chapter 6

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Dean was pacing the bunker angrily. He couldn't believe they'd possibly just let the Devil go after Jack. Actually, correction, Sam and Cas let him go when Dean tried to stop him.

"Dean, stop pacing and calm down," Sam said.

Dean rounded on his brother and friend. "What the hell were you two thinking? How could you let him go after Jack?"

"We couldn't stop him, Dean. Neither could you. Trying was only going to get yourself hurt," Castiel said.

"We could've tried. You said his Grace was depleted. He said the same. That means he's weaker," Dean said.

"Weaker in terms of not being almost completely invulnerable, but he's still an archangel. It still wouldn't take him much to kill you. Not toe mention that Amenadiel's power is not depleted. He's the most powerful archangel currently around," Castiel said.

"So, we did nothing. Now the Devil, assuming that he actually is who he says he is, has Jack. He's gonna try to turn him and use him for his power!" Dean growled.

Maze laughed from her spot at the table. "Are you crazy? Lucifer doesn't care about power. He cut half of his out for crying out loud. If he could, he'd cut out every angelic piece of him, just like he did his wings."

Castiel gaped at the demon in shock and horror. "He cut off his wings?!"

"Well, I cut them off for him," Maze said.

"If he cut off his wings, he really can't care about power," Castiel said. So much power came from an angel's wings. He couldn't understand how Lucifer could have his wings cut off. Castiel had been lost since his wings were broken. It was how he'd been so vulnerable to allowing himself to be possessed. He'd wanted a purpose again.

"Well, then what the hell does this dude want? I don't believe he has no ulterior motives, and I really don't believe his story about Free Will," Dean said.

"I'm not sure that he does want anything as far as Jack's concerned. He wasn't happy to find out that Jack is his son," Sam said.

"Unless he's lying. Look, we know how evil he is," Dean said.

"Do we? We don't know anything about this guy. We can't even trust what Cas has told us because it turns out he may have been lied to," Sam said.

"Are you saying we should trust this dude?" Dean asked in disbelief. Was his brother crazy. This was the freaking Devil. At least that was what the bastard said. Dean still wasn't positive if he believed him.

"No. I'm saying that we don't know anything about him. We have to approach the situation differently. We can't assume we know his motives. It seems we may not even know the truth about his history," Sam said.

Dean couldn't deny that his brother had a point. No matter what his name was, they didn't know what this guy was all about. "Cas, do you think he was telling the truth?"

"About being Lucifer? His Grace says he's Lucifer, but so did the other one's. However, if Lucifer poured his Grace into this being, it would. I can't think of any other explanation for why two beings would seem so similar. I think it is likely he's telling the truth about that," Castiel said.

"And his history?" Sam asked.

"Everything I know about his history comes from what I've been taught. Lucifer and Amenadiel were right. I was no more than a child when Lucifer fell. I don't actually know what happened," Castiel said. He felt like everything he'd ever been taught was being called into question. The story of Lucifer's fall had been ingrained in every angel for thousands of years. It was difficult to accept that it all might have been a lie.

"Alright, well, I'm not about to believe that the Devil is good," Dean said.

"Good. He'd be pissed if you did. He's not good, but he's not evil either," Maze said.

"Why haven't I killed you yet?" Dean asked the demon.

"Because you can't," she answered with a smirk.

Just then, there was a flutter of wings. Jack appeared seconds later.

"Jack!" Sam exclaimed.

"Jack, are you alright?" Castiel asked as he approached the boy.

"Yes. I was worried about you all. I met my real father. He said he'd here," Jack said with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, but we're all fine," Sam assured him.

"For now. Alright, let's kill the demon and find a way to ward this place against archangels," Dean said. The words were barely out of his mouth before the two archangels appeared.

Maze laughed. "Well, that plan worked brilliantly, Winchester."

"Well, I see everyone is so pleased that we've returned," Lucifer said with a smirk.

"Get out. We don't need you anymore," Dean said with a glare.

"Yeah, I'm with him. It's been fun at all, but I don't think we really need idiot hunters to take out your creation. What can a couple of humans do?" Maze asked.

"We've taken care of the bastard before, sweetheart. What have you done about it?" Dean asked irritably.

"If you took care of it, it would be dead," Maze retorted.

"What's going on?" Jack asked.

"Quite a bit," Lucifer said before removing his suit jacket and draping it over the counter. "First, you ought to forget what you've been told about me."

"No, you shouldn't. Don't listen to him, kid," Dean told Jack.

"Ignore him. The situation's been explained to him, but he apparently can't understand proper English," Lucifer told Jack.

"Dean is a good person. He helps people. He says you're evil. That you hate humans and you want me to be like you. I won't! I won't be evil like you," Jack said firmly.

"Good for you," Lucifer said with a satisfied smile. His offspring wasn't half bad for a teenager. "I admire those who want to separate themselves from their parents. It's Free Will at its finest."

Jack frowned in confusion. "But I thought you wanted me to be like you, evil."

