The Final Chapter

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Shawn laid in the tub, holding a handful of pills and a bottle of vodka. Tears were streaming down his face. He took a deep breath before he swallowed the pills and gulping down the vodka. After drinking half of the bottle, he dropped it onto the floor.

He laid back into the tub, letting the water falling from the showerhead fall on his face. Soon Shawn felt his eyelids felt heavy. "Sorry, Steve. " He whispered as he felt himself diff away.

"Shawn?!" Tony yelled out as he walked into Shawn's apartment. The apartment was silent except for the sound of the shower running.

Tony walked towards the bathroom. "Shawn?" Tony called out as he stood in front of the door. He didn't hear the reply, so he pushed the door open. He let out a gasp as he saw Shawn's pale, naked body lying in the tub.

"Oh, fuck! Shawn?!" Tony ran over to the tub, checking Shawn's pulse. It wasn't there. "No. Nonononono. " Tony quickly pulled Shawn out of the tub. "Friday! Call an ambulance! " He said into his watch as he began doing CPR on Shawn.

"Fuck. Please wait up. Please wake up." He begged as he realized Shawn wasn't responding to the CPR.

"Mr. Stark! We're here!" A female paramedic said as she and her partner ran into the bathroom. "He took a bunch of sleeping pills and painkillers with vodka. " Tony said as he pointed to the two empty pill bottles and a vodka bottle.

"We have to hurry and get him to the hospital. " The other paramedic said. "Friday call Rhodey and Pepper. Tell them I'll be at the hospital. " Tony said as he watched the paramedic's lift Shawn body up and placed him on a gurney.


Tony sat beside Shawn's bed, holding his hand. The doctors had saved him just in time, but he was in a coma. "I'm so sorry I didn't help you," Tony whispered, tears falling down his face. He had Found Shawn's letters to Steve.

"I knew something was wrong; I just didn't know that it was this. God." Tony whispered as he lifted his other hand, running his fingers through Shawn's hair.

The door opened as Rhodey, Vision, and Peter walked in. "How is he?" Rhodey asked as Peter pushed him over to the left Shawn's bedside. "He's in a coma, but the doctors managed to save him just in time. He overdosed Rhodey."

"He overdosed? On what?" Rhodey asked with wide eyes. "Oxycodone. A bunch of pain killers and sleeping pills. And it was all because of Rogers." Tony replied as he glared at the letters in his hand.

"He hasn't been sleeping or eating. How come I didn't notice it, Rhodes?" Tony mumbled. "No one saw it, Tones. No one." Rhodey said. " he going to be okay?" Peter asked.

"The doctors said he would be," Tony mumbled. "Does Captain Rogers know?" _cVision asked. "I don't know Viz, nor do I care. This is all his fault. I'm going to kick his fucking ass." Tony growled as he stood up.

"Tony! Tony look! You need to calm down and stay here with Shawn! Think about him!" Rhodey said. "Leave it be, Tones. " Tony took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"You're right, Rhodey. But mark my words, I'm going to fucking kill Rogers." Tony swore as he sat back down. "You have to wake up Shawn before I do something stupid," Tony whispered to Shawn.


The End....Or Is? This Story Was Shit I Know But Eh Whatever. I Enjoyed It!

Who Should I Do A Dear Book To Next?

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