Age Don't Mean a Thing (John Winchester x fem!reader)

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(a/n: I gave the read an age so it wouldn't seem like John was trying to get with a kid.)

"You alright?" John asked you for the third time since you climbed into the truck after the hunt. You'd gotten a little beat up and had a cut that would need stitches. "I swear, Winchester, if you ask me that one more time I'm gonna shove my foot where the sun don't shine," you snapped making John chuckle. The two of you had been hunting together long enough for him to know that you weren't serious.

"We'll be at the motel soon and I can stitch you up, Sweetheart," he said and you nodded. You wanted nothing more than to get clean and in bed. True to his word, John pulled into the motel parking lot a few minutes later. "Alright, come on. Let's get you taken care of." You followed him into the room your were sharing for the night and sat down on the bed while John went to grab his kit from the bathroom.

You took off your flannel and got a better look at the cut on your arm. It was pretty deep. "Let me see, Sweetheart." You felt yourself flush at the nickname. You'd always been attracted to the older hunter, but never said anything. First, John was on a path of revenge to find the demon that killed his wife. You would not get in the way of that. And second, at 26, you were much younger than he was. John gently took your arm in his large hand and lifted it up to get a better look.

"Yeah, it's deep," he muttered, cleaning out the wound before sterilizing the needle and bringing it to your skin. You hissed a little, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and taking a swig. You needed it for the pain and to help ignore John's closeness. "Slow down there, Y/N." He could feel you glaring at the top of his head. You took another swig before setting the bottle down. "Damn demons," you growled as the needle poked through your skin again.

John finished a few minutes later, examining his work before finally lifting his head up to smile at you. He was so close. Closer than he's ever been before. If you moved forward just a bit, your lips would touch. Apparently, John had the same thought because the next thing you knew you felt his scruff scratching your face. As much as you wanted to kiss back, you pulled away instead. "We can't, John," you whispered, "We just can't."

John ran his hand over his face and sighed. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I've been fighting it for so long, but I thought...I thought you felt the same." He got up and walked to the door, preparing to go the bar and drink away the pain from your rejection. "John, wait!" He stopped and looked at you over his shoulder. You took a deep breath. It was now or never. "I do feel the same way. It's just...we're hunters, John! I couldn't risk getting attached to you knowing that either one of us could be gone tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that I am so much younger than you. People wouldn't understand," you blurted out.

John turned around and crossed the room in three large strides. Taking your face in his hands, he looked into your (e/c) eyes and whispered, "Your age don't mean a thing to me. You're an adult and, as far as I'm concerned, the world's opinion doesn't matter. As for us being hunters, that's all the more reason to take happiness where we can get it." You gazed into his eyes and smiled.

He returned the gesture and asked, "Now...can we try that kiss again?" You giggled and nodded. John leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in a sweet and gentle kiss. It was nothing like what you expected from the rough around the edges hunter. When you pulled away, you sighed happily and smiled. "There she is. Your smile is beautiful, Baby girl." He kissed your forehead and pulled away. "Let's go get a drink. I want everyone to see the beautiful girl on my arm tonight."


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