chapter 7

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The next day, Sam was up bright and early, and drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen. He hadn't really slept well the night before. How could he when the Devil was in the bunker and everything they knew about him turned out to be a lie.

Sam believed Lucifer. He had no reason to lie about that. Who in their right mind would lie about being the Devil. Plus, he'd spent half the night researching everything he could about what the Devil was really about and why he was cast out of Heaven. Lucifer's story made sense with everything he'd read. But just because he believed Lucifer didn't mean he trusted him. He was the Devil, and they knew nothing about him. They didn't know what he wanted or what he was going to do.

Just then, Lucifer walked into the room in his robe. "Good morning."

Sam eyed him carefully, but didn't speak.

Lucifer made his way to the coffee maker. "I certainly hope your coffee is better than your vodka, and your mattresses. Honestly, it was like sleeping on a rock."

"I wouldn't have thought the Devil would be so high maintmence," Sam commented.

"Ah, so you believe me? You are the smart one," Lucifer said with a smile before reaching into one of the cupboards for a coffee mug.

"Yeah, I do. I thought angels didn't sleep," Sam said.

"Yes, well, I'm an exception to that, as I have very limited Grace. I require sleep, though not nearly as much as humans," Lucifer said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

'Why are you here?" Sam asked.

"I told you. I'm here to stop that creature that claims my identity," Lucifer said.

"He's already been stopped. He's trapped in an alternate reality," Sam said. Of course, he and Dean wanted to open it to get their mother back, but they would find a way to leave Lucifer... whoever he really was behind.

"That's not good enough. It needs to be destroyed," Lucifer said firmly.

"Why? Why do you want him killed so much now? This is the second time he's been let out. Where were you then? He tried to end the world and you didn't care," Sam said accusingly. So many lives might have been saved if Lucifer had intervened the first time, or better yet, not created this thing.

"I didn't know he'd been released. I had left Hell by then. And it shouldn't have been possible for him to be released. That is why I made the locks to that bloody cage so elaborate, and made sure only two demons knew about it," Lucifer said.

"I'm willing to guess one of them is Lilith," Sam said.

Lucifer nodded. "As the final lock, she had to be. She's the one that started breaking them. She despised the fact that I put my Grace into that thing, and once I had, she spoke of it like it was something to be revered. I didn't think she'd try to let it out though, if for no other reason than self-perseverance. It would kill her after all."

"All demons couldn't have known who you really were. Too many of them have referred to him as the real thing. One of them would've let something slip," Sam said.

"You're correct. Most thought was me. I found that somewhat entertaining. While a part of me was insulted by the fact that the idiots took someone else as me, I also enjoyed their stupidity, as well as the knowledge that I was right under their noses and could punish them for it whenever I chose," Lucifer said with a smile before taking a sip of his coffee. "Now, my turn for questions. I've been told my brother was killed by it. I need to know if it's true."

"I'm pretty sure a lot of your brothers were killed during the apocalypse. I don't know how many were killed Luc... him," Sam said.

"I'm only concerned about one at the moment. Gabriel," Lucifer said. It certainly bothered him that many of his siblings were murdered, but none of them mattered as much as Gabriel. He was the one he needed to know about.

Sam stiffened, and his hands shook slightly. To cover it up, he placed them in his pockets. "It's true."

"You're sure? Gabriel plays tricks sometimes," Lucifer said. He wasn't ready to give up yet. He needed some hope that his brother had set this all up.

Sam nodded sadly. "His wings were burned into the ground and he gave us a DVD for the event of his death. I think he had it a while. I think he knew he wouldn't survive the apocalypse.

Lucifer's hope was torn to pieces. Yes, it was still possible, but not entirely likely, especially when Gabriel left a will of sorts. Lucifer struggled to maintain his mask as the pain of knowing for sure that his brother was dead took ahold of him. He quickly reapplied the mask though.

"Tell me what happened."

Sam managed to get a glimpse of Lucifer's stricken face for a split second before the Devil hid it once more. He could tell that Lucifer loved Gabriel. "Some Pagan gods got ahold of my brother and me. They wanted us to lead them to who they thought was you. Gabriel was posing as a Pagan. He came to help."

Lucifer smiled, but he knew it came out as a sad smile. "What a way to throw the finger at the old man. I'm proud of you, little brother."

