Tidy Whities

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Here's the next chapter guys, enjoy.....


I woke up to go pee, and emptied my bladder naked, but realized it was morning and I had work, so I took a shower too, and dressed, then headed to work, arriving at the Daily Planet, and made coffee for everyone, and I also along the way picked them up donuts from Dunkin.

A hand goes to my shoulder as I was getting me a cream filled donut, putting it upon a paper plate, and I jump, my heart racing.
"Sorry, I did it again didn't I?"
I heard Clark say, him nervous.

I turn to him and nod.
"I'm a bit more jumpy today, sorry."
I tell him.

"You're wearing a ring."
He comments, his voice sounding confused.

"Oh.....um....it was a gift."
I tell him.

"A gift?"
He asked me.

"From Eric."
I say honestly to him.

"Oh, the vampire."
He sounded sad when I mentioned Eric.

He visited my house last night."
I tell him, my heart racing.

I remembered that Eric wanted to marry me to protect me from any vampires in the United States.
I swallow hard.

"The ring looks beautiful, but it's a wedding ring."
Clark says to me.

"It is......he.....um.... proposed to me."
I tell Clark.

"I see."
His voice sounded hurt, but then he hid the emotion.

"He did it to protect me actually."
I tell Clark.

"Protect you?"
Clark asked me, him confused.

"Yeah, because if he married me, then no vampire could harm me, unless they want death by his hand."
I tell Clark.

"Do you want to marry him?"
Clark asked me.

I rub my neck nervously.
"I don't mind it as long as I'm safe from other vampires.
You don't realize vampires are more dangerous than gifted humans."

"They are?"
Clark asked me.

"Yes, Eric has ripped plenty heads off in his lifetime, especially when I lived in Louisiana to protect me.
Vampires can easily rip a human being in half, but there are good vampires who aren't in nests that don't harm humans."
I tell him.
"The ones in nests are pure evil."

"Is Eric in a nest?"
Clark asked me.

"He has human employees so no.
I mean I used to live with him, so no I don't think so.
Nest vampires couldn't care less about humans, only seeing them as food."
I tell him, and I bite into my cream filled donut, I then made a grossed out face, making Clark laugh.

"Is it that bad?"
He asked me, and I nod, throwing the donut away.

"It's too rich, so yeah."
I say after spitting out my bite then wipe my mouth with a napkin.

Clark chuckled a little and then got sober.
"You don't eat sweets much do you?"
He asked me.

"Sadly no."
I tell him honestly.
Then I ask.
"Is Superman really famous?"

Clark cleared his throat.
"Yeah, did you meet him again?"
I nod to him.

"He saved me from a man called Joker."
I tell Clark.
"Superman is a sweet person, and I'm not used to it....I mean I'm used to chaos, cause I lived with Eric awhile, but I'm not used to how gentle Superman is.
Back in Louisiana Eric is a really cold hearted man, but has a sweet side to him that he only shows me, so I've seen his cruelty upon others."

"I see."
Clark says to me.
"So Superman being so kind and gentle is new to you?"

I nod to him.
"Yeah, and I kinda like it."
I say, me flustered as I rub my neck nervously.

And Eric was severely jealous too.
I thought to myself.

"You have bruises on your neck."
Clark comments, and I blink at him saying that, my heart racing, and me even more  severely flustered.

"It's nothing Clark."
I turn away from him, and get back to fixing snacks for other employees.


My shift was over, and I was walking upon the sidewalk, and my fingers were upon my neck that I feel bruises at when I touch them, my heart racing at knowing they are there, and I was extremely flustered by it.
I barely remember anything that happened when Superman rescued me, because I was drugged, so I couldn't recall what he could've done to me.

I arrived home, and as I stepped into my apartment, I felt a presence in my apartment.
I then call out.

I walk into my living room, and I heard boots walk behind me, and Superman's voice says to me.
"I came to check up on you after last night."
I turn to face him.

"I'm fine."
I swallow hard, my heart beat picking up.

I felt him take my hand into his, my hand with the wedding ring.
"Someone told me you are going to get married?"
He inquired.

"It's only for my protection from vampires."
I tell him.

