Two Demons & a Winchester (Crowley x fem!reader x Cain)

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You never thought you'd find yourself in this situation. Never. You were a hunter for goodness sake and a Winchester! Demons and all other forms of monsters were all in line to kill you. Not to date you. Yet, here you were listening to two demons fighting over you. They didn't know you could hear them since you had stopped around the corner when you heard the raised voices.

"And why should she be interested in the Father of Murder? Y/N is a woman of class despite growing up with Moose and Squirrel," you heard Crowley say. You weren't sure if you should be flattered or offended by that comment. "She is indeed a woman of class, which means she would be interested in a gentleman, something you are not," Cain's calm voice argued with the King of Hell. You honestly couldn't believe your ears. They were both interested in you?

You were actually pretty flattered that they were fighting over you. You couldn't deny your attraction to either demon. Crowley was suave and sophisticated, always dressed to impress and then there was Cain. Cain was calm and quiet and a gentleman, despite your status as a hunter. They were two sides of the same coin and you had no idea what you were going to do. After a bit of thought, you decided to just go into the library and get the book you needed.

You rounded the corner and the two demons immediately stopped arguing. "Hello, boys," you greeted nonchalantly, as if you hadn't just heard their argument. Crowley smirked and said, "That's my line, Darling." You smiled at him before turning to Cain. "How are your bees doing, Cain?" Cain was taken aback and Crowley glared at him as he assured you the bees were fine. "Good seeing you, boys," you said, grabbing the book you needed and turning to leaving the library.

"Y/N, wait!" Crowley stopped you. You forced yourself to hold back a grin as you looked back at the two of them. "Yes?" The two exchanged a glance before gazing back at you. They both looked a little...nervous. You laughed softly. You set the book down and walked back over to them. Your eyes flicked between the hazel ones of Crowley and Cain's baby blues. "You heard us," Cain stated simply and you nodded. "Yep." Another glance between the two of them. "You have a choice to make, Kitten."

You sighed heavily. How in the world could they expect you to choose between them? They were so different. Plus, they were demons! Your brothers would lose their minds if you got involved with a demon. "I...need time to think," you said, grabbing up your book again and walking out of the library. Crowley snapped his fingers and disappeared followed quickly by Cain.

After thinking on your own for a while, you decided that you had to talk to someone about what was going on, or at least some of what was happening. You chose to talk to Sam because, as wonderful as Dean was as a brother, Sam was always the more compassionate of the two. Dean didn't do chick flick moments and this would definitely be one of those.

You made your way to Sam's room and knocked on the door. "Yeah?" You opened the door slowly and looked up at your brother. "What's up, Y/N?" You quickly let it out, explaining that you had two men that were interested in you and that you were interested in and that you had to choose. You left out the fact that the two "men" were in fact Crowley and Cain.

"We don't have a case right now, so why don't you ask them both on a date? You can get some alone time with each of them and then see where it takes you," he explained. You cursed for not thinking of that yourself. "Thanks, Sammy!" you cried wrapping your arms around Sam's waist. You rushed out of his room, nearly running into Dean. "What's with you?" You pushed passed him and called back, "Have Sam explain. I've gotta make a call!" Dean shook his head fondly. "Why is our sister so weird?"

You called Crowley first, knowing you would actually have to summon Cain. He refused to use the cell phone you tried to provide him. Crowley agreed to a date, as long as he got to plan it. "Wear something dazzling, darling," he said before hanging up, leaving you to wonder just what you'd gotten yourself into. You'd just finished getting ready when Crowley appeared in your room. "You look lovely, Y/N. Shall we?" he asked, offering his arm. You took it just as he snapped his fingers and you felt the world shift.

"Where are we?" you inquired, making Crowley smile. "Italy. More specifically, Venice." Your eyes widened. He'd brought you to Italy for a date? "Come on. This is my favorite restaurant in all of Italy." You had to admit, you were impressed. The King of Hell certain came with perks. You enjoyed a candlelit dinner and then a gondola ride under the stars. Crowley snapped you back a few feet away from the bunker so he could walk you to the door. "Thank you, Crowley. I had a lot of fun tonight." You leaned in a pressed a kiss to his scruffy cheek before turning and walking inside.

The next day, after your brothers left the bunker, you summoned Cain. He wasn't too happy about it at first. "Well, if you would use the cell phone, I wouldn't have to summon you," you retorted with a smile. When you mentioned a date, Cain perked right up again. In his usual, quiet manner, he told you that he already had the perfect date in mind. "Lead the way," you said cheerfully. Cain smiled and transported you from the bunker.

You appeared in front of his house, wearing a bee keeping suit. Cain lead you through the process of caring for the bees and harvesting the honeycomb. He stood behind you, guiding your hands. It was mostly quiet, just like Cain. The main sound was buzzing of the bees. When the bees were all taken care of, you and Cain went inside for lunch and tea. For once, you didn't feel rushed or like you had to constantly look over your shoulder. After lunch, Cain took you back to the bunker and, just as you did with Crowley, you kissed his cheek and walked back inside.

Sam and Dean were waiting for you. They were both smiling so you knew they'd found the note you left them about your date. "How was it?" You grinned at Sam and told him that you enjoyed it. Dean looked suspicious for some reason. "How'd you get there? None of the cars are missing from the garage and we took the Impala." You swallowed thickly. You knew you'd have to fess up. "I didn't take a car because I didn't need to. My date just kinda...transported me. It was Cain."

"CAIN?! You went on a date with Cain?! That's the next worst thing to going on a date with Crowley!" You looked down, suddenly interested in your shoes. "Oh, no! Crowley, too?!" You nodded as you heard Sam whisper you brother's name. Dean turned back to face you. "Have they hurt you?" You shook your head. "Are you happy?" A nod. "Fine." Dean walked out of the room, leaving you and Sam alone.

"So, Cain and Crowley, huh? Have you decided who?" You shook your head again. "I need to think about it a little more before I make my decision. I'll see you at dinner, Sammy." You retreated to your bedroom, throwing yourself back on your bed as you tried to decide which of the two demons you liked more. Cain or Crowley?

Both dates had gone extremely well, even if they were very different. Your date with Cain had been quiet and intimate, while Crowley treated you like a princess. But who to choose? You spent the rest of the day and the night thinking about it. Both demons had positive and negative traits, but which one could you see yourself with? By dawn, you were exhausted, but you had made a decision. You decided to take a nap before you called the two back to the bunker for your answer.

You told your brothers what you were going to do and Dean grumbled, "Great. The Bachelorette in our bunker starring our sister!" You laughed before shaking your head and calling Crowley. Then, you summoned Cain. They glared at one another before smiling at you. You gave your brothers a look, indicating they should leave. Sam gave you a smile while Dean leered at the two demons in front of you.

Once they were gone, you turned back to your two "suitors". "Boys, this was a really hard choice for me to make. How could I possibly choose between you both? You are both wonderful in your own way. It was agonizing," you began, gesturing for them to sit down. They both did, still wondering just what you were going to say. "I couldn't choose. So, I'm going to propose something different. How do you feel about all three of us being together?" The two demons exchanged a glance. This could work.


(a/n: I never know how to end one-shots with the reader having pick one or the other.)

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