OTP (Dean Winchester x fem!reader)

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You laughed at something Dean said while Sam and Gabriel watched the two of you from across the bunker. "Are you sure they aren't together?" the angel asked Sam. Sam nodded as he turned his attention back to the lore book in front of him. Gabriel was almost disheartened by the news. He'd been around for a long time and had seen the amount of love humans had to give. Gabriel would give anything to see you and Dean together. In his opinion, there were no two people more suited for each other. Gabriel smiled to himself as his trickster mind began to formulate a plan.

The next day, Gabriel appeared in the bunker, scaring the life out of Sam, you and Dean. "What the hell, man?" Dean asked as you let out an exasperated sigh. You'd think you'd be used to angels just appearing. "What do you want, Gabriel?" Sam inquired. Gabriel gave the three of you a cheeky smile before snapping his fingers, causing you and Dean to disappear. Sam looked at the angel wide-eyed. "What did you do? Where are they?"


You and Dean stood stock still in the middle of a forest. You were surround by a group of people, most of them carrying weapons. "They must be some kind of test sent by the Game Maker," one of them said. "Dean, where are we?" you asked quietly, not taking your eyes off the arrow pointed at your face. You'd heard the phrase Game Maker before, but you couldn't place it until Dean replied, "Son of a bitch. He zapped us into the frickin' Hunger Games!"

"Are you serious?!" you cried, causing the people around you to jump and tell you to be quiet. "You'll give away our position then we're all sitting ducks!" one of them whispered harshly. "How do we get out of here?" Dean asked you and you wracked your brain. "Well, the only way out of the arena is to win the games, but we aren't in the business of killing people, Dean and even if we were, only one of us could win."

The group of teens looked at you like you were crazy and lowered their weapons. You exchanged a glance with Dean before turning to the girl in front of you and saying, "I'm sorry for this." You punched the girl in the face and took her weapon while Dean began beating on the nearest one to him. Soon, all the teens were unconscious. "Now what?" Before you could answer, you heard shouting in the distance and footsteps racing toward you.

Knowing what you did about the fandom, you figured these teens would be coming to kill the two of you. "We gotta go!" you told Dean, taking off in the opposite direction. "Wait! Why are we running from a bunch of kids?" You rolled your eyes. "Because Winchester, I don't really want to kill children and they are going to kill us if they catch us. So let's move!"

As the two of you ran, your brain went into overdrive, trying to think of a way to get out. Suddenly, it struck Dean. "Hey! Y/N! How did Katniss get out of the arena in the second movie?" You took a deep breath. "Read a book, Dean!" You knocked an arrow in the bow you'd taken from the girl and aimed it at the barrier. As soon as the arrow hit, the forest disappeared and was replaced by a field.

"Now where are we?" Dean asked. You shook your head. A non-descript field and could be anywhere. The two of you began walking, unsure of where to go. "Where'd you learn to shoot a bow anyway?" Dean asked you suddenly, making you laugh. "I did some archery when I was younger. Muscle memory, I guess." You were just relieved that you still had the weapons you'd taken from the teens. You heard a thundering in the distance.

"What is that?" you asked Dean. He shrugged. The loud noise got closer and closer until you saw them. Hundreds of horses. You cursed under your breath. Of course Gabriel would send the two of you into one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. Game of Thrones. "Dothraki," you whispered to Dean. Dean's eyes widened. "You've got to be kidding me! I am so gonna kick Gabriel's ass when we get home."

"We have to get home first, Dean." As the horses began circling the two of you, Dean moved closer, wrapping his arm around your waist. You glanced up at him for a moment in surprise. He'd never been so protective of you before, not even on a particularly dangerous hunt. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were scanning the horses and their riders.

You soon found yourselves being dragged behind horses with your hands tied. Dean was glaring at the riders who kept looking at you like you were a piece of meat. You couldn't understand a word they were saying, but you did know that the knots they tied would be easy for you to get out of. After all, you and Dean had years of experience. You had to wait until you could safely get away though and right now was not the time.

