Hunter's Care (Sam Winchester x reader x Dean Winchester)

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(a/n: the relationships are platonic!)

From the second you woke up, you knew you were sick. You couldn't breathe through your nose and your throat was sore. Every time you tried to take a deep breath, you ended up coughing instead and you were pretty certain you had a fever as well. Not the best way to start the day, especially since you were supposed to go on a hunt with the Winchesters.

Bundling up in your blanket, you made your way into the kitchen, praying you had some form of medicine to help you feel better. "Y/N? You okay?" You cast a glare at Sam and shook your head. "No. I feel like hell." Sam chuckled. "I can see that. Go back to bed, okay? I'll make a run and get you some medicine and maybe some soup." You smiled at your friend. After a round of coughing, you asked him, "What about the hunt?"

"Dean and I can handle it. The run will be quick and then Dean and I can go." You nodded, hugging your blanket closer to you. "We're not going," Dean said coming into the kitchen, "You look like hell, Y/N." You rolled your eyes. "I'm aware, Winchester. Shut up." Dean simply laughed at you as Sam got up from his chair. "Anyway, Garth's got the hunt taken care of. He said he was in the area and he'd handle it. Looks like you're stuck with us, Y/N."

"Yay," you replied sarcastically, causing Dean to glare at you. "Go back to bed, Y/N," Sam told you again, leaving no room for argument. You did as he said, but only after smacking Dean across the back of the head. "Hey!" You heard Sam laughing at his brother as you headed back to your room. Once inside, you crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

A couple hours later, Dean opened your door and chuckled softly. You were bundled up under every free blanket you could find in the bunker. "How's Y/N doing?" Sam's softer voice asked. "Passed out. Come on, we can bring the soup later." You groaned, indicating that you were awake. "Or you could bring it now," you rasped out, trying to hold back another coughing fit. Unsuccessfully. The brothers shared a laugh. "Alright. Sammy, you stay in here, keep Y/N company. I'll go make the soup." You smiled. You loved Dean's cooking. Sam nodded and came into your room.

"Scoot over," he said and your brows furrowed. "No. We can't have two sick hunters." Sam scoffed and easily moved you over himself. The big moose was stronger than you thought. "I'll be fine. For now, you need some TLC and that's what I'm going to give you." You wanted to argue, but you didn't have the energy. So, instead, you curled into him, a soft smile on your face as you began drifting off again.

"Hey, you're not supposed to fall back asleep before you eat your soup," Dean's voice came from the doorway, making you laugh again. You opened your eyes and Sam helped you sit up as Dean carried in a tray with three bowls on it. "I also brought Game of Thrones. Figured we could catch up." He set the tray down on your lap before taking one of the bowls for himself. He got the TV ready and sat down in the chair nearest your bed.

You finished your soup slowly and hoped your stomach didn't revolt. After you finished, you set the tray down and snuggled closer to Sam again. The three of you watched the TV in silence as you felt your eyelids drooping again. Dean looked over and saw you asleep. Chuckling, Dean got up, turned off the TV and threw a blanket over you and Sam, who smiled. "Take good care of Y/N, Sammy." Sam nodded and Dean walked to the door. He turned around to close it just in time to see Sam kiss your forehead. Grinning to himself, Dean closed the door quietly.

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