Falling (Sam Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester)

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(mostly a Sam pairing)

Of all the times for Cas to disappear! Having a sprained ankle was not on your to-do list for the day. You had no idea how you'd even fallen down those stairs. That had never happened before and you certainly hadn't needed it to happen today. Not right before a hunt. Unfortunately, Castiel was unavailable to heal you. That meant healing the old-fashioned way, which meant no hunt for you. You hated it.

Well, you hated most of it anyway. You hated that you couldn't hunt and you hated that you could barely move about the bunker. However, having the Winchester brothers waiting on you hand and foot? That you loved. Both of them had different ways of making sure you were as comfortable as possible.

Dean made sure to cook all your favorites and leave them as leftovers while the two boys were away. He even got an extra pie just for you. Sam was the one to make sure you had medicine for the pain and ice packs for the swelling. He made sure that you didn't move if you didn't need to. That meant a lot of being carried in the arms of the giant of a man. While they were gone, you'd have to use crutches or stay put. The latter was easier said than done.

You were constantly on the go so staying still was a no-go for you. Unfortunately, the Brothers Winchester didn't agree. You never thought these two hunters would grow into the biggest mother hens when you were hurt. Sam was worse than Dean, but you could always see the worry in Dean's eyes whenever you tried to do too much. Still, you quite liked the attention, especially from the younger of the two. Until today when it got to be too much.

You needed to use the bathroom and Sam had yet to bring the crutches to you. Not wanting to yell through the bunker, you decided to get up and try to make it on your own. You slowly began pushing yourself up to standing on one leg. You knew you couldn't put any weight on that ankle, so you'd have to hop for it. You took one hop, but as you were about to take another, a sharp called out your name, causing you to tumble to the ground once again.

Sam was at your side in an instant. "What were you thinking?" he asked gently as he helped you back to your seat. You felt tears of embarrassment pricking your eyes. You looked up at Sam and the tears came rushing out. "Hey, you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" You shook your head. You weren't hurt. You were embarrassed of course and frustrated.

"I just wanted to go to the bathroom by myself!" you cried. Sam was silent for a minute before laughing softly. "It's not funny, Sam! I hate this! I just want to be able to do things for myself, like I always do!" Sam placed a hand on your knee. "Y/N, you're healing. There's nothing wrong with asking for help." You groaned. "That's the thing, I don't need help! I can do it on my own if people would just let me! It's a sprain. I haven't broken anything!" You didn't like yelling at Sam, but you were fed up.

Sam sighed. "I know, Y/N. Look, it's only because we care about you. We don't want you making it worse by trying to do too much. But I can see how you'd get frustrated with us hovering all the time. I brought the crutches. How about you go to the bathroom while I grab us some leftover pizza. Then we can watch a movie." You gave him a watery smile. "That sounds good."

True to his word, Sam brought you the crutches. After you finished what you needed to do, you slowly made your way to where Sam was. He had a movie and the pizza already set up. You made your way to the chair and Dean came in a minute later with a stool for you to prop your foot up. He gave your shoulder a squeeze as he sat on your left while Sam sat to your right.

You smiled to yourself as the movie began to play. You still had no idea how you'd fallen down those stair, but you were figuring that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing anymore. Especially not since it gave you time with your favorite men in the entire world. 

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