chapter 20

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Gabriel walked up to Jack's room maybe ten minutes after the others left. He was carrying snacks and bowls and spoons for the ice cream he found. The door was open, and Jack was laying on his stomach looking miserable. Gabriel knocked lightly on the door.

Jack looked over to find his uncle.

"Hey, kiddo. I brought you some comfort food. You like ice cream and popcorn? Please tell me Sam hasn't corrupted you with his dad awful salads," Gabriel joked as he walked inside.

"I like them. But I've never heard them be called comfort food. How does it comfort you?" Jack asked.

"By tasting amazing," Gabriel said. He put the ice cream on the table by the bed and started spooning it out into two bowls.

Jack sat up on his bed. "Is Sam mad at me?"

"Nah. Sam knows what it's like to say things you don't mean when you're upset," Gabriel assured him.

"I really didn't mean it," Jack said. He knew it wasn't right for him to say what he did to Sam. He was just angry.

"I know. It wasn't cool though," Gabriel said.

"I know, but it's not fair. Father let Sam go, and he's the one that would be in the most danger. I could help, but he won't let me," Jack said miserably.

"Sam needed to go. That thing did some terrible things to him. He needed to see it die so he could feel safe again," Gabriel said before handing the kid a bowl of ice cream. "Besides, Sam is an adult. He can decide for himself if the danger is worth risking himself."

"So am I," Jack said firmly.

Gabriel winced, knowing the young Nephilim wasn't going to respond well to what he was about to say. "Not really, kiddo. I mean, your body looks about late teens, but you're much younger than that. It's been less than a year, right?"

Jack nodded.

"Which means you are very young, too young to make certain choices yourself. You don't know the damage that that being has done and still could," Gabriel said.

"But I could..."

"Hey, I know you're powerful. There are very few beings out there more powerful than a Nephilim. And you will be able to use that power to do a lot of good, and from the little I know about you, I believe you will, but you need to learn to use it all first. Lucifer's not cutting you out because he doesn't trust you or anything like that. He's trying to protect you until you can get a handle on your power. He loves you and he doesn't want you hurt." Gabriel said.

"You think he loves me?" Jack asked.

"Of course, he does. I know he doesn't say it, but that's just because he's never been good at that. But I've seen him with you. He loves spending time with you. He makes sure to protect you at all costs. He wants you to be safe and happy. Don't doubt that he loves you, Jack," Gabriel said.

"But he'll leave eventually," Jack said sadly. His father told him he wouldn't leave him, but Jack didn't see how that was possible. His father couldn't stay in the Bunker forever, if for no other reason than because Dean wouldn't let him.

"And you'll go with him," Gabriel said. He wasn't sure Lucifer wanted Jack to know that yet, but Gabriel didn't want Jack thinking that his father was going to leave him one day. He needed to know that wouldn't happen.

"Really?" Jack asked surprise. He had never considered that his father would want him to go with him when he left. He just assumed he'd be staying with the Winchester's and Castiel. Honestly, he wasn't sure how he felt. He wanted to be with his father, but he liked being with Sam, Dean, and Castiel as well. How could he choose?

"Yeah. He told me himself that he intends to take you with him," Gabriel said.

"What about the others?" Jack asked.

"I'm sure you'll be able to see them. Hell, you have the power to see them whenever you want. But let's table that discussion. You can talk to your dad about it when he comes back. In the meantime, what do you say I drag Sam's TV in here and show you some classic movies?" Gabriel asked with a smile.

"I don't think I'm supposed to have fun. I think I'm being punished," Jack said.

Gabriel smiled wryly. Nephew, I have much to teach you about getting around rules and punishments. I'm a pro, especially where your father is concerned. There is this great thing called a loop hole that I'm going to introduce you to. See, Luci said you couldn't leave this room. He never said anything about fun or TV, so technically, we're not breaking any rules.

Jack smiled back at him. He knew already that he was going to like his Uncle Gabriel.

Before Gabriel could do as he'd just suggested, he heard a loud bang, followed by voices. He couldn't help it, he flinched as soon as he heard it and his heart started to pound. He wondered if he would ever stop freaking out at the slightest thing.

"Stupid freaking humans!" Dean's voice echoed from close by.

"It's strange. I've heard angels say that quite frequently," Castiel was saying.