"I'm gonna kill him, Dean." Dean didn't have to ask to know you meant Gabriel. "We'll do it together," he muttered through clenched teeth as the Dothraki gave his back a push with his foot. "We have to get out of here, Dean. These guys keep looking at me in an overly friendly way." Dean's eyes narrowed again. "If we stop to make camp, we will never make it out before they...you know."

"Okay. So what's the plan?" You took in your surroundings. "The tall grass. We get in there. They'll only send a couple of scouts after us. We take them out or die trying. Although, I'd rather not die." Dean nodded as the two of you stealthy began working at the ropes around your hands. Sooner than you thought, your hands were free and took off running, Dean at your heels. You headed for the tall grass, hoping you would make it out alive. You kept running until you burst through the tall grass into a another forest.

"Really?! What more could he possibly throw at us?!" Dean cried. You shook your head, you legs aching from running. "Let's sit for a minute. My legs are killing me," you said and Dean nodded. "Why do you think Gabriel did this?" Dean looked at you pointedly. "He's a trickster and an angel. Why do they do anything? He's a dick." You couldn't help but laugh at him. Dean thought that about all angels except Cas. "I mean, why just us? Why not Sam too? Or Cas?" Dean's brows furrowed and his bottom lip puffed out. You couldn't help but stare at those lips.

"Y/N?" Dean's voice brought your attention back to him. "Sorry, what?" He chuckled and said, "Let's get walking. We've got to find a way home." You readily agreed and followed Dean through the newest forest. You observed your surroundings, feeling as though you'd seen it before. "Dean...this looks really familiar." The tree line was beginning to thin out and you could see a road.

As you began to cross that road, you heard hooves approaching quickly. "Y/N, look out!" Dean called, pulling you out of the way a little too forcefully causing you both to fall. Your back hit the ground and Dean was hovering over you. His striking green eyes stared down at you, scanning you to make sure you weren't hurt. "Did my carriage splash you?" a voice called. Dean moved and helped you up. When you saw who it was, you groaned. "We're in the damn Enchanted Forest, Dean!"

"As in fairy tales and all that crap?" You nodded, casting a glance at the person leaning out of the carriage. She had black hair, pale skin and red lips. "That's Snow White," you mumbled before smiling at the princess. "Not at all. Thank you for stopping. It's nice to see such a friendly face." You shot Dean a look that said to let you do all the talking.

"That's alright. We can all use a friend or two. I'm Snow." You smiled at her. It was nice not to have to run anymore. She invited you into the carriage. Dean looked skeptical, but followed you in anyway. "You're not from around here, are you? You're clothes are definitely not from this realm." You exchanged a glance with Dean. "You got that right, sweetheart." You elbowed Dean in the ribs. "She's a princess, Dean! You can't talk to her like that!"

Snow watched the exchange between you and chuckled. "You two are perfect for one another." The two of you looked between yourselves and her in shock. "Oh, we're not...I'm..." you continued to stutter, but Dean was silent. "I know true love when I see it," was all Snow said. You bit your lip. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step on any toes!" Snow exclaimed seeing your discomfort. "No, princess. You're right. We are perfect together," Dean said suddenly. You looked at him wide-eyed. Had he just said what you thought he said?

Dean turned to you and said, "I, uh...I haven't said this to anyone in a quite a while, but I love you, Y/N. I have for a long time." You felt your eyes water. Snow was smiling uncontrollably. "Dean, I-I love you, too." A beautiful smiled graced Dean's features and, being the man of action he was, he grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours.

"Finally! My OTP!" Gabriel's voice broke the two of you apart. You blinked and realized you were back in the bunker. You backed away from Dean and glared at the angel. "Two things, Gabriel. One: stay off the internet. I never want to hear you use the phrase 'OTP' again. And two: get out of here before I take your angel blade and shove it so far up your ass you'll taste it." With a WHOOSH, Gabriel was gone. Dean's arms snaked around your waist as he turned you to face him again. "Remind me to thank him later," he whispered before he kissed you again, deeply and passionately.


(a/n: I do not own ANY of the fandoms above. They all belong to their authors/creators! Needed to throw that in there since there's such a mix of fandoms lol.)

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