Birth in the Bunker (Dean Winchester x fem!reader)

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(Mentions of pregnancy, labor, and birth. Nothing graphic but I know it's a trigger for some people.)

“Man, it’s really coming down out there,” Sam commented, hearing the pounding of the rain above the bunker. It was the worst storm they’d seen in years. Dean walked into the room just as Sam made the comment. You were waddling behind him, your lip between your teeth. “All the roads are closed. The streets are flooding bad,” Dean said. Not that you were really listening. You had bigger things to worry about.

You’d been feeling contractions on and off all day, but you weren’t sure if you were really in labor so you hadn’t said anything to Dean. It could have been more Braxton Hicks and you didn’t want to worry him. Anytime he asked you if you were okay, you’d put on a smile and assure him that you were and it was probably just the discomfort of being nine months pregnant with his kid. He looked like he didn’t fully believe you, but dropped it for now. Sam was a different story altogether.

Another contraction hit, this one much stronger than the ones before, and you gasped. “Hey, you okay?” Sam asked. His brows were furrowed in concern. Dean looked over at you with a similar expression. You tried to nod, but couldn’t. The pain was too much. “Y/N, baby…are you in labor?” You sniffled and actually managed a nod as the pain subsided. “Have you been labor all day? Is that what all the weird looks were about?” Again, you nodded.

“I’m sor-“ you were cut off by an odd feeling, like you were wetting yourself. Bending over slightly, you looked down. A puddle at your feet. You looked up at Dean who wore a shocked and somewhat panicked expression. “Now? You’re having the baby now?! You can’t! We can’t get to the hospital! Wait, CAS!”

“What is it, Dean?” Castiel voice asked from behind you. You jumped slightly. “Y/N’s in labor and we can’t get to the hospital because of the storm. Can you fly her there?” Castiel shook his head and explained that it would not be safe for the baby. “So I have to have this kid here? In the bun-KER?!” you asked as yet another contraction hit you. Sam looked down at his watch. It was obvious he was timing your contractions. Meanwhile, Dean was freaking out.

“DEAN! If you don’t calm your ass down right now, I will shove my foot so far up it, you’ll taste my shoe. Now, get over here and give me your hand,” you ordered. You couldn’t believe that your rough and rugged hunter was freaking out so badly. Castiel was unsure what to do as well. Sam seemed to be the only calm one and he had his nose in a book.

“Is now really the best time to read, Sam?” Castiel asked, cocking his head to the side. “I’m reading up on how to deliver a baby. We have no choice. This kis is coming and we’re the only ones here. Y/N, Cas and I are going to help you, okay?” You nodded. At this point, you were willing to do anything. Sam smiled. “Good, now can you walk?” You shook your head so the three men picked you up and carried you to the infirmary they had set up in the bunker.

Once you were situated, Sam cleared his throat. “Okay, Y/N, I’m gonna have to check how um…far along you are.” Sam’s face was bright red and you felt Dean’s grip on your hand tighten. “No freakin’ way! You are not getting that close to her-“ You used your free hand to grab Dean’s flannel and pull him closer to you. “Dean Winchester, you let him do what needs to be done to get this baby out of me safely. Sure, we’re never going to be able to look each other in the eye again, but the baby it the most important thing. Got it?!” Dean nodded and didn’t say another word.

*time skip*

“Just a couple more pushes, Y/N,” Sam told you. You had sweat and tears running down your face. You had been pushing for what felt like hours. “No. I can’t. I’ll just stay pregnant for the rest of my life.” Dean chuckled and gripped your hand a little tighter. “You can do this, sweetheart. You’re the strongest woman I know. You can do this. You can bring our baby into the world.” With Dean’s encouragement and a sniffle, you prepared to push again.

“Good girl, Y/N. One more and I think we’ve got it. Come on.” Castiel was there to help with the pain when he could, but mostly he was assisting Sam, ready to take the baby as soon as it was born. “Come baby, one more push,” Dean whispered in your ear. You did as they asked and you suddenly heard the shrill cry of your baby filling the room. You let out a sob as Dean kissed your sweat-slicked temple.

Sam smiled. “All ten fingers and toes. Looks like you’ve got a healthy baby boy, guys.” The grin on Dean’s face was beautiful. “A boy? I have a son?” Sam gave a nod as he finished what he needed to do so he could hand the boy off to Castiel and help you finish what you had to do.

When it was all said and done, you held you baby boy in your arms. The little boy seemed to instantly snuggle into you when Castiel placed him on your chest. “He’s so tiny,” Dean whispered, running his finger over the back of his son’s hand. “He’s beautiful,” you said with a sniffle. This wasn’t the birth plan you had in mind. This wasn’t at all how you pictured bringing your son into the world, but it’s what happened. And you had a beautiful, healthy baby boy from it. And the look in Dean’s eyes as he looked at his son made it all worth it.

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