"Sammy?" Dean called. He then started peeking in rooms until he reached Jack's. "Hey, where's Sam."

"He's not here. He went with Father, Uncle Amenadiel, and Maze. You finished your hunt already?" Jack asked. That was pretty quick. It usually took a couple of days to conduct a hunt. Dean and Castiel had been barely gone a day.

Dean scowled. "It was freaking waste of time. It wasn't even a real hunt. Just a couple of sick freaking humans. We drove all that way for nothing."

"Where did everyone go?" Castiel asked.

"Luci's freaky abomination made it's way back to this reality," Gabriel said.

"What? What about my mom?" Dean asked.

"No sign of her, so she probably isn't here. They all went to stop the thing once and for all," Gabriel said.

"Wait, so we went out to something that turned out to be just a couple of gruesome human murders and the action was happening here?" Dean asked irritably. It was freaking unbelievable. He'd figured he'd come back and they'd still be nowhere with stopping that thing, and instead, this was where the action was.

Gabriel and Jack both nodded.

"Oh, come on!" Dean complained.

Just then, more voices were heard, causing all of them to turn towards them.

"I don't want to hear any more of this Amenadiel!" Lucifer was saying with a large amount of annoyance in his voice.

"Luci, we need all the help we can get," Amenadiel said.

"The bloody idiot will be no help," Lucifer said before turning the corner and walking into Jack's room. The others followed him.

Sam locked eyes on Dean, surprised that he and Cas were back so soon. "Hey. When'd you get back."

"Just now. It was a wasted trip. It was just some normal, random murders. I hear the real action was here. Though from what I just heard, it didn't work out," Dean said. He'd heard the too angels fighting, so he assumed Lucifer's monster was still alive.

"Oh, no, Lucifer killed it," Sam said with a smile. "It's finally gone, Dean. We never have to worry about it again."

"Well, then what are they arguing about?" Dean wondered.

"It doesn't matter. It is not going to happen," Lucifer said, sending a glare towards Amenadiel.

"Luci, we're talking about Michael here," Amenadiel said.

"Michael? That dick's in the cage where he belongs. What's he got to do with anything?" Dean asked.

Amenadiel and Lucifer explained to those who weren't present what happened with Lucifer's creation and what it had told them.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Now we've got another asshole archangel to deal with?" Dean asked unhappily.

"We will if Michael makes it here," Sam said.

"Which means, we need more help," Amenadiel said with a pointed look towards Lucifer.

"And your plan is to spring another version of the ponce from my cage to do it? What sense does that make?" Lucifer asked.

"What? You want to release Michael? No freaking way!" Dean said firmly. For once, he was with Lucifer. There was no way they were releasing that dick.

"Our Michael isn't like that one. He's an ass, but he's still semi dedicated to protecting Father's creations," Amenadiel said.

"The apocalypse," Sam pointed out.

"I did say semi. Look, we need help here. We can't take him on alone," Amenadiel said.

"Why? We can handle the situation. You are just as powerful as Michael is, and I'm not so bad off myself anymore. We can handle him," Lucifer said.

"Except it won't just be him. If he makes it here, he's going to come with an army, same if we make it to him. To win, we need more of us. We don't have the numbers for seraphs, so we we'll have to make do with another archangel. Besides, no one will know how to fight Michael better than Michael," Amenadiel pointed out.

"I think Amenadiel is right," Sam said.

"Sam!" Dean exclaimed.

"We need all the help we can get. The problem is, Lucifer's creation said Michael was basically insane from being locked in the cage," Sam said.

"Anything it says is questionable, but if so, hopefully, we'll have time to try to get him back to normal," Amenadiel said before turning to Lucifer. He couldn't do anything unless Lucifer agreed. He was the one who created the cage, so he would have to open it.

 Amenadiel didn't know how without the seals.

"Suck it up, Lucifer. It seems like it's necessary," Maze said.

"I know you don't like it, bro, but they may have a point," Gabriel said.

Lucifer sighed. "Bloody Hell! I'll think about it."

"We've got time before we have to worry about this, right?" Dean asked.

"Probably some, but we shouldn't waste a lot," Amenadiel said.

Dean nodded and turned to his brother. "Think we can talk?"

Sam nodded and led the way out of the room.

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