Fighting it is Useless -Final (Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester reader) Soulmate AU

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"That's it! You're staying home, Y/N," Dean ordered. You rolled your eyes and adjusted your bag on your shoulder. "You can't make me stay, Dean. Arthur is out there and I'm going to get him back!" you barked back, but Dean shook his head. You continued to argue all the way to the bunker's garage, where Baby was waiting. Your worst nightmare was coming true.

It had been a year since you and Ketch had accepted that you were soulmates. It had been a fight since neither of you wanted to lose the other, especially after you'd almost died from a gunshot wound. Now, Ketch had gone off on a hunt and hadn't been heard from in a few days. It wasn't like him. Not anymore. Not since you discovered you were pregnant. You didn't want your child growing up without their father. You couldn't lose Ketch. You just couldn't. You'd seen what it had done to your brothers when they lost their soulmates.

Dean whirled around and grabbed your upper arms gently. "Please stay here. Sammy and I will find him and bring him home. I promise. You need to stay here and take care of yourself." You opened your mouth to argue, but once more, Sam was the voice of reason. "Y/N, Ketch wouldn't want you out there. Not like this. Not only are you carrying his baby, but you're too emotionally invested. Let us handle it."

You weren't sure if it was the hormones or the thought of losing Ketch, but you broke down in tears. "Why don't you call Cas? Or maybe Mick? They can keep you company. We're going to take all the keys just in case you get any wild ideas." You nodded, knowing there was no point in arguing. You watched them pull out of the garage, tears running down your face. As soon as they were out of sight, you pulled out your phone and dialed a number.

An hour later, Mick entered the bunker. "Hello, luv. You look radiant." You smiled at him. "Thanks, Mick. I need a distraction. Could you help me out?" Mick nodded. "Of course." He started walking in front of you and you pulled your hidden gun out of your waist band. Without missing a beat, you hit Mick in the back of the head with the handle. He crumpled to the floor. "Sorry, Mick. But I need your car."

You quickly fished the keys out of his pocket, grabbed your bag and raced to his car. You didn't hit him hard enough to knock him out long and you needed to get on the road. It wasn't that you didn't trust your brothers to find Ketch. You needed to see for yourself that he was alright. He had been hunting a djinn after all. Those monsters mess with your mind and you didn't want to imagine what was happening to Ketch. You placed a hand on your belly and talked to your small bump. "It'll be alright. I'm going to get your father back."

You drove to Ketch's last known location and followed the clues you found. You knew Sam and Dean had probably already found him, but you hadn't heard from them either. For all you knew, they had been taken by the djinn too.

That turned out to be the case. Your brothers and Ketch were all strung up, like animals for slaughter, ready for the djinn to devour. Luckily for you, the creature was distracted while it fed and you were able to sneak up on it and kill it. It snapped Sam, Dean, and Ketch out of their dazes. "Y/N?" Sam asked surprised you were there. However, you could see the anger etched all over Dean's and Ketch's faces.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ketch snapped as he struggled to break free of his bonds. "You're welcome," you replied sarcastically, moving to help him while Same helped Dean. "I told you to stay at the bunker, Y/N." You glared at Dean. "And I told you, I wasn't losing Arthur. Besides, if I hadn't shown up, where would you be? You'd still be a djinn's chew toy."

You looked up at Arthur, but he was not smiling at you. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked downright angry. "How could you do that? How could you put yourself in danger like that?! You put our child at risk!" Once more you blamed the hormones as your bottom lip starting trembling.

"Don't you think I know that?" you whispered so only he could hear, "I-I couldn't stand the thought of losing you. Of the baby growing up without you." Sighing, Ketch wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," you whimpered. You felt Ketch press a kiss to your forehead. "Come on. Let's go home." You all walked outside. "Is that Mick's car?" You bit your lip and gave a nervous chuckle. "Maybe."

*time skip*

After that day, Ketch didn't go on hunts alone anymore, much to his dismay. As your pregnancy progressed, Ketch tried to find more and more hunts. It lead to many arguments between the two of you. You wanted him home and he seemed to want to be anywhere but there.

"You can't keep running away, Arthur!" you yelled at him one night and he growled. "I do not run from anything, Y/N." You arched a brow. "Really?! Then what do you call this?! You refuse to stay home, despite knowing that I'm due to give birth to your child any day now!" Ketch clenched his fists and punched the wall next to him, making you jump. He had never hit you or even lashed out.

Silence permeated the room while Ketch nursed his rapidly bruising hand. "I don't know if I'm ready for this, Y/N. To be a father. My father shipped me off to Kendrick's at an early age. I never had the proper model." You came over to him, crouched down as best you could, and cupped his chin. "Arthur, you are going to be a wonderful father. You have already shown that you are so protective of our baby and I know there is love in your heart enough for both of us. I've seen it from the beginning, remember?"

He took your hands in his and stood, bringing you with him. He pulled you close and rested his cheek on your head. This was the side of Ketch he only showed to you. Your brothers, Cas and Mick saw little parts of it, but Ketch preferred to keep this part of himself reserved. "I love you," he whispered and you smiled. "I love-" you cut off with a short cry of pain. "Y/N?" Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him. "The baby's coming."

For a brief moment, Ketch was frozen. Then it really hit him. The baby was coming. His baby. In an instant, Ketch grabbed your hospital bag and pulled you out of the room. "Whoa, what's up?" Dean asked when Ketch almost ran into him. His eyes went to the bag in Ketch's hand. "Is-Is it time?" You nodded and Dean moved promptly out of the way. "Sammy and I will meet you at the hospital!"

Several hours later, you were sleeping peacefully and Ketch was holding your baby boy. His eyes were full of awe as he looked down at the little boy. His boy. Now,Ketch had two people he couldn't stand to lose. His gaze traveled from his son's face over to your sleeping form and he smiled. A real smile. He looked back at his son and saw the small mark on his wrist. His soul mark. "My boy, I hope you'll be as lucky as I was one day. I will give you this piece of advice now. Don't be like I was. When you find your soulmate, don't fight it." His glanced back up at you. "It's useless."    

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