"Would it be wrong that I kept seeing you?
Well even if you are married?"
Superman asked me.

"I don't mind."
I tell him, and I gasp as he tugged me to his chest, and one hand of his goes into my hair, and I go wide eyed when he deeply kissed me, kissed me like he's starved, and his tongue tasted every inch of my mouth, and soon he pulled away, and I breathe hard from that kind of kiss.
You want to see me in that fashion?"
I ask in a breathless way.

I told you last night how I felt."
He says to me.

"Um....I barely remember."
I say to him, nervousness of telling him that laced into my voice.

"You barely remember last night?"
He asked me and I nod.
"The drug must've been powerful to wipe your memory."
He seemed miffed by that, that I don't hardly remember last night.

"I'm sorry."
I tell him, a guilty look upon my face.

"It's fine."
He says to me, and I felt his fingers graze upon both sides of my cheeks in a gentle way, causing warm gooseflesh to form upon my nape, and upon my arms and legs, and since I can't see well I don't even shave my legs, core, nor underpits, which is due to I am afraid that I'll cut myself bad, so whatever happened last night I bet it was us having sex, and he saw how hairy my body truly is, and at least he didn't shame me for it.
Because most men shame a woman for being that hairy.
Well.....Eric didn't bother about me not shaving either, but I bet in the Viking times women never shaved, so he must be used to it I figured.

A knock sounded at my door, and I felt Superman let my cheeks go, and I mutter.
"I gotta get that."

I didn't hear Superman reply, and I go to my front door, trailing my hands upon the wood, and to the metal knob, and slowly open the door, and the scent of Eric's expensive cologne, which was Soleil Blanc, and it hits my senses.
I blink rapidly.
I ask in shock.

"Yes, it's me.
I wanted to visit you again."
Eric's voice sounded like he was worried about me.

I swallow hard as I heard his fangs click out, and a rumble of a growl hits the air.
"Who the hell is he?!"
Eric snarled out, and he walked into the home, which I already invited him in months ago before I met Superman.

I heard a loud slamming noise.
"Who are you?"
I turn to Eric's snarling voice.

Then Eric groaned in pain, and I heard bones snapping, knowing Superman pulled Eric's hand off him, me knowing Eric slammed Superman by the throat into a wall.
"I am her protector."
I heard Superman say to Eric.

"Your smell was allover her, so I hardly believe that!"
Eric snarled out as I heard popping noises, knowing he healed from his hand being probably broken by Superman.

I walk to stand between the two, my hands upon each of their muscular chests.
Don't fight!"

"Kara, you're mine not his!"
Eric hissed out to me.

"That is for her to decide."
Superman says rather calmly, him being the level headed one of the two men.

"Yes it's my choice, and I can't choose between you both, so give me a break!"
I say to them both.

"What are you?!"
Eric growled out to Superman.

"Someone even you cannot kill."
Superman says to Eric.

"So you're keeping secrets huh?"
Eric says sarcastically to Superman.

"It is not your business to know exactly who and what I am."
Superman says to Eric.

"And yet you fucked her!
She should know exactly what you are!"
Eric grits out at Superman.

"Boys enough!"
I slap both my hands upon their chests, pulling my hands back each a little, and slapping their chests.
"I don't care if you're both not human, and all that matters is you care enough about my safety."

I felt both their eyes upon me at that moment.
"Just stop fighting, because I grew up with it, and I don't like it!"
I pull my hands from their chests.

"You never told me that."
Eric says to me, sympathy in his voice.

"It went on alot before my biological father up and left me and my Mom."
I tell Eric.
"My Mom and him fought constantly.
Him even beating on her.
He's the reason my Mom never remarried."

I put a hand to my forehead.
"Please don't act like children in my house.
I mean Eric you're over a thousand years old and Superman.....um....I don't know how old you are, but I bet you're old enough to know not to argue like an insolent child, so let's get along."
I say to them both.

I sit on my long couch, putting my feet upon it, legs flat.
"And if you two do fight I'll have to pay for the damages to this complex, and I don't need a billion dollar bill."
I say to them both.