"Gabriel actually wanted the apocalypse to happen. Well, what he really wanted was for the fighting to stop," Sam told him.

"Yes, he always hated it when Michael and I fought. He wanted it to stop. Unfortunately, Michael and I hated each other by then. Nothing could stop it," Lucifer said.

"Anyway, Gabriel did decide to help us get away from the Pagans. He was really trying to protect them from his 'brother's' wrath. Unfortunately, it didn't exactly work out like we wanted," Sam said. He then explained everything that happened between Gabriel being caught by Kali and him coming back to save them. "He was willing to take you on to save everything, even if he didn't realize that it wasn't really you.

"I don't understand. It was a fool's move. Gabriel was the youngest of us, which means his power was the weakest. Well, until I cut my Grace out anyway. He knew he would never be able to withstand me at full power," Lucifer said as he tried to make sense of it. He couldn't understand why his brother would do what he did. He had to know taking 'him' head on would be a death sentence.

"Are you saying he knew he would die?" Sam asked with actual fear in his voice. If that was the case, then the guilt he already felt would be a hundred times worse. They convinced him to go back into that hotel. He and Dean told him to fight to stop 'Lucifer'. Sam felt guilty enough over that, especially since he'd started the whole thing when he killed Lilith. If Gabriel had knowingly gone to his death because they pressured him to, Sam would never forgive himself.

"That or he didn't think I'd go through with it. And if it had been me, he would've been right," Lucifer said. There were no circumstances where he could see himself harming Gabriel. He was the one person in the whole world whom Lucifer would never touch that way. Well, now Jack was another. He may not want to be the boy's father, but he was, and he would neither hurt him or allow anyone else to.

"I'm not sure which scenario is worse," Sam said. Either Gabriel willingly sacrificed himself or he died thinking he misjudged the love his big brother had for him. The worst part was that if it was the latter, it wasn't true. Gabriel would've died thinking his brother was so far gone that he didn't give a damn about him, and it wasn't true. Sam could tell that Lucifer loved Gabriel very much.

"Neither am I," Lucifer said. He and Sam just looked at each other for a few moments, both grieving the loss of the same person. Lucifer didn't know if the hunter realized it or not, but Gabriel mattered to him. He could see the sorrow in him. "It doesn't matter. The bloody abomination is going to pay for what it's done!"

Just then, there was a flutter of wings before Amenadiel appeared. "Good morning."

Brother. Where have you been?" Lucifer asked.

"Checking on things in Heaven. I informed the other angels about the truth about you, Luci. I think they actually believe me this time," Amenadiel said.

"You're an archangel, aren't you? Don't they have to listen to you?" Sam asked.

"They don't have to believe me. They have been taught by Michael to believe his version. And truthfully, I have been more than a bit hesitant in taking charge. Its never been something I've wanted," Amenadiel explained before looking at Lucifer, who appeared more emotional than Amenadiel had seen in quite some time, though that wasn't saying much. "Why do you seem upset brother."

"I'm not upset!" Lucifer protested.

"I told him about Gabriel's death," Sam said quietly.

Amenadiel stared at Lucifer before gaining the courage to ask the question he was dreading an answer to. "Are we certain?"

"As certain as we can be. I don't see how he could be alive at this point," Lucifer said.

Amenadiel closed his eyes sadly. He wasn't as close to Gabriel as Lucifer, no one was really, but he still loved his baby brother. Very few could make him laugh, but Gabriel did, quite often.</p><p>Jack suddenly walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jack," Sam greeted.

"Good morning, Sam," Jack said before turning to Lucifer. "Good morning, Father."

Lucifer was rendered quite surprised. He wasn't expecting such a title. The boy was frightened and distrustful of him just last night. Plus, Lucifer wasn't used to anyone calling him such a name.

"I'm sorry. Should I not call you that?" Jack asked. He honestly hadn't been sure of what to call him. He didn't feel it was right to call his father by his name, even if he was the Devil. Anytime he'd encountered to father and son since he was born, he noticed the children address the fathers accordingly.

"No, it's acceptable. I was just momentarily surprised," Lucifer said.

"I'm gonna put on another pot of coffee. Once Dean and Cas come down, we should figure out what happens now," Sam said before going over to the coffee pot to start another pot.

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