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Here's the next chapter.......


I groan as I got up this morning from my alarm from Achmed The Dead Terrorist saying.
"Get up or I'll kill you!"

I shook my head, and stand up, me in my night t-shirt and underwear, and I feel around for clothes to wear in my drawers, and thinking of last night, Eric left after Superman did.
The two hate each other, which isn't on my bingo card.
I sigh as I'm in my shower scrubbing my body, and I had an incling feeling I'm being watched.

"Eric if you installed cameras in my home I'm going to castrate you!"
I grit out under my breadth.

I listen with my ears, but I heard no footsteps or anything.
"Maybe I'm imagining things?"
I talk to myself.

Once finished with my shower, I dressed in a Naruto black shirt, and black sweatpants that had Naruto on it on one leg.
I left my apartment and headed to work, annoyed Eric could've installed cameras in my home.

I arrived at work, opening the door, and I bump into someone, and an arm caught me around my waist.
I could smell Clark's cologne, which was I think Axe Phoenix, the same underarm deodorant I use.
I heard him clear his throat.
"You alright?"
He asked me.

"I'm fine.
Being blind it's easier to run into people."
I say to him, since my hands were on his cheap suit, my fingers then clenched trailing  his suit with my nails that need a trim.

"I can see that."
He pulls away from me.

"A letter came for you today at The Daily Planet Kara."
I heard my boss Perry White say, and I step to walk around Clark.
"It's in brail."

Eric no doubt.
I thought to myself, taking the envelope from my boss, and felt it, and opened it, as I did, I cut my finger a little, and I flinch as blood dripped to the floor.

Clark took my bleeding finger, and I felt his mouth place over it.
I heard the boss walk away as soon as he handed me the letter.
Clark sucked on my finger until the bleeding stopped.
He then tugged me to the break room, and I heard him rummage around, then I felt him place a bandaid on my finger.
"Thanks Clark."

I then pull the letter out, and trail my uninjured finger over the brail letters.
"This is a marriage contract."
I felt there was many pages.
I sigh at that.

"Seems that vampire is in a rush to marry you."
Clark I heard hinted jealousy in his voice, but it went away.
I didn't understand why he was jealous, but I brushed it aside.

"I have to sign this."
I tell Clark, and he handed me a pen.
I feel where the line curve to let me know where to sign, I then sign my name in half cursive and half print.
"Most likely he will visit my home to retrieve this."
I tell Clark, as I put the brail letter into it's envelope, and it did have some blood specks on it from me cutting my finger.

I place it in my side bag, and Clark says.
"So will you have a ceremony?"
Clark asked me.

"I'm not sure."
I tell him honestly as I fixed some green tea with milk, and no sugar, and honey for me.

I got a chill all of a sudden and shiver.
"Are you cold?"
Clark asked me.

"No I get chills once in awhile."
I tell him.
"It's normal for me, sometimes I jerk from it."

I felt his hand go to my cut finger.
"I don't think you should fix food today with that finger unless you use gloves."

Is there any around?"
I ask him.

"I can go buy some for you."
He says to me.

"I'd appreciate that."
I tell him, smiling in his direction.

"I'll go now."
Clark walked away.

I sip my tea I made, my mind on the marriage contract.
It's very explicit about blood sharing, which I've been doing that already with Eric.
But blood sharing is an intimate thing vampires do.
Blood sharing is during sex, and Eric expects me to do alot of blood sharing in the marriage contract.
I ran my fingers through my dark short hair and sigh once again.

It has been ten minutes since Clark left, and I have begun to make drinks for employees but not food, due to my injured finger.
As I was fixing me another cup of tea, I heard footsteps walk in behind me, making me tilt my head up.
I inquire.

A familiar voice says to me of Alcide.

I turn around in shock.
I ask, and I felt warm arms hug me to a muscular chest.
I pull away, tilting my head to the side so I can listen to his voice.

"Yer a sight for sore eyes Kara.
I really missed you in Louisiana, so does Sookie."
Alcide says to me.

I heard Clark's voice inquire, and Alcide I heard shift his weight to face Clark.

"Clark this is Alcide.
He's a friend of mine."
I tell Clark, and I could feel Clark's eyes boring into Alcide.

