We Never Should Have Let Them Dance (Cain x fem!reader)

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"Ow!" Cain looked up from his book at your exclamation of pain. That was the fourth time you'd cried out that way that afternoon. Cain's brows furrowed as his bright blue eyes scanned the room. You and the Winchesters had cleared a space in the bunker's library. Amusement crossed Cain's features when he realized what was happening.

"Ouch! Dammit, Sam!" you cried, pulling away from the giant of a man. "Sorry, Y/N," Sam said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. You let out a long sigh. "It's alright, Sammy. I just expected you to be more graceful. You both have a lot of grace when you fight on hunts. And I only took enough ballroom dance classes to know how, not enough to teach you."

By this time, Cain had set his book down and stood. "And why do the Winchesters need to know how to ballroom dance?" he asked, catching you by surprise. You jumped a little before you glanced at him. "We have to go undercover to get this cursed object. Unfortunately, this particular case requires a knowledge of ballroom dancing," you said with a sigh.

Cain looked at your crestfallen face and caved. "Perhaps I can help. We can show them the proper technique. If you're willing that is, Y/N." You smiled. "Couldn't hurt." Cain took his hands from his pockets and offered you one. "Shall we?" You nodded and took his hand. Cain quickly pulled you to him. One of his arms hands rested on your waist and the other kept hold of your hand. Dean started the music and Cain began to sway.

It was as if you'd been dancing together your whole life. Cain moved with a grace and elegance that you'd never seen before. He lead you in the dance in a way that would make most people believe you'd been rehearsing for months. It was so simple and so easy. You got lost in the music and in Cain's eyes. You stared into them and you swore you were drowning in the sparkling pools. You didn't even notice when the music cut off until Cain dropped his hand from your waist.

"Was that an adequate demonstration?" Sam and Dean nodded. "Yeah, but I don't think either of us could dance like that," Dean said, his mouth hanging open. "Why don't you come with us, Cain? You and Y/N could distract the party-goers while Dean and I look for this cursed object." Cain looked back at you. You were already staring up at him. Or rather, you were still staring. "Would that be alright, Y/N?" he asked you and, without really hearing him, you nodded.

That was how it came to pass that the next night, you were dressed in your finest little black dress, walking into the party with Cain on your arm. He looked incredible in a tux. You shook the thought from your mind as you and Cain were lead inside. The Winchesters would follow behind, pretending to be caterers.

You spent a few minutes mingling. You felt Cain's hand on the small of your back the entire time which made you flush. You almost dropped your glass of champagne when Cain leaned down and whispered in your ear. "Sam just gave us the signal." You nodded and let Cain lead you to the dance floor as another song started.

Just like before, you got lost in Cain's arms. Despite the fact that Cain was a demon and a Knight of Hell, you felt completely safe with him. The chaos of the world faded away as you danced with him. His eyes never left yours. You moved gracefully around the dance floor, catching the attention of the other couples in the room, just like you planned. What you didn't plan for was Cain's lips descending on yours.

Sam stood stock still on the landing of the stairs. He had known that Cain had feelings for you and you for him, but he didn't expect you to kiss right in the middle of a case. The younger Winchester barely moved when Dean reappeared at his side. "Got it! Let's...Sammy? You okay?" Sam chuckled softly, making Dean follow the direction of his gaze. "We never should have let them dance." Even though he said that, Sam could fight the smile on his face.

When you parted from Cain, you felt like your face was on fire. The song had ended and the other couples were applauding your dance. Cain glanced up briefly to see the Winchesters. They nodded and Cain returned his gaze to you. You were smiling, but Cain could sense your embarrassment. He whispered, "Time to go." He wrapped his arm around your waist and lead you from the estate.

As you slowly walked to the car, Cain cleared his throat. "I apologize if I overstepped my bounds, Y/N." You laughed lightly. "You didn't. I just wasn't expecting it, especially not in front of all those people." Cain stopped walking and stood in front of you. He gently cupped your jaw with his hand and smiled down at you. "I couldn't seem to stop myself." You placed your hand over his and kissed his palm. "I'm glad," you said softly, encouraging Cain to lean in and kiss you again. 

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