First Day on the Job(Dean Winchester x fem!demon reader)

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(a/n: for the purposes of this fic, John's soul is still in Hell. SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON 11 FINALE/SEASON 12)

Turning off his cell phone, Dean took a deep breath. He didn't want anyone interrupting him. He had to do this. For his mother. Steeling his nerves, he buried the small box in the ground and waited. It only took a moment for you to appear in the Devil's Trap Dean had drawn. He may have been desperate, but he wasn't stupid.

It didn't take long for you to realize that you were trapped. The (e/c) eyes of your meat suit met his green ones as you frowned. You quickly averted your gaze and muttered, "Are you kidding me? You call me here and trap me?" Hearing this, Dean scoffed. "I'm not stupid. I don't trust demons, especially crossroads demons. So, until we make this deal and I get exactly what I want from you, you're stuck there, sweetheart." Your frown deepened as you lowered your head and began mumbling.

"Really? My first day and I've already been trapped. And by Dean Winchester of all people." That caught Dean's attention. After a couple minutes, you sighed and looked back up at Dean, not actually looking him in the eyes. "W-what can I do for you, Winchester?" You cursed yourself for stuttering. You weren't really filling in the whole crossroads demon job very well so far. Dean quirked a brow. "Are you sure you're a demon?" You rolled your eyes before they flashed red and then turned back to (e/c).

"Did I hear you say it's your first day?" You nodded. "And I have a quota to fill or it's back to torture for me. So, you obviously called me with a deal in mind. What is it?" Dean ran a hand through his short hair. "I want my dad back." Your eyes widened. "I c-can't. Crowley would kill me. I can't just zap a Winchester out of Hell." Dean almost smirked at your nervousness. Almost.

"Look, you bring him back. Mom is back and she needs him. Give him to her and, in a year, you get my soul back in Hell. One year. Please." You ran your hand over your face and through your hair. "Crowley is going to kill me. He says you're, and I quote, 'a pain in the arse'. He won't happy to know it's your soul." It was Dean's turn to roll his eyes. "Alright. How about we sweeten the deal? Not only do you get my soul in a year, you make it so no one can change it, not even Sammy. No bringing me back. I'll just be gone."

"You would do that just so your mother can have a few more years with your dad?" you asked in disbelief. Dean Winchester was turning out to be nothing like anyone said. Biting your lip, you finally nodded. "Fine. You know how to seal a deal, I assume?" Dean replied that he did as a look a disgust marred his handsome features.

When he grabbed your arms, he felt you shaking. Were you really that nervous? It was only then that Dean truly believed it was your first day as a crossroads demon. He sighed softly before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours gently. The kiss was utterly sweet and simple. Nothing you expected from Dean Winchester. You mentally thanked him for not being forceful or acting disgusted.

When he pulled away, you cleared your throat and let go of his shirt that you'd gripped in your fists while you were kissing him. "The deal is done. Your father will appear as soon as I'm gone. Wouldn't want him to try and kill me. See you in a year, Dean. Could you?" you asked, gesturing to the Devil's Trap. "Yeah." He broke the trap, allowing you to leave.

Meanwhile,Dean was left standing there in the dark, alone. "Dean?" a gruffvoice asked, making Dean turn. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Dad."You'd actually done it. John Winchester was standing there staring at his sonin confusion. His eyes met those of his son and Dean could see the fire behind them."What the hell did you do, Dean?" Dean quickly explained almosteverything to his father, leaving out the part about selling his soul again. Hedidn't realize you were right around the corner. As you watched the two menwalk toward the Impala, you smiled to yourself. Not too shabby for your firstday. You couldn't wait for Dean's year to be up.    

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