Devil of a Choice(Sam Winchester x reader x Lucifer)

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(WARNINGS: ANGST!! mentions of blood and death)

You heard them before you saw them and bit back a groan. It had been like this for days now and you were at your wit's end. "Dean, can you please make them stop?" you begged your friend who shook his head. "Not a chance. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Only one person who can." You arched a brow in question but Dean just kept smiling. "What, Dean?" He chuckled. "You really don't know?" You shook your head. "They're fighting over you," he said simply before walking away.

You stood there in shock for a moment before the male voices got louder again. You let out another groan and followed the sound of their voices to the library. Sure enough, Sam and Lucifer were bother in the middle of a screaming match. "Guys," you began but they didn't hear you. "GUYS!" The two stopped yelling and looked at you. "That's enough. I swear, you're worse than children," you grumbled, trying to ignore their stares.

"Y/N?" You sighed at looked up at Sam. "Look...this isn't something I normally do, but I like you. A lot. Probably more than I should considering our job, but so does Lucifer here. We've been trying to handle this with involving you, but we can't." You were silent as he spoke. "I was going to say that, Sammy," Lucifer interrupted with a slight pout before turning to you. "You have to choose, Y/N. It's the only way this is going to stop."

You took your bottom lip between your teeth as your eyes darted between the two of them. There was no way you could possibly choose. You really liked them both. Sam was sweet and caring. He always had your back and made sure you didn't get hurt too badly and Lucifer? Lucifer had this commanding presence about him. While he wouldn't go out of his way for just anyone, he certainly showed that he cared about you, even going so far as to help you with hunts. Only you though. "I'm sorry, guys. I can't choose. Not now anyway. I need some time and we have a hunt, Sam."

*time skip*

"Sam, look out!" you cried as the demon appeared behind him. He barely dodged the attack. You lunged at the demon with your borrowed angel blade. You didn't realize the other demon had appeared behind you. You stabbed the demon that dared to attack Sam just before you felt a hand wrap around your throat. You felt yourself being pinned to wall. "Y/N!"

"Uh-uh, Winchester. You attack me, I snap your dear Y/N's neck," the demon sneered. You couldn't see him, as your face was pressed to the wall, but felt his other hand reach down and wrestle the angel blade from your hand. "You won't be needing this. Now, you can either let us go, or we kill you both, starting with little Y/N here. Bet that would be the worst torture for poor Sammy. Wouldn't it?"

"You do that and Lucifer will see you tortured for the rest of eternity." The demon laughed humorlessly. "Lucifer isn't here." You swallowed thickly, knowing he was right and that the Winchester's wouldn't do anything as long as the demon had you pinned. They wouldn't risk your safety like that. "You really think he won't find you?" You were bluffing. You didn't even know where Lucifer was. Last you'd heard, he'd had a bad run-in with Rowena.

As if on cue, you heard Lucifer's voice. "Well, this is a nasty turn of events. Sammy, you couldn't take care of a few simple demons?" He clicked his tongue in disappointment before he noticed you pinned to the wall by one of his demons. He sighed. "No loyalty. At all." He raised his hand to snap the demon into non-existence, but before he could, you felt the angel blade piercing your skin.

"Y/N!" Sam yelled your name as you felt your world spinning. The demon let go of your neck and you nearly fell. The only thing holding you up now was the angel blade. It felt like you had water in your ears as Lucifer began screaming at the demon. Then, you felt the demon's blood all over you. Lucifer had caused him to explode. You sank to the floor, but Sam caught you before you could hit your head.

"Y/N? Hey. Hey!" Your eyes couldn't seem to focus. "S-Sam?" you asked, your voice soft. "Hey." You forced a smile. "Promise me something?" He sniffled. He was already crying. Lucifer had used too much of his angel mojo to get back to you and kill the demons and his vessel was weak. He couldn't save you. "Anything." You let out a breathy laugh. "A hunter's funeral." Sam nodded, tears flowing freely down his face as he held you. "Of course."

"And no fighting, you two. I love you both and this is no one's fault except that demon's." Lucifer's face grew hot with the rage he felt. You were dying and there was nothing anyone could do. "I promise," Sam said, avoiding looking up at Lucifer. "Luc? Please promise me." He growled. He didn't want to give you up. Not when he finally had something good. "Lucifer! Y/N is dying."

"Fine." You chuckled and nodded to Sam. "Take the blade out now. I'll see you on the other side." Sam did as you asked. "I love you, Y/N." You opened your mouth, but no words came out. Your (e/c) eyes glossed over and your breathing stopped. Sam dropped the angel blade to the floor and pulled you close to him, not caring that he was getting covered in your blood. Lucifer watched on, knowing that he needed to quell his rage somehow.

"Sam, come on. We gotta get out of here," Dean said, carefully crouching next to his brother. "You promised a hunter's funeral. Lucifer?" Lucifer looked at the Winchesters. Sam got up slowly, cradling your lifeless body to his chest. "Fine. Let's get this over with." Dean scoffed. "I thought you loved, Y/N. You're doing a really bad job of showing it."

"I'm Satan! I don't love and no one loves me. And I will never see Y/N again. At the least the two of you have a chance. Y/N's soul will be upstairs. The two of you still have a chance of getting up there when you die. Me? I will be in Hell forever," he cried before using the last of his strength to disappear to Hell. The boys blinked. Lucifer had never shown that much passion before. Instead of saying anything, the boys turned and carried you out side. They used the utmost care as they set you in the back of the Impala. "Good-bye, Y/N," Sam whispered, kissing your forehead before closing the door and getting in the front. Sam leaned his head against the window and let the silent tears fall.d

(a/n: this was supposed to be more fluff than angst...that so did not happen.)

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