"Don't worry bout me.
I'm here on Eric's orders."
Alcide says to Clark.

"The vampire?"
Clark asked.

Alcide I heard his weight shift towards me.
"So he knows?"
I nod.
"Clark is a work colleague, so he's trustworthy.
I lean on him alot here at work."

"Eric must be raging jealous."
Alcide chuckled.
"I'm here for the paperwork he sent you today.'

"The paperwork?"
I ask, and walk over to where I remember where my side bag is, and pull out the envelope that has speckles of blood on it, and then walk over to him.
"So you're his errand boy once again?"
I giggle at Alcide.

"Eric is a major prick, but I owe him for covering my Dad's debts.
If it involves you I don't mind coming to Metropolis."
Alcide says to me, and I felt his smile in the air.

"Eric will be waking up soon anyways.
He'll be expecting you Alcide to deliver the said paperwork."
I tell Alcide, me sassing him, and wink at him.

Alcide chuckled.
"I see what's going on here.
You want privacy with Clark."
Alcide winked whispering that.

"I think Clark has the wrong idea so yes."
I whisper back.
"Since you're my bodyguard in the past back in Louisiana."

"I know."
Alcide says to me.
"I should get going.
Anyways Eric will be upset if I'm late.
And congrats on him marrying you."
Alcide then hugged me and left.

"Who's Alcide?"
Clark walked up to me.

"He used to be my day bodyguard when Eric was sleeping in Louisiana."
I tell Clark.

Clark asked me.

"Vampires aren't the only things that exist.
Alcide is a werewolf."
I whisper to Clark.

"A werewo-...."
I cover his mouth.

"Don't say it.
Weres haven't revealed themselves to the public eye yet, because there are religious organizations that hate vampires, seeing them sin, and if they find out about shifters, they'd hunt them down like the ancient days, and I don't want that for Alcide or his people, or Sam.
Sam is the owner of a bar in Bon Tempts, and he has a family, an adopted daughter that's a wolf, and another shifter daughter."
I whisper to Clark and he nods.

I pull my hand away.
"I trust you with this information, so keep it a secret."

"I will."
Clark says to me.

"Thank you."
I tell him.
"I appreciate it.
Alcide and Sam are close friends of mine.
I care about them both."
I then grab my cup of tea and sip it more.

"So Louisiana has things like that?"
Clark asked me.

Critters running around.
Even werepanthers."
I tell him.

Clark asked.

My phone then says "Sookie Is Calling."

"I better get that."
I then set my tea down, and walk over to my side bag, pulling out my phone, and I put my face to it, seeing the button flashing for me to answer, and I slide it up, putting it to my ear.
"Hey Sookie."

"Are you still in Metropolis?"
She asked me.

"Yeah, why?"
I ask her.

"An old vampire called Remus just woke up, and me, Eric and Bill are having issues with him, so we need to have you stay there and don't come home."
Sookie says to me, then the line went dead.

I then realized my phone ended the call.
"Everyone is in trouble at home.
Some ancient vampire called Remus is starting trouble back home.
Sookie told me to stay here for my safety."

"Superman may keep you safe if you ask him?"
Clark says to me.

"I'd like that.
Eric will be busy dealing with that Remus guy."
I tell him.
"To be honest I'm scared for Eric.
I do still love him, and I do not want nothing to happen to him."
I say more to Clark as tears dripped down my cheeks.
"Eric brought me out of the darkest time in my life, when I was struggling with being legally blind, me wanting to give up on myself, and he was my light at the time.
I owe him alot, and he owes me.
I don't want nothing to happen to him."
Clark hugs me to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair.

"It's okay.
I'm sure Superman can help.
I am friends with him, so I can tell him you need help?"
Clark says to me.

"Thanks Clark.
You're a good friend."
I then, sniffle wiping my eyes of tears.

Yeah I'm a good friend."
Clark says to me, hugging me tighter to him.

I wish I could tell you my secret.
Clark thought to himself.
But I'm afraid you will spill the beans if captured by Joker, or worse Lex Luthor.

I pull away from the hug and smile up at him.
"Thank you."

"You're welcome."
I heard him open a box and slip on some gloves on my hands.
"Will it be hard to feel anything?
You know to see?"

