Adorable (Castiel x fem!reader)

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Castiel was talking with Sam and Dean when you wandered in. You didn't notice the two men and the angel because you were on the phone, deep in conversation with Charlie. Castiel watched as you made your way over to a shelf that Sam had meticulously organized and grabbed a book. You caught Castiel's gaze when you turned back around and flashed him a smile. He raised one hand and waved awkwardly, his cheeks a deep red color. Sam and Dean had to bite back snickers.

As soon as you were out of the room, the Winchesters turned to Castiel. "Dude, you got it bad," Dean said. Castiel tilted his head in confusion. "I do not understand. What do I have?" Sam chuckled as Dean rolled his eyes. "He means you like Y/N." Another look of confusion came across the angel's face. "Of course I like Y/N. She is a very likable human." Castiel still had a hard time with understanding human emotions.

"That's not what we mean, Cas. We mean you like her more than you like Sam or me. You like her me out here, Sammy!" Sam couldn't speak since he was laughing so hard. "What's so funny?" your voice came from the doorway, surprising the three of them. Sam and Dean glanced pointedly at Castiel before they both left the room. "What's with them?"

Castiel turned to you and opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again immediately. He never knew that humans could be so lovely. Not only were you physically beautiful, but you were kind, compassionate and strong. Castiel was convinced that you had stars in your (e/c) eyes, but he couldn't understand why he felt this way. He remembered feeling something similar to this with Meg, but with you, the feeling was stronger and he couldn't help but stumble over his words when he was around you. What he didn't know was that you found his awkwardness absolutely adorable.

"You okay, Cas?" you asked, placing a hand on his forearm. He nodded and blushed at the contact. You gave a little laugh and shook your head fondly. "No you aren't. There is something bothering you." You looked up into his blue eyes that made you want to melt. When your eyes met his in such an intimate way, Castiel realized what Sam and Dean had been talking about. He couldn't help himself and before he knew it, Castiel had you pushed up against a bookshelf and was kissing you deeply.

When Castiel backed away, your eyes were wide in surprise. Castiel started stuttering out an apology, but stopped when you began laughing. "You are just too adorable." Castiel smiled and took your hands in his. "I never knew humans could be so lovely. I understand what Sam and Dean were talking about now." You got up on tip toe and kissed his cheek. "I like you too, Cas, but I'm going to have to teach you other ways to kiss. Not that what you learned from the Pizza Man isn't great, but there are other ways. Now, how about we go to my room and cuddle while we watch a movie?" Castiel nodded and let you lead him from the library. From the opposite end of the room, the Winchester brothers were smiling widely. "It's about time," Sam said and Dean responded, "Yeah...just hope they don't make out in the library again. Not something I ever wanted to see."


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