he replied, which made me smile at how much he respects me.

"For a one thousand year old ass you're kinda sweet when you want to be."
I say outloud, and click my flip phone closed.

I heard gun shots, making me tilt my head up, and screaming went on behind me, and I soon was knocked on my hands and knees, and more gun shots went on, and it was pandemonium as people ran by me, and I soon was hit in the face by someone's shoe, and I fell on my side out cold.

Joker walked up to the chubby girl out cold on the ground, him smirking.
"What do we have here?"
He kneeled down and his purple gloves caressed her cheek.
"My aren't you beautiful."


I moan turning my head to the side, my eyes slowly opening, and I find myself in a bed that I don't know.
My fingers felt the sheets, and I slowly sit up.
"Awake beautiful?"
I tilt my head to the side, a male voice saying that.

My golden hazel eyes dart around, blurry blobs in the room, but one stood out with green on top, and red and white I'm figuring is the man and his face.
The man had green and purple on him, so I'm guessing a suit that is that color was upon his body.

"W....who are you?"
I ask this man.

"I'm rather surprised Superman hasn't told you about me or Batz."
He says to me.

I ask him.

"He never told you about me?
Batman's enemy?
I'm the Joker."
The man calling himself Joker says to me.

I ask hearing his loafers tap to where he stood next to me.

I felt him sit next to me and he grabbed a fistful of my hair, and I blink in shock as he kissed me, and I tasted cigars and booze from his mouth, and he shoved me upon my back upon the bed, his tongue licking and teasing inside my mouth.

I shove my hands upon his chest to try to push him away.
I turn my head away breathing in oxygen.
"Don't touch me!"
I slap his cheek, my hand getting something on it, which felt like makeup.

He grabbed hold of my throat, seething out.
"I don't know why Superman likes you, but to me you're a waste if you refuse me!"
I gag, my mind on Eric and Superman both.

I kick him in the balls hard, making him double over upon the bed, and I scramble off the bed, and I run to the door, opening it, and I run down many halls, but soon I was grabbed by my arm, and shoved chest first into a wall, my heart beating rapidly.
"Caught you!
Leaving so soon?"

I was shoved back first into the wall and felt this man's breath fan my face.
"Get off me!"


Eric opened his blue eyes in his coffin shouting in anger, feeling Kara was in danger, and he looked at his watch, yelling out.
"No Kara!
His fangs elongated.


I was stripped down by this man, naked, tied to the bed, and I flinch as a needle injected something into my neck.
"Now I'm going to have a bit of fun with you."

My body felt achy and hot, and I was panting from it, my core was aching bad, and it was dripping.
I gasp, feeling this man's bare fingers slide into my core, feeling for my good spots.
"Stop touching me!"
I whine out.

"But your insides are saying otherwise girl."
He started thrusting his fingers inside me when my insides spasmed at him rubbing a certain spot, his mouth my by ear saying this to me.

I reel my head back when his mouth went to my core, his tongue going inside me, licking and teasing my insides as he thrusts his fingers inside me.
My mind went blank, as this man was devouring my insides, and my unwanted orgasm immediately ripped through my system, and I breathe hard.

I reel my head back, as I felt him thrust in me in one go.
"So you aren't a virgin then?
You're looser than you should be."

Pull out!"
I cry out as he thrusts harshly into me.

"Sadly I won't.
I can imagine how angry Superman would be if I took you like this."
He laughed maniacally as he thrusts into my body, and my body couldn't control itself, and it ached and twitched.

Loud banging goes on and the man stopped in mid-thrust and pulls out.
"Seems we have company."

He covered me up in the blanket.
I heard him dress himself, then he left the room, and I heard a slam against the door, making me perk up.
The door was pulled off it's hinges, which I heard happen, and I go wide eyed, hearing bootsteps enter the room, and I felt a hand go to my shoulder, a gentle hand.
"I came to save you."
Superman's voice entered my ears.

Tears go down my cheeks in my relief he was saving me yet again, and I felt him pull the blanket aside.
"Did he?"
Superman asked and I nod.

"He drugged me."
I tell Superman.

He wrapped the blanket around me, and picked me up into his arms, and I heard gun shots, and I flinch hearing them recoche off Superman himself, and I heard glass breaking, knowing he went through a glass window with me, and he flew in the air, me hearing the wind go by.


To be continued.......

To be continued.....

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