Eric looked to this man Kara called Superman, and earlier he slammed the man in blue and red tights into the nearest wall by the throat, and he looked unfazed by it, grabbing Eric's hand, and pulling it off his throat, and breaking his hand, but Eric's bones reconstructed as well.
The man wasn't human indeed, he even did not smell human.
Eric knows if the man wasn't fazed with inhuman vampire strength then he isn't human, point blank ain't human.

And Kara seems too relaxed around this guy, who smells not human, and has strength stronger than my vampire strength.
Eric thought to himself, glaring at the man she called Superman.

"What does the S stand for?"
Eric asked Superman.

"Where I am originally from it means hope."
Superman says to Eric.

I perk up at that.

"Yes, I am not from this world, but I was raised with human beings."
Superman says to me and Eric.

"So you're the question humans are seeking, if other life is out there?"
Eric asked Superman.

Superman nods saying.
"Yes I am."

"I figured you were not a normal person.
I am a thousand years old, and the only person stronger than I, is my Maker, the other I made meet the sun."
Eric says to Superman.
"I promised Godric I would take care of her."

She doesn't know it, but she is blood related to Godric, and Godric has kept an eye on his descendants for centuries.
Eric thought to himself.
She's his last living descendant, and I in a forbidden way fell for her, which if Godric were alive he would rip me apart.

"And who is Godric?"
Superman asked Eric.

"My maker, and there are none above him."
Eric says to Superman.

"Godric is a nice vampire and was the only vampire that ever killed his maker."
I tell Superman.
"He was a sweet caring person.
He refuses to drink from humans."

Superman looked at Kara, seeing the painful sad look on her face as if she missed Godric.
"And why did you swear this to Godric?"
Superman looked to Eric.

"She is his descendant."
Eric says honestly to Superman.

"I'm what?!"
I exclaim to Eric.

"You are Godric's only living descendant."
Eric says to me and I gape in shock.

"So that's why he treated me differently than when he met Sookie!"
I exclaim in shock.

"Yes indeed."
Eric says to me.

Hold up!
Since you were turned by him, then doesn't that mean it's incest us you know?!"
I ask Eric.

"No, since I was born in the Viking era under a different family by a king and queen."
Eric says to me.

"But you were turned by his blood, so surely you share the same DNA?"
Superman inquired.

"I may have his blood within me, but technically my DNA is different than his."
Eric says to Superman.

"I feel like I'm committing sinful incest relations now."
I say honestly to Eric.

"You are not, trust me on that."
Eric says rather sarcastically to me.

"To me and Kara it seems so, since we are brought up quite differently than you vampire."
Superman says to Eric.

"It may seem that way but no."
Eric says to us.

"Still I feel gross because I had sex with you alot Eric.
That I committed an awful unjust sin."
I say to him honestly.

Eric sighs at my reply.
"Just say it, that you do not want to marry me for your protection Kara and I'll leave."

"I never said that!"
I exclaim to him.
"I'm just shocked I'm related to Godric to be honest and you kept it from me."

"I would be as well if I were in your shoes."
Superman admitted honestly to me.

"Not helping tidy whities."
Eric scoffed at Superman.

"Tidy whities?!"
Superman grits out angrily and I heard the two get face to face.
"You will wish you never called me that you bloodsucker!"

"Bring it!"
Eric snarled out.

I get up, and whacked both of them in their heads, jumping up to do so, since I'm so short, and both men are tall as fuck.
Stop fighting like insolent two year olds on crack!"

Eric I heard him step back and so did Superman.
"We need to get along.
Both of you want to protect me, so why not work together?"

"Work together with tidy whities?!
You're insane Kara!"
Eric scoffed sarcasm lacing his voice.

"I'd rather pass as well."
Superman says to me, and I heard Superman open my deck sliding glass door.
"I must go.
We will discuss this later."
I heard a whoosh and knew he left, and Eric closed the sliding door, and I heard the lock click.

Eric turned to me.
"I must go as well.
Dawn is approaching.
I will be at the nearest vampire hotel."
Eric then kissed my cheek, then I heard a whoosh noise, knowing he used his vampire speed to zoom out of my apartment.


To be continued......

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