"First of all, I'm not evil. It's a common and irritating misconception that the term evil is interchangeable with the Devil. The Devil, as in me, refers to the ruler of Hell. The one who punishes those who deserve it once they've died. Well, I do punish the living now, but that usually involves jail cells, which is actually supposed to be considered good. But don't let that term get around. I don't like that anymore than evil," Lucifer said.

"So, you're saying you don't hurt people?" Jack asked.

"Well, I've roughed several up who deserve it, but I've never killed a human," Lucifer said.

''Yeah, like we're going to believe that. You're hurting a human right now be being inside him. If that dude's still sane, he's probably losing that sanity little by little watching everything you do," Dean said.

"He's not still sane, though his sanity was gone long before I met him. He was a paranoid schizophrenic. He was surrounded by voices when I met him. His only desire was quiet and rest, so I offered him a deal. He could sleep in the back of his mind if he allowed me to possess him," Lucifer explained.

"Yeah, right," Dean said skeptically.

"I don't lie," Lucifer said.

"Not even when he should. Sometimes his honestly is problematic," Amenadiel said before narrowing his eyes at his brother. "Like telling everyone you come across that you're the Devil."

"I am the Devil," Lucifer said.

"So you claim. I'm still not sure I buy it. I'm not just gonna start believing that the bastard we thought was the Devil wasn't the real thing," Dean said.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

Lucifer sighed and quickly went through the story once more Jack would understand.

"So, there are two of you?" Jack asked. Even after hearing it all, he was still very confused.

"No, there's only one of me. I am one of a kind," Lucifer said.

"So, what about the other guy who says he's you? Who is he?" Jack asked.

"Not he, it. Let's not confuse it with a person. It's just an abominable creature I needed to create to free myself.

"You hear what he just said, Jack? He created it. If he's telling the truth, he's the one who unleashed this thing on the world," Dean said.

Lucifer approached the hunter. "I infused my Grace into it, yes, but that monster would've existed in one form or another even if I hadn't, curtesy of the Mark of Cain, which was forced on me by my father. So, in truth, he created the evil, didn't he?"

Dean was about to retort when suddenly something occurred to him. "Wait a second. I know you're lying. I can prove it. We've met God.

 So has the  Lucifer. And guess what? God acknowledged the bastard as his son. Are you really gonna try to convince us that God couldn't tell the difference."

Lucifer laughed loudly. "No, of course he knew the difference. He just didn't care enough to enlighten you."

"Why would he keep it a secret?" Sam asked. He hadn't thought about Chuck before, but his brother made a good point.

"Because he's a bloody bastard," Lucifer said as if it explained everything.

"He has his own reasons for the things he does," Amenadiel said.

"He may not have seen any reason to inform us. You were fighting Amara, not Lucifer, or whatever he is," Castiel said.

"Whatever is," Lucifer corrected.

Castiel ignored the archangel's words. "There was no reason to tell us. Plus, he needed its help to stop Amara."

"So, you're saying Chuck played him? He went through all the trouble of apologizing just..."

"He what?!" Lucifer asked sharply.

"Oh, boy. You might have just poked the bear," Maze said with a smile.

"He apologized to it?! Are you bloody kidding me?!" Lucifer asked angrily.

"Luci..." Amenadiel started.

"No! The bastard is mocking me! How dare he apologize to that thing! I'm the one he wronged! Those words are meant for me!" Lucifer yelled. His eyes flashed red at his outburst.

Jack gasped at the sudden flash of red eyes and stepped back a bit.

Seeing the reaction in his son, Lucifer calmed himself down. "Sorry about that. My father provokes certain reactions, especially when he goes out of his way to piss me off."

Jack nodded, but remained leery.

"Okay, well if this is all true, I'm pretty sure this thing believes he's you," Sam said.

"It wouldn't surprise me. It's probably insane by now. It wouldn't surprise me if its become so distorted that it has convinced itself that it's me," Lucifer said.

Dean rubbed his eyes. "Alright, I'm done with this, at least for tonight." He needed sleep and to think about all this.

"Yes, I agree. We shall look at the situation in the morning with fresh eyes. So, if you'd be so kind as to just point us to a couple of rooms," Lucifer said.

"No freaking way! You assholes aren't staying here," Dean said firmly.

"Believe me, I'd rather not myself. I much prefer my penthouse, but since that option isn't available, I'll have to make do," Lucifer said.

"I said no. I'll banish you if I have to. We know how to get rid of angels," Dean said smugly.

Lucifer was in Dean's face in seconds and his eyes were almost blazing again. "You use that sigil and I will beat you to a bloody pulp! That thing works against anyone with Grace." He glanced over to Jack when he was finished.

"He's right. You can't, Dean," Castiel said.

"Fine," Dean said reluctantly before turning towards the demon. "But she goes. No demon is staying in my house!"

"Believe me, I wouldn't be caught dead. I'm sure there's a bar I can get drunk in and a motel I can stay in," Maze said. There was no danger to Lucifer if she left. These hunters had no power over him.

"Remain close, Mazikeen," Lucifer told her as she got up.

Maze nodded and headed out of the room

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