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Here's the next chapter......

Warning mature content ahead.....


I was set upon a bed.
"She's been drugged."
I heard Superman say to another person, and I felt a hand go to my forehead.

"W....where did you take me?"
I ask Superman.

"To someone who can help."
Superman says to me.

"Apparently the stuff Joker used will wear off in twenty-four hours, but she will be craving sex until then, her body not itself."
I heard a male voice say.

Superman then picked me up in his arms and walked away.
Are you going to help her?"
The male voice asked, and Superman stopped walking, and I felt his baby blue eyes look upon me, and I saw his face contort into pain.

He didn't answer the male voice, and in seconds he was flying in the air, holding me to his chest.
"I'll take you home."
Superman says to me.

I felt him land on my balcony, and heard the sliding door open, and he sets my body upon my bed, and took the blanket from my body, and covered my body up with my blanket from my bed, and he sits next to me, and I curl onto my side, my body aching, wanting something inside it.

I give him a painful face.

"I can't.
It's not right."
Superman says to me.

"Right now I don't care."
I tell him.

He sighs.

I heard clothing flutter, and then the blanket of my bed taken off me.
"You sure?"
He asked me.

I tell him honestly.

I shiver when his lips went to my right breast, and his fingers trailing down my body, which made my core throb in an insane way. I arch my hips cause my chest even ached bad.
Your killing me!"
I beg him.

"I want to savor this moment."
He says to me against my skin.

"But I'm dying!"
I whine out.

"It may feel like it but you're not."
Superman says to me against my skin, and his lips kept kissing allover my body, making me breathe hard, and moan loudly, me clenching the sheets.

I jerk feeling his fingers touch my core's lips.
"You're dripping."
Superman says to me.
I moan when two of his fingers slowly go inside me, and I put my hand upon his muscular shoulder, digging my nails into it.

My hips moved on their own as he started feeling inside for my good spots.
"I'm sorry I'm usually not like this."
I tell him honestly, me feeling shame my body is acting like this.

"Don't be.
It's the drug."
He says to me.
"I'm the one who should feel shame, because I am doing this to you when you aren't sober."

I clench the sheets more as his fingers finally rubbed against my good spots, and he knew it and I gasp, reeling my head back, and moan louder, feeling his mouth go between my legs, his tongue moving around and licking my good spots his fingers were thrusting against.
My hips move along with his tongue and fingers.
Oh don't stop!"
I moan out to him, me gripping his hair into my fists, I arch my hips, crying out as I orgasmed hard into his awaiting mouth.

My body was littered in sweat, but it seemed my body wouldn't calm down though he made me orgasm hard with his mouth.
I felt him slide inside me, and start  thrusting into me, and he groans loudly as he does so wrapping my thighs around his waist.
His chest moved against mine as he thrusts slowly into me, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
"Faster and harder please!"
I moan out.

"Are you sure?"
He asked me and I nod.
He leans deeper into me, his dick going further inside me, then thrusts out and in deep, making my hips move in rhythm to him doing so, and he starts thrusting faster and harder into me, making my body light afire, and my moans go higher and louder, my hips moving in rhythm to his thrusts, my core meeting his thrusts, and I began to ache worse.
"We'll have to do this all night until the drug is out of your system."
He murmurs into my ear.

My mind went blank, everything blurred, but I know that Superman had sex with me in many positions all night long, including we had anal sex, me orgasming alot, and I don't remember passing out, but when I woke up, I found Superman gone, because I felt the side of the bed next to me, only an imprint was left behind.
My body leaked Superman's seed, even out of my ass.
I do remember one thing, how gentle he was during having sex with me, which I just got flustered by just now, my heart racing.

I look to my digital clock, my face in front of it, and it was already six in the evening.
I heard a whoosh and I knew it was Eric.
He was beside my bed in seconds and pulled me naked into a hug.
"Are you alright?!"
He asked me, pulling away from the hug.
"Why are you covered in hickies?!"
I heard his fangs click out.
"You had sex!
Who is he?!"
Eric snarled out, and I could hear the rage in his voice.

"Alot has happened since you were last here Eric, and I'm no longer yours remember."
I tell him.

Eric puts his hands upon my upper arms.
"You are still mine Kara!"
He hissed out.

"No I'm not!
And you can't tell me who I want to have sex with!
You told me yourself you'll let me live my life!"
I shout at him.

"Do you know how worried I was?!
Feeling your fear!
You in danger!"
Eric shouts at me.

"I'm fine now!
Someone saved me in time!"
I shout back.
"At least he was here!"

So you are sleeping around on me?!"
Eric snarled out.

"So you're saying I'm a slut?!"
I shriek at him.

Eric clicked his mouth closed letting my arms go.

"It's my life remember!
My body, and my choice, not yours!"
I grit out at him.
"I'm not property!"

"Kara, the reason why you're mine at this moment is to protect you from other vampires, especially since we are no longer a couple.
I am the vampire king now, and if you reject my help at keeping you safe from my kind, there will no doubt be consequences."
Eric puts his hand upon my cheek.
"All I want to do is protect you.
I love you Kara, and if anything were to happen to you, I could not live at all.
I would meet the sun itself to join you in death."

I was speechless that he would meet the sun if I died.

"Marry me, so I can keep you safe."
Eric says to me.

I felt my heart skip a beat when he said that.
"Eric......I'm......not ready for that.
I'm sorry."

"I said I wanted to protect you, so this is the only way I can, so other vampires cannot touch you.
Being married to me will show my kind to not touch you, because they will meet death if they do."
Eric says to me.

"So you only want to marry me to protect me?"
I ask him.

Eric says to me.

I sigh at him, knowing he's right.
So far no vampires in this city have bothered me, but they could.

"If I do this I get protection from vampires in this city?"
I ask him.

"Yes, as I said, no vampire would dare touch you, because it will be their death."
Eric tells me, pulling a red box from his pocket.
He opens the box, showing a dark gray ring, that is carved into vines and there was three purple diamonds upon it.

I go wide eyed as he took it, and took my hand, placing it upon my ring finger.
Eric then kissed me, then pulls away.
"You can sign the documents later."
Eric caressed my cheek, then he disappeared.

I look to the ring on my finger, me happy, but also now I feel guilty for agreeing, because of Superman, because last night I just remembered him saying he loved me as he was having sex with me all night long, so I feel I'm betraying him too, but I can't choose between the two men.

I layed back in bed, covering myself up in my blankets, and fell back to sleep.


To be continued.....

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