"I've worked with gloves before while blind, so it won't be bad.
You don't need to worry."
I tell him.
"Have everyone ask me what sandwiches they want and I'll make them, okay?"

"I will.
Can I have tuna?"
He asked me.

"That's your signature sandwich isn't it?"
I giggle at him.

"Yeah, unless you want to change my appetite?"
Clark says to me.

"How about I make you a cucumber sandwich?
I make the best cucumber sandwiches."
I tell him.

I'll try it."
Clark says to me.
"I gotta go work on an article, but will you be okay chopping the cucumbers?"

"Yes I'll be fine.
I'll yell for you if I cut myself again."
I tell him.

Clark says to me, then I heard him walk out of the break room.

I began preparing the cucumber sandwiches for the other employees, including coffee.
I made hot chocolate for Clark with whipped cream, and cinnamon, and sugar sprinkled on top.
I then delivered each employee their lunches, they each thanked me, and I got to Clark, setting his hot chocolate down, and his cucumber sandwich too.
"Hot chocolate?
How did you know?"
Clark chuckled at me.

"When you took me to dinner, remember?
You ordered it."
I say to him.

"Oh, right.
I forgot."
Clark says to me.

"You can take me to dinner again if you want?"
I ask him.

"I'd love that."
Clark says to me, and I heard the smile in his voice.

"Though I'm getting married to Eric, I can still have male friends."
I sat next to him in a chair.

"Whoa you're getting married?!"
Patricia an employee asked me.
Who's the lucky guy?"

"His name is Eric."
I tell her.

"Eric who?"
Patricia asked.

"Eric Northman."
I tell her.

"Eric Northman?
Never heard of him.
Is he smoking hot?"
She asked me.

"Yes he's smoking hot."
I giggle at her.
"And he's older than me."

"How old?"
She asked.
"Is his balls saggy?"

I bust out laughing.
"You wish."

"I'm serious!"
She whined.

"He's not particularly a guy who basks in the sun."
I tell her.

He's a vampire?!
I heard vampires came out of the coffin, but I never met one."
Patricia says to me.

"A vampire?
You let a dead thing fuck you?!"
One male employee mocked me.

My boss hits that employee over the head with a paper.
"Don't pick on the blind just because they love someone different than you!"

"Sorry boss."
I felt my boss nod in the air at me.

"Thank you boss."
I tell my boss.

"Invite me to the wedding."
My boss says to me.

"I will."
I tell Perry White my boss.

"Anyways is Eric loaded?"
Patricia asked me.

"Yes he is.
But I don't love him for his money if you're asking that."
I tell her.

"I know you're not.
I was just curious.
But is he more loaded than Lex Luthor?"
She asked me.

"I don't know who Lex Luthor is."
I tell her.

"He's Metropolis' billionaire extraordinare."
She says to me.
"Even Clark knows who he is."

Perry our boss walked away.
"Nope never heard of him.
I'm from a small town in Louisiana.
But originally elsewhere in Kansas like Clark."
I tell her.

"Are you from Smallville like Clark?"
She asked me.

I tell her.
"Also known as Hutch.
It's point blank in the middle of Kansas."

She says to me.

"Clark is from Smallville."
She says to me.
"And it looks like you two are close."

"He's just a friend."
I tell her.

"So you ain't cheating on the vampire with Clark?"
She asked.

I scoff.
If I did I'd be in trouble literally."

"What do you mean?
Does Eric give you punishment sex?"
Patricia joked, and I nervously clear my throat.
She gasped.
"Wow he does!"

I shook my head, me flustered, and I stand up.
"Enjoy your cucumber sandwich Clark."
I then walk away.

"She's lucky to have such a guy to please her that much in bed."
Patricia sighs.

Clark didn't realize Kara would get punishment sex, but was it good though?
He shook his head, him not wanting to become even more jealous of a bloodsucker.
She loved him, but also she cared about Clark who is Superman too, or she wouldn't of responded to him during sex though drugged.
He wanted to have sex with her again badly, since it's all he thinks about.
He sighs after drinking more of his hot chocolate, and him polishing off the cucumber sandwich, and Kara was right, her cucumber sandwiches are the best, they are now his favorite to eat if she makes them.


To be continued.....

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